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http://fittor.top/janwrbulu/ xxxbga The Ivy League school announced Tuesday that the 39-year-old rapper is being honored with the Nasir Jones Hip-Hop Fellowship at its W.E.B. Du Bois Institute. It's a joint venture with Harvard's Hip-Hop Archive.
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After Seaver had thrown his pitch, he was upstairs, just inside the door to the suite where he would watch the game with commissioner Bud Selig, about to be interviewed on television by Erin Andrews. Seaver said, “I’ve never been one to live in the past, it’s why I’ve moved on the way I have in my life. But I’ve always understood how much this sport honors the past.â€Â
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However the idea of “listening to music” was by now on the rise, as you can see in the more private sides of Bach’s output. You don’t dance to Bach’s keyboard dances, they’re too complicated for that. You savour them, for their own sake. It was revolutionary, this idea of listening to music for its own sake, and soon it brought forth all the things that go under the banner of “classical music”: orchestras, concert halls, travelling virtuosos, copyright, the idea of the “genius” - even critics.
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OGX began to hit snags as it replaced the drilling rigs with production platforms that would pump the oil out, taking almost a year longer than its most optimistic forecasts to get its extraction operations up and running. For Batista this was nothing that more money couldn’t solve, and he headed again to the bond markets. In March 2012, OGX raised an additional $1.1 billion. That same month, however, output at the company’s first well in the Tubarão Azul field, part of the Campos Basin, dropped to 10,000 barrels a day, the low end of what Batista had estimated.
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'We live in Ibiza, but we always spend our holidays in Galicia,” said Javier. I had just got chatting to him and his wife, Blanca, as we sat on stools around barrels outside the Mesón Imperial, a traditional bar in the old town of Viveiro. “We love the milder climate and of course the seafood and the wine,” said Blanca, digging into a plate of octopus. Sipping my Valdeorras white wine, made in the south of Galicia, I had to agree.
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Once seen as a possible candidate for the ruling Politburo Standing Committee, Bo was expelled from the Communist Party in September. The party said he took bribes throughout his career and abused his power in the homicide case against his wife, Xinhua reported at the time. He also had improper sexual relations with “a number†of women, Xinhua reported. Today’s charges are by the government, not the party.
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Water from superstorm Sandy is pumped from a flooded basement of an office building near New York's Battery Park, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. The massive storm that started out as Hurricane Sandy slammed into the East Coast and morphed into a huge and problematic system, killing at least 96 people in the United States. The cost of the storm could exceed $18 billion in New York alone. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
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Icahn disclosed a 6 percent stake in Talisman late onMonday, making him its second-largest shareholder, according toReuters data. It is the second time Icahn has taken a positionin Talisman. He acquired 4.8 million shares in 2007, when thecompany was facing pressure to boost its share price.
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I’m very frustrated about campaign finance rules. Very frustrated by them. I’ve been telling people for a long time, “I don’t know how to solve this problem,’ especially with the Supreme Court moving in a direction I’m not in favor of. They’re creating more and more access for large money givers to do what I subvert the system. The solution that was just given recently by a friend of mine said, “You talk about this Cory. The solution to that is people getting involved.’ You have a woman like the now senator of the great state of Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, who was facing that. Facing super PACs, facing these individual donors and what stopped that was hundreds of thousands of Americans giving small donations, a dollar online giving her a chance to fight back and overcome that. “Wow. Wait a minute. I, a dollar giver in Alaska, can help counteract the forces working against our democracy?’ That’s power. By the way, another call I made as I drove in here was to my oldest friend from fourth grade who, now knowing that I’m looking potentially to run for Senate, was bragging to me that he’s calling all my high school friends and they’re giving $5 and $20 and $100 and he was so excited about it because he really feels like he’s participating. He doesn’t need to be a super PAC guy. He can help me. Lo and behold, in our first financial filing our average donor was really, really small. I was one of the lead senators, I think I saw an article today me and Al Franken were two of the biggest fundraisers in this cycle, had so much of that push from small donors. That’s a democratising of our democracy and we need to do more of that.
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A company car http://fittor.fun/utamu-wamboo/ nhenrai english A cursory look at the Reds’ on-paper talent might lead one to conclude they underachieved this year, but Baker’s defenders point out that he went the whole season without his projected cleanup hitter, Ryan Ludwick (shoulder surgery), and most of the year without his No. 1 starter, Johnny Cueto (strained right lat), while in losing their final five games of the season, their middle-of-the-order hitters, Joey Votto, Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce, were all essentially marked absent. Phillips went so far as to say he flat-out choked. So with Baker gone, leaving baseball with only two minority managers, Ron Washington in Texas and Bo Porter in Houston, the question is: Who does Jocketty pick to succeed him? There have been a lot of rumblings that Jocketty is said to favor the much-traveled (and fired) Jim Riggleman, which prompts the question: What do all these GMs see in this guy who’s been a loser every place he’s ever managed and walked out in a snit fit on his last team, the Washington Nationals, when they were in first place in 2011, because his boss, GM Mike Rizzo, wouldn’t commit to giving him an extension? Meanwhile, Larkin has expressed to intimates he’d very much like to manage, and even though he’s never done it before, his leadership ability is unquestioned and he would certainly command respect. He would also resolve the minority issue. Reds owner Bob Castellini is a fan of “name†managers — it was he who overruled previous Reds GM Wayne Krivsky (who wanted to retain interim Pete Mackanin) to hire Baker back in 2007 — and there is no bigger name in Cincinnati than Larkin. It would thus seem if Larkin says he wants it, Riggleman would be a hard sell for Jocketty with the owner.
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“We believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees our freedom to share more information with the public, yet the government is stopping us,†he said. The U.S. government has not responded to a June 19 request Microsoft made to publish the number of national security requests it receives, and the company hopes Holder will step in, Smith said.
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Bethenny Frankel is officially a Real Housewife! The reality star wed businessman Jason Hoppy on March 28, 2010 at the Four Seasons restaurant in New York City. The bride arrived for the event in a white sweatsuit (her seven-months pregnant belly sticking out) with pink glitter spelling out 'bride' on the back. For the ceremony, Frankel wore a beautiful wedding dress custom-designed by Amsale. Guests, including co-stars Alex McCord and husband Simon van Kempen, Ramona Singer and 'Today Show' co-host Hoda Kotb, feasted on lobster ravioli, sirloin steak and a red velvet wedding cake for dessert. Fans got a peek of the couple's nuptials when their ceremony aired on Bravo's reality show, 'Bethenny Getting Married?'
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The accused woman, Meshael Alayban, 42, brought the Kenyan to the United States in May and paid her $220 a month while holding her passport and keeping her confined to an apartment complex in Irvine, California, where Mrs Alayban lived, Orange County prosecutors said in a statement.
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His great-great-grandfather founded the town in the late 1880s. At its pre-WWII peak, the population of Nenzel, Nebraska, reached 125. Today, it’s got all of 13 people. But that hasn’t stopped Neal Nollette, a Roman Catholic priest, from launching an outfitting company, 2 the Ends of the Earth, which runs river trips down a cliff-lined stretch of the Niobrara that’s often short of—well, water.
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Henry Konietzky, 59, of Palm Coast, Fla., died Sept. 23 after setting the traps two days earlier in the river near Ormond Beach, Fla. The very next day, he noticed he had a sore on his leg that looked like a bug bite.
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Meanwhile, the Giants players held one of their regular, military-style debriefings. It’s something they’ve done every few weeks for the last three years, according to the team, but this one was important enough that linebacker Spencer Paysinger mentioned it to the media. While he wouldn’t discuss what was said, he did indicate that it reinforced Coughlin’s message that the team needs to “stick together†and “stay together.â€Â
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Right around the time he was photographed for People holding his young son, Jordan, as his loving wife perched next to them, Weiner had begun a new sexting relationship, with a 22-year-old woman. The photo he sent her, published last week by a raunchy gossip website called The Dirty, was even more graphic than the one that drove him from office.
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“The defendant in this case was brazen in both the large-scale fraud she committed and the way she mocked the criminal justice system,” DA Bonnie Dumanis said in the statement. “Law enforcement, and in particular the U.S. Marshals and Fugitive Task Force, did a great job tracking the defendant and taking her into custody.”
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Professor Johnston was also appointed chair of the prestigious Translational Research Group of the Medical Research Council (MRC) in 2012. He currently serves on the Cancer Research UK (CR-UK) Science Executive/Advisory Board.
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The investigators said that the effect becomes stronger based on the number of pictures a person views, and that only having a handful of friends who post food photos on social media will likely have little impact. “You do have to look at a decent number of pictures to get these effects,†Elder said. “It’s not like if you look at something two or three times you’ll get that satiated effect.â€Â
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ATSs would be required to report weekly volume and thenumber of trades for each security under the rule proposal theFinancial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) filed on Sept.30 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Investorscould use the information to better determine where to routetheir orders, said Tom Gira, head of market regulation at FINRA.
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These days the rocky, wooded coastline, mostly owned by the National Trust, is so loved by holidaymakers that one in three houses is a holiday home. Hugh Caven and Sarah Lines bought Treetops, up a steep slope overlooking Pont Creek, four years ago specifically to let, as they too had been snared by the magic of the place. “We got the Fowey ‘ping’,” says Hugh. “Seeing the harbour and the boats, hearing ducks outside the window, was just like falling in love.”
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“These new findings lay bare the formidable challenge facing local health services, not only in the UK, but also in countries around the world, to tackle a looming stroke epidemic…†he said. “To help close this health inequality gap, we need more investment in stroke prevention and research.â€ÂÂÂ
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Economists, who had expected groundbreaking to rise to a959,000-unit rate, shrugged off the decline and said wet weatherin many parts of the country had dampened activity. They notedthat much of the drop was in the volatile multifamily segment.
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Not only that, Rolle said he was feeling “a million times better†after experiencing a low ankle sprain that he called “the worst thing I felt probably in my lifetime.†He said he’s been rehabbing hard and been getting constant medical treatment. He’s also hopeful that he’ll be ready in time to play in at least one preseason game.
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The Brazilian Air Force has put pressure on the governmentto take a decision by announcing publicly that its French-madeMirage 2000s, which defend the Brazilian capital, will beobsolete and grounded on the last day of this year.
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China has set a target of reducing its carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45 percent by 2020 from the 2005 level, and raising non-fossil energy consumption to 15 percent of its energy mix, Xie Zhenhua, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), was quoted as saying.
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“Living in Iran was full of stress and worry,†Mohammad says. “I tried to solve the issues in order to stay because leaving all of your belongings and going into exile is not an easy thing to do. But at some point you can’t tolerate it anymore, and at that time I decided to leave.â€Â
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In late June, state House Democrats staged a showdown to force a vote on Medicaid expansion, holding up reauthorization of the state's current Medicaid program, which serves one in five Mississippi residents. A last-minute legislative deal reached on June 28 saved the program but failed to expand it.
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The biggest mover was the New Zealand dollar, which fell toa 14-month low after dairy exporter Fonterra, thecountry's largest company, found botulism bacteria in some ofits products, which prompted China to halt all milk powderimports from New Zealand and Australia.
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Here’s a thought: have the inspections performed by a third-party, and fire the commanding officer if they fail. It’s clear that the Missile Command is operating under the assumption that it’s never going to be required to act, and behaving accordingly.
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But that doesn’t mean that all these supporters were convinced no euthanasia had occurred. Pou was known to be an extraordinarily compassionate, selfless and committed surgeon; the accused nurses were similarly dedicated. Even people who didn’t know them personally felt that anyone who hadn’t “been through it” had no right to second guess their decisions, and that if they found it necessary to end their patients’ suffering, they probably had good reason. There were others — doctors, public officials, family members of the deceased — who believed that Pou and the nurses had perpetrated some kind of crime, but they are not by any means the only ones who think the three women, and perhaps other Memorial staffers, deliberately ended the patients’ lives.
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Quite apart from this thrilling upsurge in reproductive output, the Olympics had done wonders for London, he enthused. The city’s first indoor ski centre was going to be built. The Olympic Stadium was being used for lots of sports (“Rugby, swimming… er, not swimming, that’s the aquatics centre…”). Plus, of course, “the weather is much better now”.
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Bottom line: The Hunter’s Moon – a full moon – on the night of October 18-19, 2013 will undergo a subtle kind of eclipse called a penumbral eclipse. At no time will it appear as if a dark bite has been taken from the moon. At mid-eclipse, around 23:51 UTC (7:51 EDT), the moon will appear as if it has a subtle shading draw across it.
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Corbett, a Republican who has been opposed to President Barack Obama's healthcare reform program, said his proposal would also place new requirements on existing Medicaid recipients, including charging a modest monthly premium instead of co-payments for doctors' visits.
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Both historical citations have some validity. Yet the most relevant event has received little attention, in part because it went unanswered, and in part because it raises a host of uncomfortable “what ifs” for America and its allies.
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“Regarding (Silda’s) appearances on the campaign trail, no husband would ask his wife and family to step into the media frenzy surrounding the campaign at this time,†Spitzer spokeswoman Lisa Linden said.
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The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services website lists a total of 25 states that have been conditionally approved for state based exchanges or conditionally approved to operate state partnership exchanges.  The 18 conditionally approved state based exchanges are: California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Washington.
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In the August case, when the USTR overturned a proposed banon some older-model Apple iPhones and iPads, the patents covered were standard essential patents, while the patents covered byTuesday's decision were not.
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Leaders at an African summit on Saturday will discuss relations with the ICC, which has only prosecuted Africans. Kenya's foreign minister denied Nairobi was urging countries to pull out and played down any prospect of united action.
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Onil Castro, left, Pedro Castro, center, talks with public defender Kathleen DeMetz as Ariel Castro, right, waits for his arraignment at Cleveland Municipal Court in Cleveland, Ohio, Thursday, May 9, 2013. Ariel Castro was charged with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape. Pedro and Onil Castro, were held but faced no immediate charges. (AP Photo/David Duprey)
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Friday, meanwhile, saw dubstep originator Mala prove his music is no one-trick pony as he fused it with Cuban jazz sounds without going completely suburban dinner party, but the day’s highlight, despite an impressive closing Afro-funk reverie from Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 on the main stage, was Parov Stelar (AKA Austrian DJ-producer Marcus Füreder and his band).
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Scientists who predicted the existence of the Higgs boson - the mysterious particle that explains why elementary matter has mass - are Thomson Reuters' top tips to win this year's Nobel prize in physics.
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“We tried to provide any hope and support to anyone that lost a leg or a limb,” he said. “But their attitude was actually better than ours. By the time we left, those people — what happened to them, and they survived — they’re telling us to keep our heads up. We’re saying, ‘Us? What about you guys?’
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Amazon shares turned higher despite a forecast that disappointed on income and revenue. The stock rose 2.8 percentto $312.01, a rebound from a session low at $295.55. Earlier onFriday, Amazon's stock hit a 52-week high of$313.62.
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Chiwetel Ejiofor’s father, Arinze, had been a well-known musician and pop singer in Nigeria; his wife, Obiajulu, and his mother were his backing singers. Arinze and Obiajulu came to Britain in the late 1960s, fleeing the Biafran war. Arinze then trained as a doctor so he could be sure of providing fully for his family (Chiwetel is his second son, and there are two much younger sisters). Obiajulu became a pharmacist.
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The case is scheduled to go to trial Aug. 26 in a Valencia County courtroom, but defense attorneys want a change of venue and are seeking have the 911 call made by the boy thrown out. His attorneys say the father, 42-year-old Byron Hilburn, had strong ties to law enforcement members in the area and that might taint a potential jury pool. They want the case moved to Sandoval County, north of Albuquerque.
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“That’s when fear set in, because you couldn’t be logical anymore when your left knee is stuck and you can’t pull it out and it was bleeding,” she said. “I just said, ‘It’s stuck there, he’s going to bite the whole thing off.’”
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While gasoline could reach a national average of $3.75 per gallon, or even more, analysts do not expect it to top the $3.78-per-gallon high for the year that it hit in February, unless there is another big jump in oil prices or a major event, such as a hurricane, that disrupts refining in the Gulf Coast.
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Badoo compared the number of online messages received over a five-month period by those with shortened or diminutive names (like Jenny or Mike) and those with full-length equivalents (Jennifer, Michael), in eight countries: the US, Canada, the UK, Brazil, France, Spain, Italy and Germany. The site collected a total of 162 pairs of names, with one short and one longer version. In 72 percent of such head-to-head comparisons, the full-length name proved less attractive, and all countries showed a bias in favor of shorter names.
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NEW YORK, Aug 14 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks were slightly loweron Wednesday as investors found few reasons to make big bets,with equities near all-time highs and little clarity overFederal Reserve policy.
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Distressingly, not a single one of the five major Democrats and two Republicans seeking responsibility for safeguarding the No. 1 target for radical Islamist terror has ever sought a briefing by Cohen. The Daily News Editorial Board placed his name before the candidates as a handy proxy for measuring how prepared they were for fulfilling a mayor’s most profound responsibilities.
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Apple’s shares are up $4 (0.8%) today to $524 in a down market (S&P 500 down 0.5%) and have broken through its $514 resistance level. Sentiment seems to be more positive on them but it will be Monday’s earnings announcement that will determine the next significant move in the stock.
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New evidence could upset a ceasefire brokered between thePKK and Turkey: Kurdish rebels are disappointed with Turkishefforts to address their grievances and have said they areconsidering whether to maintain the deal.
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SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau and Tilikum, a killer whale, delighted audiences when they performed together, but their human-and-animal interaction ended on Feb. 24, 2010, when the orca pulled Brancheau into his tank and killed her.
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FTC lawyers won a delay in a separate contested merger case,one in which the commission sued to block the combination of twoglass-bottle manufacturers: Ireland's Ardagh Glass anda U.S. unit of France's Saint-Gobain.
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Critics have notbeen slow to join the debate. Pam Shriver, the former world No 2, talkedabout “this injury charade of 10 minutesâ€Â, while Patrick McEnroe called theepisode a “travestyâ€Â. Melbourne’s “Herald Sun†newspaper was running an opinionpoll today, asking the public to vote on whether Azarenka had cheated,alongside a feature on “the world’s worst sporting cheatsâ€Â.
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The Yankees made their offer to the manager, according to a source, who called it “very generous.†While the exact parameters are unclear, it is believed to be between $4 million-$5 million per year, enough to make Girardi the second-highest paid manager in the majors behind only Mike Scioscia of the Angels, who signed a 10-year, $50 million contract in January 2009.
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Frequent storms, badly maintained vessels and weak enforcement of safety regulations have been blamed for many of the accidents, including in 1987 when the ferry Dona Paz sank after colliding with a fuel tanker, killing more than 4,341 people in the world's worst peacetime maritime disaster.
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As politicians and activists took the stage in the main ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel at the gathering of social conservatives on Friday, nothing brought people to their feet in applause like the fight against the health care law. But in the exhibit hall, where attendees browse the booths of myriad conservative groups and products, from the Family Research Council to a woman selling right-wing jewelry (literally: each piece displays a wing pointing rightward), conferencegoers were unclear on what should be done about the shutdown.
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Kevin Werner, executive director of Ohioans to Stop Executions, said Ohio's action was likely to draw a lawsuit. He said the legality of using compounding pharmacies for execution drugs is questionable for many reasons, including the fact that pharmacies are supposed to have a prescription for an individual patient to provide drugs.
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Antonio Owensford, 26, was held without bail on 20 criminal charges that included predatory sexual assault and attempted murder for the brutal Friday morning encounter in East New York that left the abused teen in a body cast. Anwar Desouza, 24, Owensford’s alleged accomplice, was ordered held on $250,000 bail Friday.
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The political wrangling has led some investors to believethe U.S. Federal Reserve will have no choice but to leave itsfiscal stimulus measures in place for several more months. Thatcould keep stocks rising through the rest of the year.
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The markets are jittery, on this illiquid holiday weekend, with the yield on the 10-year bond soaring more than 20bp to almost 2.7%. By the standards of recent history, that’s extremely high — but it’s worth remembering that on an absolute level, it’s still very low. The combination of aggressive monetary policy and a very weak economy managed to bring rates down to unsustainably low levels, and the bounce back to something a bit more normal was always more likely than not to be chaotic and weirdly timed.
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On the second night, after a day of trust-building exercises and a tour of the location of a hit rom-com, everyone meets on the beach for a barbecue. Couples sit on beanbags encircling a stage, and at intervals the women get up to perform. One does calligraphy, another “sand painting”, a third Chinese dance. (Flower-arranging had been demonstrated over dinner the previous evening.)
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CRAIG COBB: It would be extraordinarily beautiful when people enter the town, particularly at night because we will have floodlit flags from both the bottom and the top of all the formerly white nations of the earth. We will probably have the National Socialist hunting flag with stag horns and a very small swastika in the center, very discreet.
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Valarie Carey, a former NYPD sergeant, decried her sister's shooting as unjustified during a press conference on October 4. Law enforcement officers said Miriam Carey did not have a gun and that District police are investigating the incident.
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“Today House Republicans affirmed that rather than take up the flawed legislation rushed through the Senate, House committees will continue their work on a step-by-step, common-sense approach to fixing what has long been a broken system,†the House Republicans said in a joint statement. “The American people want our border secured, our laws enforced, and the problems in our immigration system fixed to strengthen our economy. But they don’t trust a Democratic-controlled Washington . . .â€Â
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Aid workers on the ground in Somalia, who asked not to be identified for security reasons, said 20 years of widespread instability has resulted in a “gaping lack of basic services” that is “eroding the health and wellbeing of Somalia’s children.”
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Although interim foreign minister Nabil Fahmy met representatives from the opposition Syrian National Coalition over the weekend and confirmed Egypt remained committed to the revolution, he said the government was reviewing Dr Mursi's decision to cut all diplomatic ties with the Assad regime.
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“That doesn’t mean that we give up our efforts to try to replace and repair Obamacare, but it does mean that elections have consequences,” McCain said. “Those elections were clear in a significant majority that a majority of the American people supported the president of the United States and renewed his stewardship of this country.”
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(AP) NEWARK, N.J. - The Newark that Cory Booker is leaving behind as the state’s newly elected U.S. senator is far more nuanced and complicated than could be captured in the boosterish campaign stump speeches or television sound bites for which the mayor is known.
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Sally Bercow recently paid damages for libel to Lord McAlpine. She had named him on Twitter following a BBC Newsnight report that wrongly claimed a leading politician from the Thatcher years had abused boys living in care. Mr Grieve described the case as “perhaps a cautionary tale.”
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“The New York Yankees in no way instituted and/or assisted MLB in the direction of this investigation; or used the investigation as an attempt to avoid its responsibilities under a player contract; or did its medical staff fail to provide the appropriate standard of care to Alex Rodriguez,†the team said.
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SERIES HISTORY: 11th regular-season meeting. The series is tied, 5-5, but the Giants are 4-1 when they have hosted Denver. The two teams have also met once in the post season, a 39-20 Giants' win in Super Bowl XXI. In their regular season meeting on Thanksgiving night in 2009, the Broncos topped the Giants, 26-6.
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The bank cut its forecast for second-quarter growth sharply- to 1 percent from 1.8 percent - largely due to the impact ofcatastrophic flooding in Alberta and a strike by constructionworkers in Quebec. But it said third-quarter growth would morethan compensate for that decline. It forecast third-quartergrowth of 3.8 percent, up from its previous estimate of 2.3percent.
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“Oprah’s all about Oprah,†the actress said before heaping praise on the OWN founder. “She’s amazing, I respect her. I think she’s done great things for women of color, women of a certain size. But does that mean she’s a good person?â€Â
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Gene Penaflor's ordeal began on September 24, when he and a hunting partner set off from a hunting camp in the national forest. The two men eventually separated, but agreed to meet up for lunch. The meeting never took place, as Penaflor slipped, fell on steep terrain, and lost consciousness. By the time he regained his senses, night had fallen, and Penaflor was forced to make a campsite for himself.Â
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The stock market’s 2013 rally continues with stock averages adding to their gains during the first two trading days of August. The S&P 500 ended last week 1 percent higher despite Friday’s weak jobs report, which showed a decline in wages and the average work week. This week’s most interesting report may be consumer credit for June, to be released on Wednesdays. In recent months credit use has been rising, which could be good news for retailers. Investors will also be watching today’s services sector index from The Institute for Supply Management.
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Several troubling issues call into question how this company can consider itself groundbreaking, innovative or new: the concentration of power in the hands of one man, the stranglehold on voting rights, the lack of diversity in the boardroom (which in a way is inconsequential, as the Facebook board does not have much bite anyway), and above all else the flagrant disregard of the lessons of the past several years about engaged, active and independent boards contributing to strong companies. Were Facebook striving to be an innovative company built to last, it would encourage healthy dialogue and diversity in the boardroom, and equal shareholder voting rights. It would not need to lock in power, but rather earn authority through excellent performance and results. The leadership would trust that a democratic boardroom would foster greater strength and stability than dictatorship, which brings a false sense of security. That’s a lesson we can take from the Arab Spring, where dictators thought that they held real control.
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Tepco is already behind schedule on its revival plan, which called for firing up at least one Kashiwazaki Kariwa reactor by April of this year. If all seven reactors were operational, Tepco says it would save the company $1 billion a month in costs to generate power for Japan's biggest economic region.
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The president, Anibal Cavaco Silva, showed his own lack ofpredictability by rejecting a government-proposed solution to aninternal rift. He then went on a two-day bird-watching trip tothe remote Savage Islands in the middle of the Atlantic.
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Paolo Cipriani, director of the bank, and his deputy Marco Tullio have resigned after the arrest by Italian tax police of a Vatican monsignore who used to work as a senior account manager in the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), which manages Vatican real estate holdings. The monsignore, Nunzio Scarano, is being questioned in jail over allegations of money laundering, corruption and fraud.
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In a small gym outside Madrid, the matador-in-training sweats as she methodically twirls a red cape around her. She spends an average of four hours each day synchronizing her capework and footwork as she visualizes coming face-to-face with a one-ton bull.
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“Dickey’s the hardest guy — probably in the league — to predict what your offense is going to do off him,†Girardi said. “You just never know with a knuckleballer. Andy held them down; we just weren’t able to do anything. It’s frustrating.â€Â
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The jurors on Thursday also heard from an Army officer who served with Bales in Iraq. Maj. Brent Clemmer said it was unfathomable to learn that the competent, positive soldier he knew could have committed the atrocity.
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Unless it's postponed again, Friday's vote may prove crucialin determining the future of the struggling company. Its founderand private equity firm Silver Lake want to buy and take thecompany private, arguing that a painful restructuring can bestbe performed away from Wall Street's scrutiny.
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Yet buildings are complex and subtle things and there is much more to understanding them than to glance momentarily at their carapace with dismay or delight. Too much architectural commentary, including the Prince’s, has been based on superficial judgments about surface effects. Turrets and fiddly bits? Good! Flat roofs and metal glazing-bars? Bad!
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Airport officials say the bag's owner was flying through Miami from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to Baltimore, Md. Officials say the pesticide was homemade, but it wasn't clear why the passenger had it. Authorities didn't immediately release the passenger's name or possible charges.
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Despite the urgent appeals for delay, federal courts werethemselves open and available to accommodate criminal cases andprivate lawsuits to which the U.S. government was not a party.The judiciary said it had reserves from prior fiscal years tolast about two weeks, after which it would need to reevaluate.
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U.S. authorities are expected to bring criminal chargesagainst past and present employees of interdealer broker ICAPPlc as early as Wednesday for allegedly manipulating theLondon Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, and other benchmarkinterest rates, people familiar with the matter said.
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Discount said although the merger is based on a value forKoor of 3.03 billion shekels ($858 million) as at June 30, thefinal amount would be adjusted depending on the value of Koor's stake in Credit Suisse when the merger is completed. The closingis expected in September.
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NEW DELHI, India — The youngest man implicated in the Dec. 16 Delhi gang rape has been convicted of rape and murder and sentenced to three years in a juvenile reform facility, minus the time he has already spent in detention.Â
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• Tate & Lyle, the maker of the zero-calorie sweetener Splenda ,is due to update investors on its latest trading, and shareholders will be keen to hear management's views on market pricing. Worries over sucralose and European Union sugar prices, as well as a proposed tax by the Mexican government on sugary soft drinks, have weighed on the shares in recent weeks and so any comment from the company on the pricing outlook is likely to be closely watched by investors and analysts.
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“How do you make your team better by trading your best player?†former Browns president Mike Holmgren, who ran the team when Richardson was picked, told a radio station in Seattle. “He’s the best offensive player. He’s a valuable, valuable guy.â€Â
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In the footage of the meeting in July Mr Bloom is also heard offering to hang the killers of soldier Lee Rigby and criticising the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for ruling that full life sentences could not be handed down.
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In a trading update ahead of its annual meeting, Charles Stanley said: “Although the second half of June saw the FTSE 100 index fall by 1.5 per cent, this has quickly been recovered in July with the FTSE 100 index now at around 6,600.
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“It’s a strange thing,†the former People’s Sexiest Man Alive says of Lively. “I understand the climate we live in and why people are curious. But it’s just tough and almost emotionally violent – for anyone, I think – to see your personal life summarized in a sentence.â€Â
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LSAC can judge the difficulty of the questions based on student performance under real testing conditions and can ensure that all students are fully applying themselves, since the students cannot know for sure which section is experimental. Each student's results factor into LSAC's research, but will not affect his or her LSAT score.
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Monteith had talked openly about struggles with substanceabuse, and in April he completed voluntary treatment forunspecified substance addiction at a rehab facility. He had alsobeen treated in a facility at age 19.
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Surprisingly, this was its first complete airing at the Proms, although the overture and bacchanal have featured since the earliest days. The performance proved a great success, with the reliable Donald Runnicles conducting a well-paced and warmly shaped reading that knocked the stuffing out of a score that Wagner fiddled with incessantly in the knowledge that he hadn’t got it quite right.
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China's solar panel demand should reach 7-8 GW this year,said Glenn Gu, senior analyst at IHS consultancy in Shanghai,while shipments to Japan and the United States could reach 3-3.5GW and 2 GW, respectively.
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Math was clearly not Jan’s best subject, as she miscalculated the price of engraving a silver platter that the Brady kids bought for their parents’ anniversary. Needing cash quick, the six siblings performed “Keep on Movin’†and “Sunshine Day†on a local TV talent contest. The kids may not have won the contest, but they won their mom and dad's hearts (and fear not–Mike and Carol finally got the platter).
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Rotund rap legend Heavy D died on Nov. 8 after collapsing in his California home. He was 44. The Westchester County-raised entertainer was taken by ambulance to Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles about 11:25 a.m. and died 90 minutes later, cops told the Daily News. 'Im definitely saddened by the loss of Heavy. He was a really good person,' said Damon Williams, vice president of programming for Music Choice, the multi-platform video and music network. With catchy dance tunes that included R&B riffs, Heavy D was one of the first rappers to cross over to mainstream popularity, Williams said.
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The estate's 2009 tax filing said the total Jackson estate had a $7 million taxable value. In May, the IRS issued the estate a tax deficiency notice for $505.1 million in taxes and $196.9 million in penalties, according to Tax Court documents dated Tuesday.
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China's official PMI suggests services are growing faster than manufacturing. The services measure has hovered between 53.9 and 56.7 in the past 12 months, while manufacturing has fluctuated between 49.2 and 50.9.
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Some market attention has also shifted to speculation over possible successors to Bernanke, though a senior White House official said on Friday that no announcement is imminent. President Barack Obama has signaled that Bernanke is likely to step down when his second four-year term as Fed chairman ends January 31. Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers and current Fed Vice Chair Janet Yellen are among names cited.
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Translation: Please don’t dump our stock. Sure, any losses we have in this quarter we will partially blame on this dispute, but that’s for a future earnings report when this will all be behind us.
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A two-out single by Michael Brantley chased Wood in the sixth. The next Atlanta pitcher, Luis Ayala, walked Stubbs, the only batter he faced, but Scott Downs ended the threat by striking out pinch-hitter Jason Giambi.
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Of course, not every office requires the same sacrifices. Some positions, like city council, mayor and county supervisor can be part-time and don't require as much time to campaign for, points out John Oxford, a director of external affairs and PAC chairman for Renasant Corporation, a bank holding company in Tupelo, Miss. Before aligning himself with a bank, Oxford ran numerous campaigns on the local and regional level.
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Beatrice Bostick, chief executive of Alliance Medical Center in Healdsburg, California, faces a similar situation. The clinic currently sees 12,000 patients a year, and expects that figure to reach at least 14,000 next year.
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American Airlines parent AMR Corp. plans to ask a bankruptcy judge on Thursday to approve its turnaround plan that includes a merger with US Airways, even though the federal government has sued to block the deal.
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Emmert called for tougher measures to go into effect two years ago during a presidential summit in Indianapolis. Now that they're finally on the books, the embattled Emmert has a rare victory in what has been one of the toughest years in NCAA history.
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This comes on the back of data from accountancy firm Deloitte that claims smartphones will influence £18bn of sales in UK stores this year, the equivalent of £1 in every £14 spent by consumers.
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He first got involved in the drug trade in the 1960s, when he was given the right to traffic opium and heroin; in exchange, he was to command a local militia set up by then-dictator Ne Win to fight communists in the country's borderlands with China. He oversaw some 3,000 men who guarded his heroin refineries. From there, drugs went on to Thailand, and then around the globe.
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Horn's investigation revealed Karla Dobinski, a Washington-based attorney in the Justice Department's civil rights division, posted anonymous comments on nola.com during the last week of the trial. Dobinski wasn't part of the government's trial team but testified at an April 2011 pretrial hearing.
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“The changes made as a result of the reforms mean a huge net gain for the taxpayer. They will save £5.5bn during this Parliament and £1.5bn every year thereafter, to be reinvested back into patient care.â€Â
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Normally, the third quarter marks the beginning of the upswing for the PC market, as students and educators invest in new hardware during the so-called back-to-school buying season. But sales apparently failed to materialize, either an indication that students are turning more to tablets or simply were using notebooks that they had bought previously. On the other hand, emerging product categories and a greater assortment of Windows 8-based models pushed sales volumes slightly higher, IDC reported, as did the migration from Windows XP to Windows 7.
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While Mr. Smith previously has released progress reports based on dollar amounts self-reported by the banks, Wednesday’s report includes the first figures that were tested and verified by the monitor.
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CPIH, the new measure of inflation that gives greater weight to housing costs, was 2.7pc. RPI, the discredited measure of inflation that is typically used for wage rises, was 3.3pc. RPIJ, its unofficial replacement, rose from 2.5pc to 2.7pc.
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There is a further distortion from the fall in North Sea oil output, which may be chipping 0.5 per cent off overall growth. And these latest figures assume a sharp fall in construction in the final quarter, which many people think is implausible.
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The average rate on the 30-year loan was 4.4 percent this week — a full percentage point higher than in early May. Mortgage rates spiked in June after Chairman Ben Bernanke indicated that the Federal Reserve could slow its bond purchases later this year. The bond purchases have kept long-term interest rates low, encouraging more borrowing and spending.
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The amount of GMO contamination that might be present inconventional alfalfa is not known. But a December 2011 report byStephanie Greene, a geneticist with the USDA AgriculturalResearch Service, ARS, said that after Roundup Ready alfalfa wasfirst deregulated in 2005 industry testing of conventional seedlots found levels of contamination as high as 2 percent.
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The recently approved Shanghai FTZ is slated to be a testbed for convertibility of China's yuan currency and furtherliberalisation of interest rates, as well as reforms of foreigndirect investment and taxation, the State Council, or cabinet,has said. The zone will be formally launched on Sept. 29, theSecurities Times reported earlier this month.
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WASHINGTON, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Nine companies based inJapan and two executives have agreed to plead guilty and to payalmost $745 million in fines for their roles in long-runningconspiracies to fix the prices of auto parts sold to U.S. carmanufacturers, the Department of Justice said on Thursday.
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And, boy, that is a good thing for Rex Ryan, because if that were happening, people would have already sent him so far into outer space he would have bumped into George Clooney and Sandra Bullock in that new “Gravity†movie of theirs.
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Settling with the government would likely tie Apple toincreased oversight, along with legal restrictions ofmost-favored nation clauses in the e-book market, said ChrisCompton, a California antitrust lawyer who represents techcompanies.
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The arguments over eligibility could take a long time as theunions challenge the legality of the filing. In the case ofStockton, California's bankruptcy case, the eligibilitydetermination took a year.
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If a storm similar to the Carrington event were to occur today, it would be mayhem. The Carrington event occurred in 1859, during the largest solar storm on record. The solar maximum was about the same size as the one we’re entering, according to NASA. The northern lights were reported as far south as Cuba and Honolulu, while southern lights were seen as far north as Santiago, Chile. People in the northeastern US could read newspaper print from the light of the Aurora. Telegraph operators reported sparks leaping from their equipment.
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Others say they saw little need for Apple to expand or speed up its buyback program. Much of the company's $147 billion in cash is held overseas, and that cash cannot be accessed without incurring taxes. As an alternative, Apple raised debt to bankroll its buyback program.
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“Jane Austen seems to be all over the place,†he says. But like many die-hard Janiacs, he fears that the overbranding of Austen — with big-hit parodies like “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies†and trendy tote bags emblazoned with Austen quotes — belittles her work. “It trivializes her and it diminishes the fact that she really was a subversive writer,†he says.
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Over the course of their association with CBS, radio sources said, the Yankees had opportunities to move to WFAN from CBS 880-AM, which would have knocked the Mets off the all-sports station. The switch was not made, not out of George Steinbrenner’s love of the Mets but because of his friendship with Fred Wilpon.
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MLB is not finished with its Biogenesis investigation, either. The News has learned that investigators from the league continue to look into the role sports agents may have played in connecting players with Biogenesis — particularly since eight of the 12 players who accepted 50-game bans are represented by one agency, ACES, operated by brothers Seth and Sam Levinson.
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The Army and Air Force Exchange Service has annual revenue of $9.2 billion and a workforce of about 40,000 civilian and military personnel. It operates 1,155 retail stores worldwide, including in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with hundreds of fast-food outlets.
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She buttonholed another official in the corridor. He denied knowledge of anything and arranged for her to meet the Matron. “We really like you,” said the Matron emolliently, though Kitty had never seen her before. “No, you don’t,” said Kitty, “and anyway, I couldn’t care less whether you like me or not. Please just look after my mother.”
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(Phys.org) —An alien world reported to be the first known planet to consist largely of diamond appears less likely to be of such precious nature, according to a new analysis led by UA graduate student Johanna ...
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Monday's decision upheld a September 2012 ruling by U.S.District Judge John Koeltl in New York. Christopher Lovell, apartner at Lovell Stewart Halebian Jacobson representing theinvestors, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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The hypocrisy issue is well-trod ground in education. Activists putting themselves forward as public school champions while shipping their own children off to tony private schools is an old story. Advocates of various ideas from busing, to teacher tenure, to economic integration of schools frequently make choices that don’t align with those ideas. On the other side, many supporters of private school choice plans tout various schools as great options for low-income parents while they wouldn’t let their own children spend an hour in them.
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“I suck,†Sabathia said afterward. “I wish I had an excuse or something.†He added, “It sucks. It’s embarrassing. But you have to try to work through it, figure something out and start trying to help this team instead of hurting it.â€Â
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The A-Rod rating peaked at an 8.22 (an average of 750,00 viewers) from 8:30 p.m.-8:45 p.m. YES’ hour long pregame, which featured tape delayed replays of Rodriguez and Joe Girardi’s pregame press conferences, averaged a 1.45 rating (about 131,000 viewers).
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If Obama intends to offer poll-tested proposals in hope of helping Democrats win congressional seats in the midterm elections, he will betray the very folks he promises to help by failing to deliver true growth generators.
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But in bombed-out Abyei, where telephone masts twist through houses like a macabre runaway rollercoaster, and the wind whistles through abandoned buildings stripped of roofs and fittings, nothing suggests a vote is being organized.
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Commerzbank shares had risen by 3 percent in early tradingafter a magazine report that Germany has spoken to the chairmanof UBS about the possibility of the Swiss bank buyingthe government's remaining Commerzbank stake.
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In the second incident, 18 men were killed in the village of Zowi Sidgi in July 2012. Residents described the dead as a woodcutter, vegetable seller and miners who had gathered in the shade at dusk to talk after a day's work. The youngest was 14.
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Moody's Investor Service Inc said in May it expectedCommScope to show modest growth over the next twelve months,driven by wireless carriers spending on infrastructure. Revenuesare expected to organically grow at 2 percent to 4 percent onaverage over the next several years, it added.
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“We’ve been extremely adamant that Social Security shouldn’t be part of this discussion at all,†said David Certner, legislative counsel for AARP, the big lobbying group for seniors. Social Security has its own funding source — a payroll tax — Certner said, and it must not “become a piggybank for other programs.â€Â
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WASHINGTON, Oct 11 (Reuters) - Finance officials from theworld's biggest economies on Friday pressed the United States tohead off a potentially devastating default and vowed to proceedcarefully when the time comes to normalize monetary policy.
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Joseph, nicknamed for the color of his locks, may not have had his brother’s looks but was highly respected among the Gambinos. He held seats on the family’s ruling council and the panel overseeing construction rackets before his arrest this past October.
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Also in 2012, the president of Alabama State University attempted to fire two of his top administrators by email, according to the Montgomery Advertiser. His attempt was unsuccessful, in part because the board ordered him placed on administrative leave, even as he sat at the boardroom table, working his iPhone and tablet furiously.
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http://apetube.in.net/sitemaps/4.html xnxx The singer’s most recent CD “How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?†makes pointed critique at organized religion in “Take Off Your Shoes.†The song, O’Connor says, “wonders, ‘What if the Holy Spirit were a character — what would he have to say to the Pope?’ He would have a chat about all the cover-ups and abuses.â€Â
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Before that day, Khan says, he had never heard the name Malala Yousafzai, but he was soon left in no doubt that he was treating a high-profile patient. Camera crews besieged the hospital compound as a tide of shock and revulsion spread through Pakistan.
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Ben-David had a doctorate in Hebrew literature and four books published when the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad recruited him in 1987. He agreed to avoid the authorial limelight as he embarked on a career of surveillance and subterfuge, including a role in Israel's botched assassination of Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in Jordan in 1997.
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NIAMEY, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Niger's economy will grow by 5.8percent this year, slightly less than previously forecast, assecurity problems weigh on the crucial uranium mining sector,the International Monetary Fund said.
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What is at the heart of Datsun is the notion of value, that Indian consumers are demanding and that's why we are doing it in India and testing it in India first. If it is successful in India, I can tell you it will be successful everywhere, says Ghosn.
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In that 7-2 ruling, the justices said Arizona cannot demand proof of citizenship from people who register using the federal form. However, it upheld an Arizona voter mandate from 2004 that requires proof of citizenship for those using the state form.
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http://xnxx-xnxxporn.in.net/sitemaps/3.html boobs Fed officials did not welcome the steep back-up in bondyields and mortgage rates that Bernanke's remarks caused,judging from the consternation evident in their comments sincethen to push back expectations of an early Fed rate hike.
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The bank would defend itself strongly against suchallegations, it said, adding it was reacting to press reportsmentioning Westimmo as one of 13 banks subject to a probe byU.S. credit union regulator NCUA.
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But in her practice, Dr. McIntosh said that she sees a lot of young women who develop breast cancers in their 20s and 30s. So she recommends that women have a baseline screening even earlier than the official guidelines: at age 35. She said it’s an extremely common recommendation from breast surgeons, though not necessarily from primary physicians.
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Vodafone said settlement of the offer will take place upon the completion of the additional acceptance period and remains subject to other conditions, including scrutiny by the European Commission. The commission, the European Union’s executive arm, is expected to complete its Phase I review of the deal by Sept. 20.
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Sprint Corp. — under new ownership and fat with cash — will meet with Wall Street on Tuesday for the first time since wrapping up two blockbuster buyouts. The event is Sprint’s regular quarterly update on finances and subscriber counts. Investors, however, have much higher expectations. They hope for some details on how the new partners will challenge Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile.
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Hernandez has been charged with first-degree murder for allegedly orchestrating the execution-style killing of Lloyd, whose body was discovered in an industrial park less than a mile from Hernandez's expansive house on June 17. Hernandez has been held in jail since he was arrested on June 26, but prosecutors and investigators have intensified their probe of what Hernandez and others may have done to help cover up their parts in the murder. His alleged accomplice, Ernest Wallace, was previously charged as an accessory after the fact of murder.
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The Dow Jones industrial average was down 63.56points, or 0.41 percent, at 15,434.76. The Standard & Poor's 500Index was down 4.45 points, or 0.26 percent, at 1,693.03.The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 4.89 points, or 0.13percent, at 3,664.23.
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WASHINGTON, Oct 4 (Reuters) - House Republicans held theirground on Friday in a standoff with President Barack Obama overthe U.S. government shutdown, accusing him of intransigence andnot caring about the impact on the American people as the crisisdragged into a fourth day.
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Neither the Social Security Administration nor Treasury Department would elaborate on specifics of how and when payments could be reduced or cut off. Those contingency plans are still being worked out, a Social Security official said.
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On the referendum to abolish the Senate, Ireland has voted 'No'. The result will be an embarrassment to Taoiseach Enda Kenny who called for the referendum to make a leaner system of government, saying it could save up to 20 million euros per…
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The 350,000 tonne zinc offtake, or marketing, agreement isup for grabs because commodity firm Glencore agreed to scrap thedeal, which it had signed in 2008, in order to get EuropeanUnion regulatory approval for its takeover of Xstrata.
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http://beegbeegcom.in.net/sitemaps/3.html xxx Three people -- Martin Richard, 8, Krystle Marie Campbell, 29, and Lingzi Lu, 23, a Boston University graduate student from China -- were killed by the bombs, which were improvised from pressure cookers. Authorities also say the Tsarnaevs killed Massachusetts Institute of Technology officer Sean Collier days later while they were on the run.
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Berlin's slapdown is a setback for the European Commission,which had already watered down its plans in an attempt to winover Germany. As Europe's biggest country, its support iscrucial for the proposal to become law.
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BEIJING, Aug 21 (Reuters) - China is already building, orhas approved, more than half of a $100 billion network ofhigh-voltage power lines to connect remote energy producingregions to the east coast, a top official at the state grid firmtold Reuters.
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It then disappeared from the tracking system and reappearedin Manzanillo, Panama, on July 11, according to shipping dataobtained by research group IHS Maritime. IHS said there wereindications it had changed cargo in the interim.
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Inside the PP, politicians are increasingly convinced that Rajoy is losing the credibility he needs with voters tired of high unemployment. Support for the party has dropped to 25 percent from 44 percent in the 2011 general election, according to a poll by Metroscopia.
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As it has been almost 30 years since the individual worked in hospitals in England, records of women who may be at risk are in some cases incomplete, for example if the hospital has been renamed or patients have moved around the country, PHE said.
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Opposition to the Cantor plan has been fueled byconservative Tea Party activists and groups that see a denial ofmoney as a last-ditch effort to prevent the healthcare law fromtaking full effect after some 40 previous House votes to repealor curtail the law failed since its 2010 passage by Democrats.
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Successive governments in Romania have made progress cuttingthe country's budget deficit, but they have also repeatedlydelayed reform of state-owned enterprises and efforts tosell-off state assets have been stop-and-go.
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Jones wanted to burn 2,998 Korans, one for every victim of 9/11. He had made his intentions known prior to his arrest and many people in Mulberry, a small town of only 3,000 people, weren’t exactly thrilled with the radical pastor’s plan.
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John Ramsey, who has since moved to Atlanta and remarried (Patsy Ramsey died of ovarian cancer in 2006,) argued that the entire record of the grand jury, not just the indictment, be released. But Lowenbach did not agree.
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Samsung, which does not disclose its smartphone sales figures, is estimated by research firm IDC to have shipped 72.4 million smartphones in the April-June quarter, compared with Apple's 31.2 million iPhone sales. Samsung's second quarter smartphone sales were double what it sold in the final quarter of 2011, an indication of how fast the company expanded its business and outpaced rivals.
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“He took it like a true superhero,” said Pizzaruso. “He was very proud he had captured the bad guys. He posed with his superhero, made sure to keep his mask on and played along with every single part of it.”
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King, in an opinion in June, said the slaughter of horses with certain drugs in their system would be a violation of the state's adulterated food act. Those drugs, he says, would include an anti-inflammatory commonly found in racehorses, and medications used to treat bacterial, parasitic and viral infections.
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“It’s an arms race,” said Eric Grosse, vice president for security engineering at Google, based in Mountain View, Calif. “We see these government agencies as among the most skilled players in this game.”
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A spokesman for the Association of Train Operating Companies defended rail operators. “According to the Government’s own measure, train punctuality is better now than it was 15 years ago with nine out of 10 trains arriving as planned,†he said.
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The players will be hurt by the way they have played. They have let themselves down. They are better than that performance at Lord’s. They showed tremendous courage and fight in the first Test match at Trent Bridge. There was no disgrace in losing that game because they fought all the way.
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If the strikes are successful, they could bring Assad to the negotiating table, US officials believe. Samantha Power, US ambassador to the United Nations, said: “This operation combined with ongoing efforts to upgrade the military capabilities of the moderate opposition should reduce the regime’s faith that they can kill their way to victory.”
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Also last month, the Federal Reserve unexpectedly said itwas reconsidering the 2003 decision that first allowed WallStreet banks to trade in physical commodities, as opposed tocommodity derivatives.
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Three years http://xhamsterxxx.in.net/sitemaps/4.html beeg So he gave out 570,000 pager messages from 9/11, because it would stop a war? What a bunch of BS. Just throw him in the klink already and get it over with. He can move onto his new career of full-time crossing dressing, for the other inmates.
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California last raised its minimum wage in 2008. If the increase is approved, the state could surpass Washington State, which at $9.19 an hour has the highest minimum wage in the nation -- although Washington's minimum wage is also set to increase at the rate of inflation each year.
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http://xnxxxnxxporn.in.net/sitemaps/1.html porn Mr Vaz has now written to the chief executives of various regulators to ask for clarification on what guidelines, if any, they issued to organisations in their industry on the use of private investigators.
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One 18-year-old man faces two counts of distributing child pornography, while another 18-year-old man is charged with distributing and making child pornography. The next court action is set for Sept. 19.
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Building material counters were also stronger on hopes thatrailway construction will buoy physical demand. Anhui ConchCement jumped nearly 4 percent each inShanghai and Hong Kong. Angang Steel spiked4.3 percent in Hong Kong and 3.3 percent in Shenzhen.
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There is growing excitement around a new wave of so-called immunotherapy treatments, which tap the power of the immune system to fight cancer and could have the potential to transform some cancers into something akin to a chronic disease.
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Is this a temporary or permanent position? http://vporn.in.net/sitemaps/4.html xxx BEIRUT, Aug 18 (Reuters) - As the army ruthlessly crushesthe Muslim Brotherhood on the streets of Cairo, having sweptaway its elected president, Egypt is being painted as thegraveyard of the Arab Spring and of Islamist hopes of shapingthe region's future.
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Hardy turned pro, rebounding from that knockdown to win her debut by unanimous decision over Mikayla Nebel in August, 2012, then defeated Unique Harris in another unanimous decision 10 weeks later. Hardy was still savoring that victory on Monday night, Oct. 29, 2012, in her parents’ house in Gerritsen Beach, where she and Annie, along with sister Kaitlyn and her young son, Jason, were living since the fire on July 4. Hurricane Sandy was heading up the East Coast, but Gerritsen Beach was not supposed to be in its path. No evacuation order was issued. The Hardys stayed home, one block from the inlet, and watched the TV coverage. They were about to throw something on the grill when Linda Hardy noticed some water splashing in through cracks of the siding of the home, which has no basement — only a crawl space, not unlike most homes in Gerritsen Beach, which was originally a colony of summer bungalows.
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He all but declared Bill de Blasio’s pre-k tax on the wealthy dead on arrival in Albany next year, when Cuomo and all the members of the Legislature will be up for reelection. “You poll it, they’re going to say ‘yeah, raise the taxes on the rich,’†he said of the likely next mayor’s signature plan, which would need Albany’s approval, shrugging it off as “a campaign program,†not a “governing program,†that would risk chasing some of the rich out of the state.
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The U.S. will likely release the number of troops that will stay behind by the fall, said Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, commander of the International Security Assistance Force, via conference call from Kabul Tuesday morning. Dunford says he will be able to make a recommendation to the president at that time.
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LONDON, July 9 (Reuters) - The private equity arm of LloydsBanking Group is targeting a record 400 million pounds($603 million) worth of deals this year, extending one of thelast bank-owned buyout firm's reach into the UK market.
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The Reserve Bank of Australia cut its main cash rate to arecord low of 2.5 percent earlier this week. Incontrast, Fed policymakers have hinted in recent weeks that theU.S. central bank could start to scale back its $85 billionmonthly bond-buying in September, but this will depend onfurther improvement in the job market.
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Heins was appointed BlackBerry CEO in early 2012, takingover from former co-CEOs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie. Inthe months before they stepped down, Lazaridis and Balsillie hadcut their base salary to $1, a symbolic gesture that they wouldnot draw fat cheques while the company was obviously suffering.
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“I see it as a year where there’s probably more areas to address than there has been in a long time just because of people retiring, other situations that we’re dealing with, players at the end of their contracts,†Girardi said. “There’s a lot to be done in the offseason, but the Yankees front office has always done a wonderful job, and they’ll work at getting it done the right way.â€Â
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The House bill, HR1526 sponsored by Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., says every national forest in the country must designate a “forest reserve revenue area†that must be managed for logging. The Forest Service also must set an annual volume of timber-harvest for each area.
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“Plaintiffs must proffer some evidence demonstrating thatMoody’s specific alleged misrepresentations caused thematerialization of the risk that Moody’s rating practices wereunsustainable,†Daniels wrote. “They fail to do so.â€Â
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At the firm’s Virgin Rail joint venture, which operates the west coast mainline, revenues rose 5.8 per cent. Last year’s fiasco over the handling of the franchise initially saw the route awarded to rival FirstGroup, but it was handed back to Virgin after “major failures†in the tendering process.
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Marijuana remains illegal under federal law, but last year, residents in both Colorado and Washington voted to make recreational use of the drug legal, essentially ignoring the 1970 law. Although these states have legalized a federally identified illegal drug, they are not the first to do so.
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Aug 9 (Reuters) - Canadian auto parts maker MagnaInternational Inc reported a stronger-than-expected 19percent rise in second-quarter profit and raised its salesforecast for the year, buoyed by increased vehicle production inNorth America.
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There is a rising drumbeat of attention focused on Tuesday, Oct. 1 – the date when online state health exchanges are supposed to be up and running. While Americans will be required to have health insurance beginning next year, the exchanges, or online marketplaces, will provide early enrollment services and allow people time to shop around.
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After the attack, State Department and Obama administration officials blamed it on an anti-Islam film that caused angry demonstrations elsewhere in the Muslim world, but not in Benghazi. The State Department and White House have never explained the misinformation.
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“The proposal for establishing international control over Syria’s chemical weapons is not quite Russian,” Lavrov said today. “It derives from exchanges we had with American colleagues and from yesterday’s statement by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who said that a strike could be avoided if this problem is solved.”
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That was clearly at issue in the Motorola-Apple litigation battle. After Motorola failed to reach agreement with Apple, it filed suit seeking injunctive relief. The FTC determined that Motorola had not done enough to seek a mutually beneficial licensing relationship. However, the FTC also acknowledged that potential licensees must also be bound to negotiating reasonably.Â
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In slashing overnight rates to zero in late 2008, the Fed launched an extraordinarily bold campaign to shelter the U.S. economy. The effort included three rounds of bond purchases that more than tripled its balance sheet to around $3.6 trillion.
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Construction is expected to take around a decade, with experiments beginning around 2030. If the collider is built in Japan then the country is expected to shoulder about half of the construction costs, so the pricey project could prove contentious at home, according to the Nikkei.
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It’s been suggested before, as the Yankees showed signs of a slow decline after 2009, but now it is reality: Welcome back to 1964, when the Yankee dynasty ended with a resounding crash because the core veterans got old, and the minor league pipeline that had sustained them through four decades dried up. And now you wonder if maybe Joe Girardi, seeing the same thing, won’t also follow his fellow ’96, ’98, ’99 ring-bearers out the door? Is Girardi — who will almost surely get a goodly share of Manager of the Year votes even if he isn’t able to complete a miracle run to the playoffs with this rag-tag, beaten up Yankee team — prepared to be Johnny Keane circa 1965? In recent days, Girardi has been evasive whenever questions about his Yankee future have been broached. As a free agent, he’s certainly going to have options, not the least of which could be his old hometown team, the Cubs. Unlike the Yankees, the Cubs under Theo Epstein have been quietly assembling a top-rated group of young players and prospects through the draft (shortstop Javier Baez, outfielder Albert Almora, righthander Kris Bryant), trades (first baseman Anthony Rizzo, third baseman Mike Olt) and international signings (Cuban outfielder Jorge Soler). Dare we say the lovable losers of Wrigley Field look to have a brighter future than the Yankees right now?
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The bank is set to cut its balance sheet by 20 percent to 1trillion euros ($1.31 trillion) by the end of 2015 to complywith tougher rules that are expected to require banks to usemore equity capital to fund their business, to make them morerobust in the aftermath of the 2007-09 credit meltdown, thenewspaper said. ()
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For months the Fed has signaled its intention to begin scaling back on its $85 billion a month bond purchase program. Markets were convinced the move was coming in September but the Fed surprised nearly everybody by holding off, citing a stubbornly weak labor market.
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RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Brazilian state-runenergy company Petrobras joined forces with European oil majorsand Chinese rivals on Monday to buy the country's biggest-everoil field with a lone bid at the minimum price, aworse-than-expected outcome for a sale designed to launch Brazilas a petroleum power.
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The surge in asset prices has helped to widen a gulf between China's wealthy elite and the poor majority, fueling social tensions. China has more dollar billionaires than any other country except the United States.
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The long list of victims include financial firms Citigroup Inc, Nasdaq OMX Group Inc, PNC Financial Services Group Inc and a Visa Inc licensee, Visa Jordan. Others include retailers Carrefour SA and J.C. Penney Co along with JetBlue Airways Corp, prosecutors said as they announced indictments.
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More immediately, Apple will get a boost if it succeeds in enlisting China Mobile in its iPhone network. For the first time, the company will host media in Beijing just nine hours after its Cupertino, California, launch, spurring speculation it will announce a distribution agreement with the Chinese carrier.
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The lucrative Asian market is seen as one growth driver for the business and needs an investment injection, one of the sources said. Sales in the US account for just under half of the company's revenues, according to the most recent figures.
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Last year, Sameh Fahmy, Mubarak's oil minister for 11 yearsuntil the revolution, was convicted along with other seniorofficials who were sentenced to up to 15 years in jail for theirroles in selling gas to Israel too cheaply.
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The suit says the damage came not just from the storm surge but also from the way Christie’s Fine Art Storage Services left the paintings “exposed to water, high humidity, significant temperature fluctuations and particulate matter,†making restoration impossible.
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With 90 percent of the S&P 500 having reported, 68 percentof companies have topped earnings expectations, while 24 percenthave missed. JDS Uniphase Corp is the only S&P 500company scheduled to report quarterly results on Tuesday.
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The confidence created by such aid can help the government finance the rest of Egypt’s deficit with borrowing. But such dependence mortgages the country’s future as much of the aid is in the form of loans which ultimately have to be repaid.
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GSK is in crisis in China after police this month accused itof funnelling up to 3 billion yuan ($489 million) to travelagencies to facilitate bribes to doctors and officials. Thecompany, Britain's biggest pharmaceutical maker, has said someof its Chinese executives appeared to have broken the law.
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Returning from holiday, Tokyo's Nikkei slipped 0.1percent. One bright spot was stocks in iPhone suppliers,burnished by news Apple Inc had sold 9 million newiPhones during their first three days in stores.
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Rightmove, the property listings website which captures data from millions of properties advertised online, has doubled its predicted average price increase for this year from 2pc to 4pc, due largely to increased consumer confidence and low mortgage rates. Miles Shipside, Rightmove’s housing analyst, said: “Barring a raft of bad economic news, we expect these factors to continue to impact positively.”
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City officials also said Tuesday that EMS officials have reduced the time before an unanswered request for an ambulance is highlighted on a dispatcher’s screen. Before the Ariel Russo accident, a white light would highlight on every dispatcher’s screen if an ambulance had not been dispatched within three minutes of a call. Now the white light comes after two minutes, a change that went into effect on June 10.
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Before Teresa landed a spot on “The Real Housewives of New Jersey,†the two were attention-craving nobodies. But now, facing charges that could land each of them in jail for up to 50 years, they appeared enraged by the pesky reporters.
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Give Stringer credit for his frontal, feisty attack. Dock him points for probably being wrong. The fact is, most people who do what Spitzer did aren’t in prison — and are never even charged with a crime. (Examples: Clients One through Eight.)
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N'DJAMENA, Aug 14 (Reuters) - Chad has suspended allactivities of a China National Petroleum Corporation subsidiary for violations of environmental standards whiledrilling for crude oil in the south of the country.
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The trade numbers contain some notable surprises: thoughJapan's falling yen has made its export earnings swellwhen measured in its own currency, demand remains weak and itsexports in U.S. dollar terms fell 14 percent in the secondquarter.
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Two off-duty officers heard the disturbance. One gave the driver first aid while the other chased the suspect. Other officers joined the pursuit, and the suspect aimed his gun at them and tried to enter two vehicles before climbing aboard a parked bus, where he was shot, police said.
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Liyanage, a graduate student at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, said there's been a lot of debate among researchers about the role of HPV in cancer of the esophagus because most of the studies to date have been small and used disparate methods that make them hard to compare.
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“Momentous occasions of ritual and ceremony usually call for particular dressings; for example, the wedding dress is a garment that has months of deliberation sewn into its seam,†Interlandi told the Daily News in an email.
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AMR shareholders, who stand to receive a 3.5 percent stakein the merged entity, would likely be wiped out under any planother than a merger, experts say. Most of AMR's key creditors,including the unionized workers, support the tie-up.
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The embattled Yankee third baseman, who voices the animated version of himself in the children’s film “Henry & Me,†will likely find his character on the cutting room floor because of his involvement in one of baseball’s biggest drug scandals.
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While the 43-year-old father of three has won five World Series rings, has a record 652 saves and a trophy case stocked with accolades and awards, Rivera said that while he has no regrets, pitching during an era of rampant performance-enhancing drug use still rankles him.
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The union already says that eight out of Labour’s 13-strong contingent in the European parliament are “Unite MEPsâ€Â. In a development that prompted fresh claims that the union has too much power over the party, it was disclosed that Unite had all but guaranteed that more of its candidates would be handed £83,000-a-year jobs in Strasbourg.
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Dahlia, whose real name is Katriana Huguet, was arrested early Tuesday in Miami Beach. Jail records show she's being held on $2,000 bail. It's not immediately known if she has an attorney. Huguet turned 23 the day before her arrest.
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“There were some people who got even less than $20,000. We were lowballed every step of the way,†said one victim, who asked not to be named. The victim added that abuse survivors also got stuck paying their own attorney fees and other costs, which further ate into the paltry payouts.
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Economists are now asking whether George Osborne has found a magic formula. Such is the confidence in Britain's new-found vigour that some experts are questioning the Bank of England's low-interest policy, which Threadneedle Street said only last month should last until 2016, such is the underlying weakness of key sectors in the economy.
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The president is also expected to ask Congress to move forward with the confirmation of Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., as head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency – something lawmakers aren't likely to take up until September after they return from their August break.
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What do you do when every inch of your body is already covered in ink? Tattoo your head, of course. Guitarist Trace Cyrus, brother of Miley Cyrus, posted an Instagram photo of his latest body art - a massive Native American Indian chief tattood on his scalp. 'Got my head tatted today! Excuse all the ink on my face. And yes this hurt!!!' he tweeted.
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Although some brokerages expect fees to remain stable thisyear, and trading volumes have risen to a record, banks'brokerages units are seen as the ones that will reap most of thegains from such improved environment.
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The camp at Zaatari is one of the worst for Syrian refugees due largely to inadequate resources and strict security along the border, says O'Bagy. Refugees in northern Syria have multiple countries into which they can flee, and camps in Lebanon allow refugees freer access back to their homeland.
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Joel Mainland, a neuroscientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center who was not involved in the studies, suspects the culprit is a bad-smelling chemical within the hundreds of molecules of cilantro that some super smellers can detect — the cilantro haters — but others cannot.
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Revealing his vulnerability on this area, George Osborne has made a desperate attempt to claim that living standards are rising not falling. This has backfired because not only does it jar with the reality of most people’s lives, it’s also deeply misleading. On George Osborne’s chosen measure of “real household disposable income”, figures from the ONS show it actually fell by 1.7 per cent in the latest quarter – the biggest fall since 1987.
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One player playing quite well is Kenny Perry, with two major victories, nine top 10s and the lead in the Charles Schwab Cup standings. However, Perry lost his major weapon this week. His driver was accidentally destroyed by airlines maintenance on his flight to Seattle and he hasn't found a suitable replacement.
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French family private equity firm Wendel, for example,started investing in African telecom tower builder IHS in 2012,its first direct investment in Africa. Originally an industrialfirm, Wendel raised its stake this year to $276 million.
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Tacopina and Ayala both declined to comment on the incident when contacted by The News, citing the confidentiality order barring participants in the arbitration hearing from discussing it publicly. It is not known if arbitrator Fredric Horowitz, who will ultimately decide if Rodriguez’s suspension should be upheld, reduced or overturned, witnessed the altercation. The incident is not likely to be part of the official record, since the court reporter was taking a break at the time.
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The latest poll in the mayor's race comes as the embattled former congressman declared he won't allow television pundits, newspaper publishers and his opponents to elbow him out of the race, arguing on Monday that it is up to the public to decide who should be the next chief ...
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The Nielsen poll of more than 29,000 people in 58 countries also showed that most people think women should have a say in important household issues, but opinions diverged on how the roles of wife and mother are perceived.
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The 35-year prison sentence a military judge gave Army Pfc. Bradley Manning for sending military and diplomatic secrets to WikiLeaks far exceeds the punishments U.S. courts have given to others who disclosed government secrets to media. Here's a look at some of the other cases:
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Will Griffiths is Director of the University of Cambridge School Classics Project, a not-for-profit research organisation which works to expand access to classics in schools. According to Griffiths, fewer than 10 per cent of students ever have the chance to study a classical subject at school.
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China's government has announced many plans to fightpollution over the years but has made little obvious progress,especially in the country's north and northeast, where coalburning has driven the rapid growth in heavy industrial output.
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Douglas, a 6-2, 280-pounder who spent 10 seasons in the NFL, was trying to get on stage to join the D.J. He became incensed when Smith was hesitant to assist him. That’s when Douglas threatened to punch Smith out. Smith attempted to walk away, but Douglas grabbed him by the wrist before party-goers intervened to break things up.
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Between 2001 and 2011 the number of Atlantic City casino hotel jobs fell by 30 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Of 27,700 casino hotel jobs lost nationwide during that period, almost half, 13,300, vanished in Atlantic City.
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The hospital’s then-president and even his mother urged Clark to prepare a will, though he told her he wasn’t trying to suggest a bequest. And as the hospital prepared to sell the building Clark was in and move her to another in 2004, executives told her she could stop the sale by giving $125 million.
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May 1926: Future King and Queen, George, Duke of York (1895 - 1952) and Elizabeth Duchess of York (1900 - 2002) holding their first child, future Monarch Princess Elizabeth at her christening ceremony. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)
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While YES worked out of the can, MLB Network and SportsNet New York went live with the two press conferences. YES played catch-up with a fine hour-long pregame show, which included multiple airings of the two press conferences. While the decision not to go live was infuriating, it was really cosmetic.
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Forever remembered as the second overall pick in the 1999 NFL Draft, McNabb took the reins of the franchise late in his rookie season, starting six of the final seven contests in 1999, while becoming the first Eagles rookie draft pick to start at quarterback since John Reeves in 1972. In 2000, McNabb accounted for 74.6 percent of the team’s total net yards (third in the NFL) and quickly staked his claim as one of the brightest young stars in the league, earning the first of five consecutive Pro Bowl berths while finishing second in NFL MVP voting. With McNabb under center, the Eagles would win four consecutive division titles from 2001-04, culminating in an appearance in Super Bowl XXXIX where he threw for 357 yards on 30-of-58 passing.
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In the first phase, Telefonica will raise its stake from thecurrent 46 percent by subscribing to a capital increase in Telcoof 324 million euros ($437 million), valuing the underlyingTelecom Italia shares at 1.09 euros each, said the Italianshareholders in Telco in a joint statement.
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The time for talk of extra rest and giving pitchers days off is over. The standings say that. So the Yankees, who have an off day on Monday, apparently are planning to skip the fifth spot in their rotation and use Hiroki Kuroda, CC Sabathia and Ivan Nova as the starting pitchers for their crucial series beginning Tuesday against the Tampa Bay Rays.
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Mr Miliband’s MPs were notably less noisy than usual, and Mr Cameron had the better of the scripted putdowns. As always, irrespective of the topic in hand, the Prime Minister gloated about Mr Miliband’s unhappy relationship with the trade unions. Yesterday, he said, the Labour leader had “completely bottled” his confrontation with them at the Trades Union Congress.
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Tampa Bay will need a victory in Game 3 on Monday in St. Petersburg, Fla., to avoid a sweep in the best-of-five series. The Rays won three win-or-go-home games this week just to reach this round, including Price’s complete game in the tiebreaker against Texas to determine the second AL wild-card team.
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At a meeting focused on the chain’s sustainability efforts, executives said they would begin monitoring the scale-back in January. The move is “the first chemical policy of this scope by a major multinational retailer,” according to a statement from the nonprofit advocacy group Clean Production Action.
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In addition, the government provides a safety net to cover expenses for which these personal savings are inadequate. Private health care still plays a role in Singapore's system, but takes a backseat to public offerings, which boast the majority of doctors, nurses, and procedures performed.
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The threat of a sudden, large reduction in government outlays comes as the world’s largest economy is struggling to gain momentum. Growth in the first two quarters of 2013 averaged 1.8 percent, lower than the 2.2 percent average pace since the recovery began in June 2009.
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Backers of the view that marriage should only be between a man and a woman dispute any impression that nationwide same-sex marriage is inevitable. They note that a majority of 36 states do not allow it. In states such as Indiana, Republicans are pushing ahead with a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
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Even when required to say very little during their photo shoot for this interview – convened in the morning in a smart restaurant in central London – the oddball rapport between them is palpable and priceless. A suited, bespectacled Michael scowls and glowers on demand for the camera, darting mock-exasperated looks my way as the ordeal progresses, and complaining – a little grumpily – that he’s being required to “play Mr Grumpy”. Jack, in jeans and not-very-natty shirt, clowns around on cue, looking sheepish and often checking his mobile, as if not quite sure what he has got himself into.
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“It was a mistake,†Valentine said in an interview scheduled to air Sunday on NBC Sports Radio’s Speaking of Sports. “I was asked my opinion. I’m not saying all my opinions are correct. I’m not saying all my opinions are fair.â€Â
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Mercer County Superior Court judge Mary Jacobson ruled that the state must recognize gay marriages in order to guarantee equal protections to same-sex couples according to the New Jersey Constitution. Same-sex marriages can begin on Oct. 21.
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It is a moment many have been impatiently waiting for, the breaking of more than thirty years of ice between Iran and the United States. The meeting between Secretary of State John Kerry and Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif is the highest-level public contact in a generation. It had the former saying it was “constructive”, and it appears much was crammed into just half-an-hour face to face.
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The TSA will use existing programs that provide backgroundchecks on truck drivers and port workers, Pistole said in aninterview. The agency’s enrollment sites will include airportsand facilities used to vet applications for the TransportationWorker Identification Credential, he said.
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At the end of last week, Rodriguez filed lawsuits against MLB, Commissioner Bud Selig, Yankees team doctor Chris Ahmad and New York Presbyterian/Columbia Medical Center, where Ahmad works. Rodriguez claims he was the victim of a “witch hunt†and a conspiracy to save the Yankees money.
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The negotiations on a U.S. role in Afghanistan, suspended by the mercurial Karzai in June, will cover vital basing issues and whether reduced numbers of U.S. troops may be able to continue attacks against al Qaeda and other extremist groups, including in neighboring Pakistan.
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The San Jose loss had stuck with the Rangers. Stepan told the Daily News Thursday morning it was “probably my worst game as a professional hockey player.†But then he went out Thursday night and posted a minus-three rating, one of five Rangers to do so along with Del Zotto, Fast, Taylor Pyatt and John Moore.
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Much of Leroux’s Twitter vitriol was dismissed by the players as that of an overzealous, disgruntled fan and a few, such as reliever David Aardsma, simply blocked him on the social media site. Â
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'Scenes from a Marriage' premiered in 1973 as a six-part miniseries on Swedish television, starring Liv Ullmann and Erland Josephson, which was then trimmed down for the cinema. In the year after it was shown, Scandinavian divorce rates doubled, for which this scalding battle of the sexes was directly blamed. The last time Nunn directed it on stage, his leading lady was Imogen Stubbs, to whom he is no longer attached. This must be…odd, for him?
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Snowden sharply criticized the Obama administration's handling of his son's case, which he said led to Edward having no choice but to seek asylum abroad. He hoped the diplomatic spat would not distract the American public from the larger debate about the government's secret surveillance tactics.
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But if northern spotted owls begin to repopulate and thrive in areas where the barred owls were removed, the plan will be considered a success by the FWS. But Bown notes that it is uncertain if the experiment will produce the intended results.
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Chief Michael McGrath says the suspensions announced Tuesday are the result of disciplinary hearings. The officers were involved in the 23-minute chase that wove through a neighborhood before ending in gunfire. Officers fired 137 shots, and the fleeing driver and passenger were killed.
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Since then, a series of studies has underlined the potentialenvironmental damage caused by some biofuels, particularlybiodiesel, which accounts for more than two-thirds of theestimated 13 billion euro ($16.71 billion) EU biofuel sector.
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Ailna Tsarnaeva appeared in South Boston District Court to remove a default she incurred by failing to appear on a 2011 court date in a case charging her with misleading an investigator assigned to a counterfeit bill investigation, officials said.
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He has raised some serious cash already this summer, with $6.5 million raised as of June 30 and $4.5 million in the bank. He’ll be getting even more money Thursday night when Oprah Winfrey hosts a fundraiser for the Senate hopeful.
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But the Yes side remain doggedly optimistic, also pointing to the chunk of people who currently say they won’t be voting. Enthused Yes voters are more likely to head out to vote than complacent No voters, goes the argument. Therefore, they hope, a large chunk of their opposition may fail to register their vote. Certainly, the fear in the No camp is of “differential turnout†– under which Scotland ends up backing independence because Union supporters are too busy watching EastEnders.
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The judge said the reasons behind the escalation of the brutality were “unfathomableâ€Â, with the child suffering from hunger and hopelessness up until the moment that he died. “The scale of his suffering was truly horrific,†the judge said.
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KARACHI: Although Malala Yousafzai did not win this year’s Nobel Peace prize, yet the reception given to her by the world is nothing short of the one given to Nobel prize winners, said Kamran Khan in his programme ‘Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Sath’ on Friday.
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Authorities have disclosed little about what might havemotivated the rampage at a top Southern California tourist spot.A Los Angeles Police Department spokesman has said that Campbellmade incriminating statements to officers in Santa Monica.
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The fate of a research centre in Toulouse, where Sanofiemploys around 600 people, has been the focus of unions andlocal politicians. Sanofi agreed in May to keep a presence therefor about five years. But in the memo detailing its latestplans, Sanofi aims to cut staff there to 370 jobs, despite agovernment-commissioned report recommending it keep 500.
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“We are astonished that the agency provided this committee and its predecessors with information that turned out to be patently wrong on so many occasions over the last six years,†a blistering report read.
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Mexico threatened one last time in the sixth but was foiled by Japan's stout defense. Jorge Rodriguez led off with a single and was forced at second on Romero's sacrifice attempt. Luis Manzo then hit a grounder into the hole at shortstop, and Sho Miyao gloved it and got the force at second on a close play. Mexico challenged the call, but it stood. Miguel Artalejo grounded to short to end it.
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No stranger to getting booked, Lindsay Lohan can now add a new mug shot to her growing collection after she turned herself in to Santa Monica police on March 19, 2013. This time, however, Lindsay avoided jail time after accepting a plea deal that sentenced her to spend 90 days in rehab, perform 30 days of community labor and undergo 18 months of psychological therapy after pleading no contest to reckless driving and lying to police. It is her sixth mug shot overall.
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He said it was still too early to provide details on thesize of the bonds. His comments were in line with previousremarks by government officials; the country faces increasingpressure on its state finances because of rising expenditure,which is expected to prompt it to return to the internationaldebt market for the first time since 1997.
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Today, a decade later, Marlin Steel is outcompeting not just Chinese factories but German ones as well. Its sales are six times the 2003 level, and it has almost double the number of employees. The staffers have health insurance and 401(k) accounts (five employees are on pace to be 401(k) millionaires) and an average wage four times what it was a decade ago. The little Baltimore factory runs double shifts. Most remarkably, Marlin is still making wire baskets--just not bagel baskets. Or at least not very many.
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The Senate backs stricter limits on who can collect farmsubsidies and how much they can get per year. And it says thesupport prices in the House bill are so high they might resultin farmers aiming for a subsidy payment rather than a profit inthe marketplace.
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The U.S. dialysis equipment maker must also end anoutsourcing production deal in China with Japan's NiproCorporation by March 31, 2016. The approval is subject tocorporate monitors as well, the ministry said.
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The Guardian said a slideshow presentation was produced for the H5 Private Healthcare Alliance by Mr Crosby's firm Crosby Textor towards the end of 2010, just months before the government's Health and Social Care Bill was given its second reading in the House of Commons in January 2011.
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Britain's U.N. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said both Kagameand Museveni described an 18-month rebellion by the M23guerrilla group as just a symptom and not a cause of Congo'sproblems, which were much more deep-seated in issues such as alack of governance.
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Bales, 40, pleaded guilty in June in a deal to avoid the death penalty for his March 11, 2012, raids near his remote outpost in Kandahar province, when he stalked through mud-walled compounds and shot 22 people — 17 of them women and children. Some screamed for mercy, while others didn't even have a chance to get out of bed.
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GameStop said it expects full-year earnings in the range of$3.00 to $3.20 per share, higher than its previous forecast of$2.90 to $3.15. It also gave an improved forecast for same-storesales for fiscal 2013, saying they would range between a drop of3.5 percent and an increase of 1.5 percent. The previous rangewas between a drop of 5 percent to growth of 1.5 percent.
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Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said the latest revelation underscores the need for greater oversight of the intelligence community. Blumenthal has proposed legislation calling for a special advocate to represent the public's interest in the secret FISA court proceedings.
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This time, the meeting could serve as a combined pep rally and bonding session. Obama is experiencing a decline in his job approval ratings and his administration is bracing for some big fights with congressional Republicans this fall over issues ranging from the budget and a possible government shutdown to immigration and climate change.
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In the first place, the development at Willets Point was intended to be one of Mayor Bloomberg’s signature legacy projects – the “first green neighborhood,†and all that palaver. Instead, owing to the good work of the team assembled by Willets Point United, the original mega-deal was derailed and the current Rosemary’s Baby was given birth. Instead, of all the essential public benefits that were originally negotiated — affordable housing, a living wage and traffic relieving ramps — we have been given the city’s largest retail mall built on parkland. The property taken under the threat of eminent domain is now earmarked for a parking lot.
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In many cases, the democracies that emerged in Europe following World War I evolved into intolerant, rightist regimes. Hitler — the uber example — had enormous popular support even though Germans were well aware that he was enamored of violence and a bit unbalanced about Jews. To the east, the popularly elected governments of Poland and other nations treated their various minorities roughly — the Jews roughest of all. All sorts of restrictions were imposed on Jews throughout Eastern Europe, everything from “seating ghettos†in Polish universities where Jews were ordered to sit in lecture halls to a requirement in Romania that Jewish medical students learn their profession only on Jewish cadavers.
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The Pentagon is in the process of reducing spending by $487 billion over a decade as required by the 2011 Budget Control Act, which aimed to reduce massive U.S. deficits. The act also required an additional $500 billion in across-the-board cuts unless Congress and the White House could find an alternative.
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Not surprisingly, the banking and real estate industry is vigorously fighting the use of eminent domain to force mortgage resolution. Industry spokespeople say that governments have no right to step into a private transaction between a borrower and lender. They're lobbying the cities involved, threatening to raise interest rates for any city that allows eminent domain to be used this way and promoting legislation that would bar Fannie and Freddie from supporting loans made in jurisdictions that use eminent domain.Â
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IBM announced its new brain-like computer chips in 2011. But to make use of them, it has to create software that programmers will use to program the new chips. IBM believes that these brain-like computers will be better at tasks such as vision and perception, at least in comparison to “number cruncher” von Neumann computers that are the foundation of all of today’s major computing architectures, such as Intel’s x86 architecture. IBM says brain-like computers can get a lot more work done simultaneously, without using too much power. Working on a project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), IBM demonstrated working chips based on the new technology. It has poured more than $53 million into it so far.
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And she said that, once the decision was announced by new Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney, the abuse escalated and began to attract the attention of fellow Twitter users. She reported it to the police and claims that she tried to alert Twitter’s manager of journalism & news Mark Luckie. But his response appeared to be to simply set his account to private, making his updates invisible to most users. Ms Criado-Perez said she is still awaiting a substantive response.
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Because the issue of discrepancies between advertised EPAmileage ratings and real-word mileage affects a number ofmanufacturers, especially of hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles,the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday said itplanned to update its fuel-economy labeling regulations, in partto address those issues.
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There’s no doubting the Kinetic Desk’s construction quality, nor how enthusiastic Labrosse and the team are about the project. So far, it’s been done on a shoestring budget – despite getting to the stage of having preproduction units ready – though the company tells us that external finance is the next part of the plan. Also a possibility, though not initially, are different sized desks; we’d not argue with a somewhat smaller version more suited to home offices.
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And it left Rivera, who said he had no idea that Leyland and the players were so invested in his last All-Star appearance, searching for the right words of appreciation. “I just wanted to pitch,†he said. “The rest was indescribable.â€Â
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Home sales dropped 13.4% in July, the Commerce Department said Friday, which was the steepest decline seen in three years. Investors are paying close attention to U.S. economic indicators as they try to predict whether the Federal Reserve will follow through with a pullback from its monetary stimulus program next month.
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But that risk receded on Thursday as Republicans presented aplan to extend the nation's borrowing authority, opening a doorfor talks with the White House. Republicans have sought to usethe need to raise the debt limit as leverage to force the WhiteHouse to agree on budget cuts or to force changes in Obama'ssignature health care law.
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Cars drive into the White Mountain National Forest as autumn leaves begin to change colors in Gorham, N.H. Sunday Oct. 6, 2013. Some privately run campgrounds in New Hampshire’s White Mountains National Forest will be forced to close ahead of the lucrative Columbus Day weekend because of the federal government shutdown, according to the U.S. Forest Service. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
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The museum is opening as divisions over gun control havewidened after the massacre of elementary school children inNewtown, Connecticut in December. President Barack Obama hasbeen rebuffed by Congress in his efforts to tighten gun laws,and the NRA has staunchly opposed gun control.
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New York Knicks basketball star Amare Stoudemire and long-time girlfriend Alexis Welch tied the knot in an intimate ceremony on 12/12/12! Taking advantage of the special date, the two married at sunset on the roof deck of their NYC apartment. A surprise to his teammates and fans, the ceremony was attended by only 12 guests, in keeping with the theme of the day. The couple, who started dating in 2002 and got engaged in Paris over the summer, have 3 children together.
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While the net of sanctions may have only been cut in a fewplaces at this stage, dozens of other cases are in the pipeline.The concern among EU officials is that if a few more knots areuntied, the entire sanctions netting could start to unravel.
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“It’s huge. Seattle feels like he was stolen from us. He’s arguably the second-best player in the NBA, some say he’s the first, so for us to get to see him up close and personal again; it was special for me to get to play with him,†said Will Conroy, a Seattle native who has bounced around in the D-League with a few NBA stints. “I overpassed it to him like 10 times, but I didn’t care. It was special. Even me, I couldn’t sleep last night. I was excited.â€Â
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And that’s a big reason why Jacobs will make his return to the Giants on Sunday afternoon, just five days after re-signing with the team that drafted him out of Southern Illinois in the fourth round in 2005. Even though Tom Coughlin insists a mentor role is “not the primary reason he’s here†and Jacobs makes it clear he wants to play, the 31-year-old wouldn’t be back if Giants running back David Wilson wasn’t struggling, and if his two fumbles on opening night in Dallas hadn’t set off alarm bells throughout the organization.
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Abe could force the issue by seeking to pass special legislation. Even if Nakaima grants approval for reclamation, the central government will find it very difficult to move the project forward, Nakaima's top aide said.
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Even before the Fed's surprise decision, the USinvestment-grade bond market had been on a tear. FollowingWednesday's close, the high-grade month-to-date issuance volumewas just over US$97.6 billion - well past the US$87.8 billion inthe same time period last year. Thursday's deals could end upaccounting for roughly another US$10 billion in supply.
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Santos explains that the slightly forbidding term “exploratory music” is his way of keeping the festival’s brief as wide as possible: “I think most people these days listen to different types of music – jazz, folk, ambient, electronic – depending on their mood, and it is important to have the freedom to programme all of those. There are 700 concerts a week in London, but so many artists have never played here.”
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The U.S. Department of Justice charged Heinz, Ghavami andWelty in 2010 as part of its broad investigation of the $3.7trillion U.S. municipal bond market, in which at least 19 peoplehave been convicted or pleaded guilty.
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Manson’s infamy was set over the course of two nights in August 1969 – a few days before the Woodstock Festival heralded the arrival of the “Aquarian age” – when, acting on his instructions, members of his so-called “Family” murdered seven people, including the actress Sharon Tate, in a horrible orgy of bloodletting.
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** Italy's Ferrero, the maker of Nutella chocolate spread,denied it received an offer from Swiss food group Nestle or any other competitors and said it was not for sale.Italian daily La Repubblica had said earlier that Nestle hadsubmitted an offer for Ferrero, a family-owned firm that bankerssay is worth more than 10 billion euros ($13.5 billion).
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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.
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And it was Coughlin who had to patch things up on Monday, as the Giants began a week of ultra-compressed preparation for Thursday’s visit to the Chicago Bears. So he seemed to be doing everything possible to fix what he’d said on Sunday and take the blame, saying “this criticizing the quarterback for the outcome is really not right.â€Â
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U.S. Congressman and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) takes part in a panel discussion titled ''The Awesome Responsibility of Leadership'' at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California April 29, 2013.
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GlaxoSmithKline this week agreed to sell itsLucozade and Ribena soft drinks to Suntory Beverage & Food , while some other drugmakers with consumer healthcarebrands, including Novartis, are reviewing theirportfolios.
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The scale of the violence was nowhere near that of Japan’s during World War II. Yet it was undeniably brutal, and some Korean civil society groups have called for greater recognition of these events.
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Russia’s few fans always point to its cheap valuations –and these days Russian shares, on a price-book basis, are trading an astonishing 52 percent below their own 10-year history, Deutsche Bank data shows. Deutsche is sticking to its underweight recommendation on Russia but notes that Russia has:
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Amid the heat of battle with CBS, Time Warner Cable is also in a brawl with Fox Sports 1, which launches this Saturday — but apparently not on TWC, which remains in “active discussions†with the fledgling sports channel.
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LAC-MEGANTIC, Quebec, July 12 - Shell-shocked residents ofLac-Megantic, Quebec, took small steps on a long path back tonormalcy on Friday as they returned to homes and businesses justa short walk from the lakeside town's center, devastated by afiery rail crash last week.
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“[Turnovers] are going to be us,†Rodriguez said about his team’s identity. “For us to win some games in our league, we’re going to have to get some turnovers and offensively take care of the ball.â€Â
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Its judicial police opened up a number of corruption investigations, including several involving the state-owned oil and gas company, Sonatrach. The inquiries forced the resignation of former energy minister and Bouteflika ally, Chekib Khelil.ÂÂ
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SEOUL, July 25 (Yonhap) -- Hyundai Motor Co., South Korea's largest automaker, said Thursday its second-quarter net profit edged down 1 percent from a year earlier as its work stoppage and rising costs cut into its bottom line.
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Castro was preceded by the heads of state of Venezuela, Bolivia, Uruguay, Nicaragua and four small Caribbean island countries, as well as the foreign minister of Ecuador, all of whom praised Cubans and their leaders for maintaining the country's independence in the face of U.S. sanctions.
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West Yorkshire Police said in a statement: “Detectives are now following various lines of enquiry and Neighbourhood Policing Team officers are focusing patrols in the area, responding to any concerns from local residentsâ€Â.
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Soldiers, who are serving with the Kenyan Contingent of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), patrol along a street as a commuter taxi passes by in the centre of the southern Somali port city of Kismayo, about 500 km (310 miles) south of Mogadishu in this October 7, 2012 handout photo taken and released by the African Union-United Nations Information Support Team.
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The two Koreas also plan to hold an international investors' informational session at Kaesong in October in a bid to attract foreign companies to the park, the statement said. Chief South Korean delegate Kim Kiwoong said the two Koreas hope to begin providing Internet and mobile phone connections to the park as soon as this year and would hold more talks on that.
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McCutcheon's lawyers say he can win without the court needing to undermine the 1976 precedent - in part because Congress has since amended campaign finance laws and the concerns that justified the need for an overall cap are no longer warranted. In Buckley, the court said a ceiling on contributions was needed because it was too easy for the base limit regulations at the time to be circumvented.
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Lewinsky is heard trying to persuade Clinton to meet with her, seemingly desperate for another go. “I could take my clothes off and start. . . . I hope to see you later and I hope you will follow my script and do what I want,†Lewinsky says on tape, according to the unconfirmed report.
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According to a report released Thursday by research firm GTMResearch and the Solar Energy Industries Association tradegroup, the U.S. residential solar market was flat from the priorquarter as installations fell 8 percent and 18 percent,respectively, in key solar markets Arizona and Hawaii.
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Being playful is an essential element of that healthy relationship with the music. According to Albarran, when the band started, they set open rules when it came to making music. In “El Objeto Antes Llamado Disco,†those open rules allowed for the musicians to sing each other’s compositions.
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The settlement movement has never lost a political battle. It may have suffered temporary legal setbacks from time to time — but it has always found ways of getting around them or having them reversed. Now the settlement movement has effectively taken over Netanyahu’s Likud Party — in recent internal elections, the top slots were all won by pro-settlement politicians openly opposed to a two-state solution. Also represented in the government is the “Jewish Home†Party, which has as its founding ideology the annexation of most of the West Bank.
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It remains to be seen what Xiaomi’s plans for its business strategy are now that Barra, Google’s former Vice President of product management for Android, is on board to head its international expansion, but we might find out soon: Xiaomi’s next big press conference, at which it is expected to launch its latest product lineup, is on September 5.
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What has changed recently, though, is that bond funds, which had long been soaking up investors' money, are now starting to share in the pain. For instance, during the week ending July 2, bond funds lost nearly $6 billion; the week before, it was more than $28 billion. These outflows have come amid dismal performance in the bond market. As of July 10, for instance, long-term bond funds were down more than 11 percent in 2013. Some of the best-known bond funds have been among the biggest victims of the outflows. In June alone, PIMCO Total Return, the world's largest mutual fund, shed $9.6 billion.
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As it turns out, space law has little in common with maritime law and even less with, say, agreements over the exploitation of Antarctica, in which nations secured the continent’s neutrality by agreeing to suspend claims on it. Instead, space law traces its philosophical underpinnings to the Russian and Soviet rocket scientist and pioneer of astronautical theory Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, and to Sputnik, the catalyst for drawing up a treaty.
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Following weeks of bitter fighting among Democrats and Republicans, the layoff of hundreds of thousands of federal workers and turmoil for stock markets, the deal under discussion - if eventually enacted - would basically give President Barack Obama what he has demanded for months: A straight-forward debt limit hike and government funding bill.
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“We had to go way upstream to get the inventory and pricing we needed,” Stokols recalled. It’s something FreedomPop also explored in its quest to find hotspot inventory over the past year. At one point, Stokols said, he had to rush out in the middle of negotiations to grab $400,000 in cash to pay off a supplier with a crate of 20,000 hotspots. (The company has since set up better ways to deal with suppliers like that.)
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Yahya Kubaisi, an analyst at Iraq's Institute for StrategicStudies, said Islamist militants might have carried out theattack in Arbil in revenge for the Kurdistan RegionalGovernment's perceived support of Kurds fighting them in Syria. (Additional reporting by Ahmed Rasheed in Baghdad; Editing byAndrew Heavens)
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Fifty people, including 15 still missing, are believed tohave been killed on July 6 when a driverless train with 72 oiltanker cars crashed and exploded in the center of thepicturesque, lakeside town in rural Quebec.
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“If it wasn’t for a few lengthy at-bats and a few rough innings, I could have maybe gotten into the seventh and saved the bullpen an arm or two,†said Torres, who threw 96 pitches. “My biggest problem is going to be that I need to pitch to more contact. I need to get deeper into ballgames by getting guys to hit the ball more.â€Â
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Regulatory filings on Wednesday from hedge funds and otherinvestment firms reveal how big money managers reshaped theirportfolios in the quarter. Their so-called 13F filings with theU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission offer a window into thestrategies of managers when it comes to buying and selling U.S.stocks.
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This interest in trees and mountains can be traced to prehistoric traditions of animism, shamanism, feng shui and the belief in mountain and forest spirits – a religious spectrum known as Seondo. These traditions seem still to exert some hold over Korean attitudes to nature. On the vernacular level, there is a “village grove” tradition in Korea: a revered copse with supernatural qualities at the edge of a village. Animistic beliefs were later incorporated into Buddhist teaching, with almost all the 3,000 temples in Korea including a mountain spirit shrine or painting. The oldest traditions of garden-making in Korea were concerned with the construction of simple pavilions and walks through unadorned nature, revealing as little human intervention as possible.
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At a hospital near the Rabaa Adawiya mosque where Islamistshave camped out since Mursi was ousted, rooms were crammed withpeople wounded in the violence, sheets were stained with bloodand medics rushed to attend to those hurt.
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The MSCI Emerging Markets Index rose 0.5 percent to 950.43at 11:05 a.m. in New York, set for the highest close since June18. BYD Co., a Chinese maker of electric cars partly owned byWarren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., surged in Hong Kong asthe government announced a plan to promote the use of energy-saving automobiles. Homebuilders paced gains in Brazil’sIbovespa as traders pared bets on interest-rate increases. Thelira rose as much as 1.2 percent against the U.S. dollar.
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SYDNEY, July 9 (Reuters) - China's Yanzhou Coal MiningCompany Ltd has proposed taking its Australian unitprivate for around $180 million, a deal that would give it morecontrol over a key coal asset but which is expected to facestiff opposition from regulators.
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INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE: Most of the federal tax agency's 90,000 employees would be furloughed. Taxpayers who requested an extension beyond the April 15 deadline to file their 2012 taxes must do so by October 15, and they will still be able to file these returns even if the IRS is still shut down then.
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Scientists have been exploring the connection between gut bacteria and chemicals in the brain for years. New research adds more weight to the theory that researchers call “the microbiome–gut–brain axis.â€Â
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Between 50 and 100 amateur astronomers are doing what is called light-curve analysis on space rocks, making repeated images of the astronomical bodies to help determine their characteristics, said Jason Kessler, program executive for what NASA calls Astroid Grand Challenge.
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He can provide the internet-centric, consumer-focused technology that Microsoft is pants at. Ballmer put him in charge of corporate strategy and relations with developers and PC makers. Bates' weakness is that he has not been at Microsoft long enough to know how to deal with the odd flaming missile that comes his way and lacks software experience.
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Eric Lorenzo Davis, 23, was charged with child abuse inflicting serious bodily injury in the case after his daughter, Erika, was found with severe injuries at Qualla Motel in Whittier just after 7 a.m. Friday.
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The Kochhars announced they’d enlisted the help of Rep. Steve Israel (D-L.I.) to put pressure on the Nepali authorities to investigate. Israel has said he will call for $27 million in aid to Nepal to be withheld until he’s satisfied a proper probe has taken place.
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The government is reducing the 3.1 billion euros ofadjustments it had originally sketched out for next year, tryingto buttress signs of a recovery after the worst recession inIreland’s modern history. Noonan said today that after thebudget he’ll consult with the country’s bailout masters on astrategy to exit the rescue program.
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Each of the 10 major S&P sectors were lower, with financials and energy the worst performers. Exxon MobilCorp, down 1 percent to $85.42, and Wells Fargo & Co, off 1.5 percent to $49.70 were the biggest drags on theS&P 500 index.
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But two years into a civil war that has divided the Middle East along sectarian lines, a split between Western governments and Russia once again illustrated the international deadlock that has thwarted outside efforts to halt the killing.
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Sicari, who is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and other professional performers' unions, has said his entertainment work entitles him to health benefits and earns him more than his $13,000-a-year part-time judge salary. He said during the Supreme Court arguments in February that he was equally passionate about both his jobs and reiterated that Thursday.
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My entire drug rampage lasted for only two years. That's the irony of my life. There's still reports, Corey Feldman's a big cokehead. It's just completely false. Not only am I not a cokehead, I don't even drink alcohol. You'll never see me stumbling out of a club. People act like that's still who I am. I went through a two year battle, I fought it and came out the other side and ever since I've been ready to go back to work.Â
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The Reserve Bank of Australia will cut interest rates onTuesday by a quarter-point to 2.5 percent, according to theunanimous verdict of economists polled by Reuters, to cushionthe impact of the end of a long China-fuelled boom in mininginvestment.
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It's the feud that just keeps on giving. Michelle (Bombshell) McGee, the first alleged mistress of Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James, quickly learned what happens when you attack funny lady Chelsea Handler. The 32-year-old tattoo model lashed out at the 'Chelsea Lately' host for the second time April 2 via Facebook, writing, 'Dear Chelsea, glad to see my grandma's old clothes put to good use in your wardrobe. Her mu-mu's look AMAZING on you.' 'P.S. You need to hire another midget to hold up those saggy boobies of yours...all that breast feeding from Chuy has really taken its toll.' Chuy Bravo is Handler's personal assistant and appears on her E! show. McGee's burst of vitriol is her latest response to a blog post Handler wrote last week. 'Michelle really believed that Sandra [Bullock] and Jesse were separated and was 'shocked' to see them together at the Oscars,' Handler wrote. 'I guess she doesn't read magazines, which makes sense since she basically has one on her face.'
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Bulger’s defense team hammered Attardo on the stand and pointed to a 1999 grand jury testimony when he lied under oath, MyFoxBoston.com reported. Attardo said he lied then to protect his friend, Kevin Weeks, who also has been called as a witness in the trial, because he believed Bulger wouldn’t ever be caught.
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The government went into partial shutdown on Tuesday afterlawmakers failed to settle a dispute in which Republicans aredemanding the dismantling of President Barack Obama's signaturehealthcare law in exchange for approving a deal.
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The Clinton team never succeeded in articulating a national security policy that meshed with America's role as the world's order-maker. It specifically feared any casualties among American military personnel and used this as an argument for inaction. It produced ill-conceived policies that led nowhere in Somalia and Haiti, counter-productive ventures in Yugoslavia, non-serious blustering in Iraq and horrible miscalculations in North Korea. It caused confusion to America's allies, and delivered a tortured relationship with Russia and China.
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The U.S. Marine Corps version of Lockheed Martin's F35 Joint Strike Fighter, F-35B test aircraft BF-2 flies with external weapons for the first time over the Atlantic test range at Patuxent River Naval Air Systems Command in Maryland in a February 22, 2012 file photo.
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BOSTON — For all the fight the Yankees continue to show, and for all the ground they’ve gained in recent days, their wild-card hopes are hanging by a thread that’s as worn and frayed as their bullpen arms these days.
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But rebels, calling the international focus on poison gas asideshow, have dismissed talk the arms pact might herald peacetalks and said Assad has stepped up an offensive with ordinaryweaponry now that the threat of U.S. air strikes has receded.
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The elder Todashev recently arrived in the United States from Russia to retain the lawyers now looking into possible civil action against the FBI. His son's death stemmed from a probe into the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, which killed three people and injured more than 260 in the worst mass-casualty attack carried out on U.S. soil since 9/11.
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Thompson took center stage from there. The Buccaneers’ offense went three plays and out, and Thompson fielded Chas Henry’s punt at the Redskins 31. He waited patiently and then maneuvered around the first wave of three would-be tacklers without much blocking assistance. Thompson accelerated through the middle of the field, veered to his right around Henry and sprinted to the end zone for an eye-catching touchdown that perhaps will earn him a spot on the season-opening roster.
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The jury trial before U.S. District Judge Sidney Fitzwater in Dallas is expected to last eight to 10 days, court papers show. Opening statements are expected Tuesday when court resumes. The trial could stretch into mid-October, with breaks.
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Though Sanchez initially had hoped to be back by Week 11, when he would have become eligible to return, the Jets almost certainly had moved on from the veteran. Though Gang Green had insisted on classifying the competition with Smith as “ongoing,†the rookie is the quarterback of the future, especially after Monday night. Ryan, speaking Tuesday before the announcement about Sanchez was made, praised the second-round pick’s performance that led to the Gang Green win.
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It was at that event that the term “fun run” was coined. But his new idea was on a different scale, involving the very architecture of his home town. In 1981, he persuaded Newcastle City Council to shut the roads one September Sunday and allow anyone who fancied it to run from the banks of the Tyne along a 13-mile course out to the sea.
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A fight over the government budget and raising the debt limit partially shut down the federal government for 16 days this month. Economists estimated that shaved as much as 0.6 percentage point off annualized fourth-quarter gross domestic product growth.
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The dollar fell late last week after Bernanke said highlyaccommodative monetary policy would be needed for theforeseeable future. Bernanke's remarks on the U.S. economy andmonetary policy will be released at 8:30 a.m. (1230 GMT) onWednesday.
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Of the high-profile British defectors, only George Blake -not a member of the Cambridge ring - seems to have done well inexile. He married a Russian, is still alive at 90 and wasawarded a medal by President Vladimir Putin last year.
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The Contra Costa County Coroner's Office identified the victims as Laurence Daniels, 66, of Fair Oaks and Christopher Sheppard, 58, of Hayward. It was the first fatal accident involving a BART employee in five years.
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No figures are more important than the monthly employmentdata and Friday's report is likely to show the economy added185,000 jobs in July, just shy of the 200,000 average of thepast nine months, according to economists polled by Reuters.
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It comes after the two nations this week signed an accordin Beijing on civil nuclear collaboration. The agreement coverscooperation on investment, technology, construction andexpertise in the nuclear industry, according to the statement.
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One thing that I have learned over 20 years as a weight management practitioner is that the heavier people get, the more difficult it will be to return to a normal weight. I suspect that this is a combination of both behavioural and biological forces at work. However, I have also reached the conclusion that it is never too late to start weight management and obviously the sooner the better. At the right stage in a person's life with the right support in place, people can go on and achieve their weight goals and literally turn their lives into something they could only have imagined - it happens all the time. Having said this, where children are concerned, society must take the responsibility of prevention rather than cure (there is no cure as there is no illness).
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NEW YORK, Sept 26 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rose on Thursdayafter upbeat job market data and following five days ofdeclines, with investors still focused on the possible economicimpact of an ongoing impasse in budget and debt negotiations inWashington.
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Despite the gloomier growth outlook, the government also cutthe budget deficit forecast for the year to March 2014 to 4.2percent of GDP from 4.6 percent, citing lower spending andtechnical effects from changes to how it calculates the fiscalbalance. Economists polled by Reuters had expected 4.9percent.
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Besides increasing harvests and reducing poverty, all this helps combat climate change. The Sahel’s regenerated trees can take 30 tonnes of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere per hectare, while Savory believes that such intensive grazing on just half the world’s available land could return concentrations to pre-industrial levels.
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Nevertheless, both Saunders and Stark struggle to understand the game’s efficacy. “I have friends involved in worthwhile charities that struggle for every twenty-dollar donation,” said Saunders. “But Desert Bus for Hope seems to operate in this strange alternate universe where you can challenge strangers on the Internet to donate five thousand dollars in the next five minutes, and the money seems to just suddenly appear.” Teller said that at a recent magic show, “a guy came up to me and handed me a hundred-dollar bill and asked, ‘Would you get this to the guys that do Desert Bus?’ ”
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Bulger, 83, who faces life in prison if convicted, spent 16 years dodging the FBI after a corrupt FBI official tipped him off that he was about to be arrested in 1994. He was captured living with his girlfriend in Santa Monica, California, in June 2011.
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Of course, critics, including Cuomo, continue to insist Indian Point is a safety problem that can be replaced cheaply and effortlessly. Last month, for example, as part of his “Energy Highway†initiative, the governor’s office announced $10 million for modernizing New York’s power grid “to accommodate a diverse supply of power generation sources, including more clean energy, enhance grid performance, reduce environmental impacts and energy consumption and lower costs to customers.â€Â
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A teacher at an elite New Jersey boarding school leaped to his death from the George Washington Bridge last week — on the same day cops went to his campus to investigate allegations of a sexual relationship between a teacher and a student, officials said.
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Brokerage MKM Partners raised its price target on thetelecom network equipment maker's stock to $3.75 from $2.60,saying the management could prove that its restructuring plansare achievable. Goldman Sachs also raised its price target onAlcatel Lucent's Paris-listed shares.
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The revelation, if that’s the right way to describe Symantec’s insight, is that it sheds some intriguing light on the different groups that seem to operate from inside China, possibly in competition with one another. The warning served by Hidden Lynx is that this group appeared to be a successful business model likely to be copied by others, Symantec said.
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Mostly, the alleged victim in this case is being made out to be the wrongdoer. She was drunk – so drunk, apparently, that she could not even remember the attack until tweets and rumors the following day indicated that three of her comrades had indeed raped her. Her black-out level drunkenness alone is enough to make her unable to consent to sex, her lawyers say. But instead, it is the victim who is being humiliated all over again in the military proceedings.
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Carnival Cruise Line officials announced that two ships thathad been due to arrive in New Orleans over the weekend, theCarnival Elation and Carnival Conquest, could be delayed untilMonday. Guests onboard were being kept apprised and the shipswere sailing at a safe and comfortable distance from the storm,the company said.
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Star Air, the cargo airline of the Danish oil and shippinggroup, could be divested if the airline fails to extend acontract with currier group UPS, travel website Check-Insaid, citing air freight network Cargo Facts.
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Jurors will decide which scenario they believe after a monthlong trial that focused on the salacious details of love triangles and workplace romances, along with allegations of a botched investigation and charges that fellow Albuquerque Police Department officers who came to the scene in neighboring Los Lunas flushed key evidence down the toilet.
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Margarita Lopez says she hopes to take advantage of President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood initiative. The New York City Council's $18 million fund for adult education and GED classes, which City Council Speaker Christine Quinn will announce Wednesday, should help.
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“I don’t know about the First Minister but I don’t think that reporting a crime is a minor matter. I’m pretty sure that victims of crime don’t think so either. They’re now being told that all needs to happen by email or phone instead.â€Â
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Chris Smith joined Gary Forbes and several celebs in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park to benefit the Gary Forbes Foundation, a non-profit organization that raises funds to bring awareness to diabetes. Forbes was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes as a sophomore in college and beat the odds to become a professional basketball player.
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BEIRUT, Aug 18 (Reuters) - As the army ruthlessly crushesthe Muslim Brotherhood on the streets of Cairo, having sweptaway its elected president, Egypt is being painted as thegraveyard of the Arab Spring and of Islamist hopes of shapingthe region's future.
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The paper, citing sources close to the Yamal project, saidthat Japan's Mitsui and Mitsubishi Corporation and an Indianconsortium between ONGC Videsh, the Indian Oil Corporation andPetronet LNG are interested in the 10 percent stake that's leftin the project.
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CENTENNIAL, Colo. — Screaming gunshot victims were stampeding out of a Colorado movie theater after police arrested James Holmes, court documents say, so police officers repeatedly asked him if there was another shooter.
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Other bands and singers who will be on the game's soundtrack include Britney Spears, Pulp, Snoop Dogg, Stevie Wonder, Black Flag, Pet Shop Boys, NWA and Muse. The game's opening theme music was also leaked.
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The reality is that Cooper, once the promising young receiver stepping in for the injured Jeremy Maclin in Philadelphia, is now just the racist jerk at the Kenny Chesney concert back on June 8 who argued with a security guard and threatened to “jump that fence and fight every n----r here.†And while it’s nice that many of his teammates offered Cooper a level of forgiveness, his troubles are far from over.
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Sprint also announced the finalization of their deal with Transit Wireless, the company that owns the wireless network in New York’s subway systems, to deliver Sprint service underground. In April, city officials and Transit Wireless brought the same coverage to 36 subway stations and platforms in a partnership with each of the big four carriers. AT&T and T-Mobile were the first carriers to offer this service to just six stations in Chelsea. Now that Sprint has finalized their deal, they’ll begin working with Transit and city officials to install their network at all 227 stations. They’ll begin with the 36 subway locations already on line before moving on to include 40 more stations including Grand Central, 34th St., Herald Square and Bryant Park.
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Late Saturday, it was about 55 miles (90 kilometers) off the city of Lazaro Cardenas and 180 miles (290 kilometers) southeast of Manzanillo as it moved northward at 6 mph (9 kph). The Mexican government late Saturday issued a hurricane warning for the country's Pacific coast from Lazaro Cardenas to Manzanillo.
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Later on Tuesday, Merkel's conservatives -- her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) -- will follow up the SPD meeting with a second round of preliminary talks with the Greens.
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LONDON, July 16 (Reuters) - European shares edged down onTuesday, slipping back after recovering from 2013 lows over thelast two weeks, with Telecom Italia lagging due touncertainty over a spinoff of a division.
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Tensions rose before the traditional midnight start to the Protestant festivities: the lighting of towering bonfires decorated provocatively with Irish and Catholic symbols. Firefighters must contend with the toppling of recklessly tall bonfires on to nearby homes and also withstand assaults from the often-drunken mobs gathered near the fires.
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The oil in Ghana was discovered around 2006 by the previous NPP government. Production was started in 2009 when the present NDC administration came to power. All decisions by this govt is on the premis that there is oil in Ghana and that anything goes. Loans are being taken from any quater and govt expenditure keeps on rising. meanwhile the proposed salary increase for workers is being curtailed. It is the govt and businesses close to govt who are benifitting. By some strange agreement last year the oil companies never paid taxes. Personnaly the oil in Ghana is taking Ghana on the road as Nigeria took in the 80s. Corruption here corruption there corruption everywhere.
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Boone Isaacs currently heads CBI Enterprises, where she has consulted on such films as “The Call,†“The Artist,†“The King’s Speech,†“Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire,†“Spider-Man 2†and “Tupac: Resurrection.†She previously served as president of theatrical marketing for New Line Cinema, where she oversaw box office successes including “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me†and “Rush Hour.†Prior to joining New Line in 1997, Boone Isaacs was exec worldwide publicity veep for Paramount Pictures, where she orchestrated publicity campaigns for Oscar picture winners “Forrest Gump†and “Braveheart.â€Â
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“I think the pressure is on more now than ever,†he said. “In my eyes, we have to win out. We have to win out. We dug a pretty good hole for ourselves, and we have to fight like hell to get out.â€Â
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“That’s a good feeling,†said Pettitte, who was always notoriously hard on himself following every start. “The last thing I wanted to do was be in here saying, ‘Man, I hung a slider! Game-tying home run! Can you believe this?’ and have to live the rest of my life with that one.â€Â
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After a well-known warlord escaped from prison in Katanga, the Democratic Republic of Congo's most stable province has been terrorised for the last year by a group demanding independence for the mineral-rich region, writes the BBC's Maud Jullien.
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Authorities have said DiMaggio had an “unusual infatuation†with the 16-year-old, although the father said he never saw any strange behavior. If he had, he said, “we would have quashed that relationship in an instant.â€Â
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Kerry's announcement came after last-minute meetings with Palestinian officials at the end of a day in which he shuttled between the Jordanian capital and the West Bank. In Amman, Kerry said Israel and the Palestinians had agreed on a basis for returning to negotiations, five years after talks broke down.
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Executive producer Graham Yost and actor Timothy Olyphant (C) smile with writer Elmore Leonard (L) after receiving a Peabody award for their work in ''Justified'' during the 70th annual Peabody Awards ceremony in New York May 23, 2011.
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But shifting political allegiances following JAL's bankruptcy three years ago, which brought a change in company leadership, have meant that the flag carrier is no longer under the same government sway that has guided major aerospace decisions throughout the postwar period, say people close to both airlines. ANA, by contrast, is now close to the ruling party, and may come under greater pressure to buy Boeing.
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Jeter was unsure whether he would be activated when he’s eligible Saturday, and while the Yankees seem skeptical that he’ll be ready by then, that remains the shortstop’s goal. “I’m going day-to-day, man,†Jeter said. “I want to play as soon as possible. Saturday is the first day I can play, so I want to play on Saturday. But I get it.â€Â
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After Tuesday’s game, Vigneault scowled as he turned right down the hallway, prepared to speak his mind in a closed-door, locker-room meeting that left players admitting a lack of effort. Then he said the only reason the Rangers weren’t practicing on Wednesday in Anaheim was because NHL rules say so, due to this week’s heavy travel that includes back-to-back games and three games in four nights.
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The basic facts are indisputable: A city that, in 1950, boasted 1.84 million people, declined to just 714,000 spread over some 140 square miles — more space than Manhattan, Boston and San Francisco combined. It is unable to pay its bills because the urban core and tax base are hollowed out.
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A U.S. bankruptcy court judge on Wednesday dealt a blow to Detroit's public employee unions and pension funds opposed to the bankruptcy filing by suspending legal challenges in Michigan state courts while he reviews the city's petition for protection from creditors.
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Honda and Toyota overcame consumer animosity because their products proved so attractive. He says the same will be true of Al-Jazeera America, with its emphasis on hard news rather than punditry and comment, a point of difference with Fox News, the market leader, and MSNBC, the number two.
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Panorama purchased the data of 10,000 people from Usdate – a company which sells profiles to sites - and found it included photographs of Brad Pitt, Michael Caine and Rick Stein. Some of the contact details were genuine, including the email addresses of academics, a House of Lords life peer and BBC employees, all of whom said they had never used a dating website.
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Marshall, her only child, earned the Purple Heart in the battle of Iwo Jima and later became a U.S. ambassador and Broadway producer. He also managed his mother's money — and appropriated chunks of it for himself, prosecutors said.
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DURHAM, N.C. — Bloody Tuesday, a demanding period of football preparation at Duke University, commences with a devotional led by the team’s chaplain at 7:05 a.m. each week. A meeting follows at 7:10 and players later march down the paved path onto the practice field, a secluded swath of turf lined by black fences bordering Wallace Wade Stadium, the Saturday battleground, on West Campus. Chaos reigns around 10 a.m. as loudspeakers blast “Seven Nation Army.†Players form a tight circle around midfield as coaches call for physical one-on-one combat. Whistles blow; helmets and pads crash.
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Sutcliffe said she received no money from the moviemakers and is angry they distributed photos of her house, making it easy for fans to find her address. A lawyer has told her she probably has no case to sue, and she said she doesn't want money, just to be left alone.
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As the Pope was greeted by frenzied crowds after his arrival in Rio de Janeiro on Monday, reports surfaced that the homemade explosive device had been found by Brazilian authorities Sunday at the Aparacida Shrine, which is in the city of Aparacida, halfway between Rio and São Paulo. The device was reportedly detonated on Monday.
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The 24-year-old Croatian international is a 6-8 forward who will compete for backup spot behind Paul Pierce. He will be the third European on the Nets roster, joining Tornike Shengelia and Mirza Teletovic. He averaged 15.9 points on 49 percent shooting last season for Fenerbahçe in the Turkish league. He also was kicked off the Croatian national team last year for disciplinary reasons, only to be reinstated.
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Sony was playing the role of adult even after getting trounced by Universal’s kid’s movie. The studio said it was pleased that the Adam Sandler picture had the comedian’s second-best opening ever, after “The Longest Yard†in 2005.
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And a Black Country charity which helps people who've been sexually abused says it can't cope with the number of people contacting it since the allegations of child abuse by Jimmy Savile first came to light.
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U.S. crude prices held above $100 a barrel, havingfallen to their lowest level in more than three months in theprevious session as stockpiles in oil hub Cushing began toreverse a months-long decline, and as signs of progress in talksover Iran's nuclear programme also pressured prices.
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The apostle's shrine is the destination of the famous ElCamino de Santiago pilgrimage across the Pyrenees, which hasbeen followed by Christians since the Middle Ages and has had aresurgence in popularity in recent decades.
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The document was filed as part of an effort by the feds to keep the salacious information from being introduced when Madoff’s former secretary, Annette Bongiorno, and others face trial in the fall on charges of securities fraud and conspiracy. Prosecutors told the court they anticipate lawyers for Bongiorno and her co-defendants would attempt to use the sex secrets to damage the credibility of witnesses the feds plan to call. They then called on the judge to issue “an order excluding any such evidence – by either side.”
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The cost to insure against a U.S. default rose on Friday toits highest level since May. Investors would have to pay about32,000 euros to insure 10 million euros worth of Treasuriesagainst a default in five years, up from 31,000 euros onThursday and 22,000 euros a week ago, according to data fromMarkit.
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The former San Francisco Giants icon was in New York for last month’s All-Star festivities, which included a one-night only event in Manhattan, sponsored by Hennessy Cognac, that gave fans a glimpse at memorabilia from the Roberto Clemente Museum in Pittsburgh.
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Hometown fans being upset at a captain not picking a hometown guy for this thing is understandable, but this new fad of booing the team captain to the point that it takes away from the competition is poor. Luckily the All-Star Game is not in Pittsburgh – it’s in Wright’s home stadium, Citi Field – so this won’t be an issue during the Derby and we can give full attention to the hitters, not the boo birds.
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“All of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict, and focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do,†he said.
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Nicaragua has traditionally relied on agricultural exports to sustain its economy, with pushes to diversiy into manufacturing in the 1950s and 1990s. But the country's meagre national wealth benefited mainly a few elite families of Spanish descent, in particular the Somoza family in the mid-20th century. This dynasty ruled the country with US backing between 1937 and the Sandinista revolution in 1979.
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Three other smaller multipurpose vessels, bought second handby PDVSA unit Citgo in 2011, were anchored for more than a yearwhile it tried to transfer them to another state company taskedwith importing grains and petrochemicals.
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Instead of sticking to their established production method — the band members showing each other their compositions in rehearsals, making arrangements and cutting demos before entering the studio — they decided to record the songs live and play all the instruments themselves (they don’t have an official drummer).
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Of the 21 major restaurant chains surveyed, only one – Jamie Oliver’s company Jamie’s Italian – could say where the meat in children-only meals came from, showing little regard for accountability in the wake of the horse-meat scandal.
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NEW YORK, Oct 2 (Reuters) - The euro soared to aneight-month high versus the dollar on Wednesday as EuropeanCentral Bank President Mario Draghi stuck with the bank'scurrent stance on monetary policy and said the ECB is preparedto do more should the economy warrant it.
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The past few years have already seen some small movestowards consolidation in China's auto industry, such as ChanganAutomobile Group's takeover of micro-van maker Harbin HafeiAutomobile Industry Group in 2009 and Guangzhou Auto's move totake control of small pick-up truck maker Gonow and ChangfengAutomobile, which has a 50-50 manufacturing and sales jointventure with Japan's Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
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Kabel Deutschland's biggest shareholder, Elliott Management, tendered part of its stake in order that the offer should succeed. Now it, along with shareholder hedge funds Davidson Kempner and York Capital, plans legal action in the hope that a court will force Vodafone to offer a higher price in the next stage of the buyout, said the sources with knowledge of the hedge funds' plans.
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The other thing that makes Russian officials see red is the Magnitsky Act, named after whistle-blowing lawyer Sergei Magnitsky who died in a Russian prison after investigating cases of tax fraud by Russian officials. The bill, passed by the U.S. Congress in December 2012, bans 18 Russians from entry into the United States. Russia responded by releasing its own list of banned Americans and ending the adoption of Russian children by Americans.
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Mr Pitchford, who was formally in charge of the Palm Jumeirah in Dubai, had wanted to stay working for the Cabinet Office until 2015. However he has resigned to return to Australia to care for his daughter who is in her 20s and has a life threatening condition.
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Barco, a maker of high-end digital screens for 3D cinemas,aircraft and hospitals, said it now expected low single digitgrowth for the full year, adding that the weak third quarter andthe strong euro had made it more cautious. (Reporting by Robert-Jan Bartunek; editing by PhilipBlenkinsop)
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U.S. bounty hunter Duane Lee Chapman, known as Dog Chapman, is seen in police mugshot after he was arrested while attempting to spirit Andrew Luster, the fugitive heir of the Max Factor cosmetics fortune and convicted rapist from the Mexican beach resort of Puerto Vallarta June 18, 2003. Chapman and some others captured Luster, who jumped a US$1 million bail, and were on the way to Vallarta's airport when they were intercepted by local police and arrested. (REUTERS/HO-Puerto Vallarta Police)
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The scale of Putin's ambition is also seen in the 65,000-km (40,000-mile) torch relay, the longest in history; it will go to the North Pole, to the bottom of the world's deepest lake and into space, where the crew of the International Space Station will take the torch - unlit - on a spacewalk.
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So far Wall Street has taken the back-and-forth in stride. The S&P 500 index is down 1.3 percent for the week, but still up18 percent for the year, and numerous strategists have said theeventual resolution of Washington's legislate battles willprovide a buying opportunity.
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Bumi Resources owns 87 percent of Bumi Resources MineralsTbk, which has $360 million in loans maturing inSeptember. Banking sources said a refinancing of the loans couldmirror what the group did in August, when Bumi Resources took a15-month loan to replace a maturing three-year facility.
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It looks like Michael Vick is going to beat out Nick Foles for the Eagles’ starting quarterback job. It makes sense: Vick is the team leader, his mobility works better with Chip Kelly’s fast-break offense and Foles, who doesn’t move well, is just a midlevel talent. Vick completed his first nine passes against the Panthers on Thursday. Now let’s see how Kelly develops rookie Matt Barkley, a one-time top-10 talent who dropped to the fourth round in this year’s draft.
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Most passionate of all was Mariana Mazzucato, a professor of economics at the University of Sussex, in England. Her gripe was with the familiar characterization of the private sector as the sole source of innovation and creative thinking and of the state sector as a Kafkaesque world of inefficiency, bureaucracy and frustration.
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After centuries of male-preference primogeniture, in which a girl who'd otherwise be heir to the British royal throne can get leapfrogged by her brothers, the Commonwealth countries have agreed to change their policy, which would put Kate and William's daughter, if they have one, third in line for the British throne, even if she someday has brothers.
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But that complaint glosses over the profoundly un-capitalistic nature of the health care market before ObamaCare, in which insurers had no incentive to lower prices despite overwhelming demand. (The same dynamic can be seen in the higher education market, where college tuition has outpaced inflation by a long shot.) The whole point of ObamaCare is to tweak the system so that insurers behave like normal companies in a capitalist framework — and that tweak, more or less, is the individual mandate, which will encourage companies to compete for customers who aren't just young and healthy.
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An inscription on the bell describes Hitler as “the unifier and Fuhrer of all Germans†and says he freed the “Ostmark†— Nazi jargon for Austria — “from the yoke of suppression by foreign elements and brought it home into the Great German Reich.â€Â
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The case raises questions about whether state Senate Democrats were fighting at a self-inflicted disadvantage in last year's election campaign, after which they held a 26 to 23 majority but lost control of the chamber when two conservative Democrats opted to caucus with Republicans to form a majority coalition.
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Gosling, according to the report, would play the son of Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original “Star Wars†trilogy. Though there has yet to be an official announcement, Mark Hamill is believed to be set to reprise his role as Luke for “Episode VII.â€Â
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This last is no minor consideration, considering that Allen – born Allen Stewart Konisberg in The Bronx – claims to have become aware of his own mortality and the existential abyss at the tender age of five. “I remember the dark cloud descending then, and I've walked around under it my entire life,” he says matter-of-factly. “There's a neuro-biological theory that these things are imprinted, hardwired – this guy's gloomy, this one's sunny – and there's nothing you can do about it. We're not born with a clean slate, as Sartre would have you think; rather, we have a little photograph on our negative and it's how you manage that in the developing fluid. Some manage that process better than others, but the imprint is always there. So I need to work to keep my gloom at bay.” Which could explain his relentless daily routine. “I get up in the morning, get the kids off to school, do the treadmill, go into my room and write, have lunch with my wife, write in the afternoon, go for a walk, practice my clarinet, write again, and that's seven days a week, and I don't feel boxed in with that at all, because 'kicking back' is a relatively alien concept to me,” he says. Ideas – for plots, sketches, jokes – are gleaned from newspapers or conversations, scribbled on scraps of paper, and thrown in a big drawer: “Then, at the end of the year, I'll rummage through them, and some might seem very foreign to me – 'What was I thinking, a man who becomes telepathic,' and I throw it back in – but some hold up and I pursue them, broaden them out, usually on my own, but occasionally I'll ask my wife which ones she thinks sound juicier or more fun.”
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Felicitations a tous les quatre. Vous nous avez fait vibrer durant cette belle semaine. Un grand respect pour la performance réalisée! On vous souhaite une bonne récup bien méritée et un bon retour au paîs...
Aquitaine safety
Salut les champions. Toutes nos félicitations pour la perf réalisée. Du repos maintenant pour apprécier les environs en attendant le retour.Un grand merci pour ce que vous nous avez fait vivre. Les PRN de Lons
Aquitaine safety
Vous êtes tous des champions même si le héros de la famille reste Jean Luc ! Sincères Félicitations !
Aquitaine safety
Bravo,la ligne est franchie;vaillance,courage et solidarité,trois facteurs qui vous caractérisent,vous ont permis d'écrire une page importante de votre parcours personnel et collectif; Merci de nous avoir offert ces moments de joie,d'inquiétude parfois et aussi de crainte. Profitez un max de la fin de votre séjour au Costa Rica, avec ou sans modération.
On attend le plaisir de vous revoir.
Aquitaine safety
ça y est vous y êtes,
Un grand bravo à toute l'équipe!
c'est la fin d'une belle aventure pour vous et d'un feuilleton suspens pour nous.
Récuperez bien et profitez au max de ces derniers jours sous les tropiques, bières locales bien meritées!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
UN TRES GRAND BRAVO !!!! Vous avez à peine les traits tirés, frais comme des gardons !
Philippe, nous t'attendons de pied ferme lundi, avec plein de changements chez Ford ! Profitez bien de ces derniers moments savoureux ! Encore bravo !
Aquitaine safety
Bravo à tous les quatre superbes sourires sur la ligne .Vous avez été géniaux récupérez bien et à très bientôt sur Oloron
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Bien content de vous savoir arrivé et entier, ça fait plaisir de vous voir avec le sourire sous la ligne d'arrivée!!! Malgré les pépins vous n'avez rien lâché et je ne suis pas surpris. Reposez vous bien et donner nous des news quand vous le pourrez!!!
Aquitaine safety
BRAVO!!Vous êtes géniaux!! jusqu'au bout vous avez assuré nous faisant tous frémir!!
C'est beau ce que vous avez fait!...Chapeau bas!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
bon c'est bien vous etes arrivés et tout sourire en plus. j'ai raté ça mais j'etais en cours ... reposez vous bien
A samedi
Belle équipe, bravo, respect, énorme respect.
Didier, tu nous racontera toute cette aventure, hein mon p'ti ;-)
encore bravo, rentrez bien, savourez. biz
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
en fin on vous voie et en plus avec le sourire sa s'est bon un gros bravo a tous les 4 une bonne douche et un gros dodo vous ferra du bien respect a tous et pat la barbe te vas bien on dirais un vrais bucheron canadien
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Enfin arrivé !!!
Bravo à tous et surtout à ma super maman !!
Reposez vous bien !
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Un grand merci à Endorphinmag ! Super coverage !
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
ça y est ils sont là , tout souriant, un peu fatigués mais les traits pas tirés. Félicitations à vous quatre. Bravo , bravo
les lamarre
Aquitaine safety
Bonjour Champion! bravo à vous pour cette belle aventure que vous nous avez fait vivre!bonne récupération et penses au troisième tiroir(ça a l' air vraiment terrible!mdr) le PINARDIER65
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
aller on vous attend a la rivé on est impatient super boulot de endorphinmag pour le suivi du raid bravo
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
allez papou, allez papou c'est la fin , t'es le meilleur
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Pratiquement terminé !!! Félicitation pour cette énorme exploit. Impatient d'avoir le récit de votre aventure. Et merci à Endorphinmag de nous avoir fait suivre la course.
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Je viens de voir que vous êtes arrivé.
Toutes ma famille et moi tenons à vous féliciter pour être arrivé au bout de ce RAID très difficile.
Je suis très fier de vous et très impressionné.
Il me tarde d' avoir vos impressions en direct.
A bientôt
Je viens de voir la photo d'arrivé...
Bisous à tous. Alain
Bravo pour cette deuxième course dans le raid, c'est surement pas facile de redémarrer. j'attends de voir les photos de l'arrivée. Merci les trois gars d'avoir emmener Lucie jusqu'au bout et entière, le problème qui va se poser est : si cela lui a plu, elle va vouloir recommencer !!!
Bravo et félicitation à tous. Alain
Aquitaine safety
Félicitations aux Pyrénéens !
Magnifiques sourires à l'arrivée !
Même pas fatigués !
Bonnes vacances au Costa Rica.
je pense bien à vous encore quelques efforts et enfin la ligne d arrivée
bravo pour votre belle aventure et merci à endorphinmag pour nous avoir fait partager l évolution et l humeur des équipes durant ce parcourt
A fond les ballons papou d'amour!!! allez c'est bientot fini,vous êtes formidable! T'es p'être devenu un vrai aventurier après ce raid...on a bien reçu ton gros calinou, on a hâte de te voir en vrai!!!!
dernier message...quand vous l'aurez ce sera fini, là vous êtes si j'en crois le live en train de donner vos derniers coups de pagaies, il y aura encore un dernier portage(rien ne vous est épargné!!) avant le soulagement final. C'est vraiment une épreuve de fou, bravo à tous, bravo Lucie, j'espère que tu vas enfin te reposer...
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
allez courage c'est bientôt fini (ça le sera quand vous lirez ce message ...). Visiblement cette dernière section VTT vous a value qq détours (notamment la balise 48).
Reposez vous bien maintenant c'est bien mérité.
Félicitations à tous
Aquitaine safety
Putain vous l'avez fait je le savais, grandiose...
Bises à Rachel et franche accolades aux hommes.
pour Xav, bravo frère je t aime, Koala jovial doit être fier
Aquitaine safety
Bravo à vous tous!!On savait que vous y
arriveriez,connaissant votre détermination
Alors merci à tous les quatre de nous avoir fait
vivre ce Raid!!
A présent,reposez vous bien,récupérez visitez
pour nous ramener de tas de souvenirs.
Je remplis le troisième tiroir Xav,pour que tu te
remontes un peu au retour !!!Bisous de mamie JO
Et de tes trois jolies petites femmes
Famille Lumpert
Allez Kinesium dernière ligne droite vous êtes bientôt arriver ! Vous l'avais fait ce championnat c'est super bravo à toute l'équipe !
Aquitaine safety
Yes yes yes!!!!!!
Formidables , vous êtes formidables
Trop content pour vous , vous êtes aller au bout avec talent, passion courage, bravo c'est superbe, on fêtera comme il se doit !!!
Profitez de ces moments intenses , ici on a vécu grâce à vous et aussi Bea et Stéphane des moements des stress terrible, QUEL RAID !!!
Vivement votre retour autour d'un bon demi YES
Aquitaine safety
Yaohhouuuu!!! mais que vous êtes beaux! et avec le sourire! Enfin! c'est merveilleux ce que vous avez fait!! Extraordinaire! BRAVO A TOUTE L'EQUIPE D'AQUITAINE SAFETY! Merci on s'est régalés à vous suivre! les JUJUS!
Aquitaine safety
BRAVO A VOUS 4 !!!! Enorme ! On aurait aimé être sur la ligne d'arrivée pour partager avec vous ce beau moment ! Encore Félicitations d'être arrivé au bout de ce chantier
Aquitaine safety
Coucou Lahiriri et ses compagnons de galères.
Ça y est ouf fini, super, j’espère que vous récupérez et maintenant pensez au retour, vite,vite !!!
Vous avez été super, tous les jours on vous suivez.
Gros gros bisous à tous et à bientôt Lahiriri. les Hippos
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
allez anne et toute son équipe..c'est super ce que vous faites.
courage pour la fin de ce raid de fou..
prenez soins de vos ptits pieds..
bises et que la force soit avec vous.
bises à hervé votre premier fan!!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Bientot la ligne d'arrivée.Bonne récup à toute l'équipe.
Dans quel état allons nous te retrouver lundi prochain ?
Je vais faire plein de café.En attendant pour vous se sera una cerveza et peut etre un steack de crocodile...
A bientot
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez Issy, un dernier raft pour le plaisir et c la fête ! Hâte de lire le compte rendu !! steph Arverne
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
elle sait tout faire cette nana ! Anne, ouvre une école de raid pour former les petites françaises !! steph, Arverne et fier d'avoir pu courir avec Anne Simon ...
Aquitaine safety
Bon, on approche du but! c'est trop génial! il nous tarde de vous voir sourire devant les photographes d'endorphinmag!!! yes! les jujus
Aquitaine safety
Votre balise GPS veut maintenir le suspens, et ne nous donne plus d'infos depuis + de 24h... Mais pas grave, on sait que vous avancez, la fin est proche, alors ne lâchez rien, votre exploit est superbe... Hâte de vous voir en photo sur la ligne d'arrivée...
Allez courage, ouf, vous vous êtes vite rendu compte que vous preniez une mauvaise direction...j'espère que vos pieds tiennent le coup, on voit des photos de pied à l'arrivée c'est terrible! Bon soyez prudent pour cette dernière balise, une histoire de tronc à franchir avec vos vélos. Take it easy Lucie.
Aquitaine safety
Dernière ligne droite. On pense fort à vous! Maintenant, vous pourrez dire que l'Aventure en valait la peine. vous avez été magnifiques. Bonne fin de course et à très vite. Profitez de tout! les Barbet's
Aquitaine safety
Allez Allez Allez ! Nous sommes si fierts de vous! Magnifique course !
Me tarde de voir les images!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez Issy courage à vous c'est bientôt la fin...Julien
Aquitaine safety
Allez les gars! C est la dernière ligne droite ! Donnez tout ce qu il vous reste! On est là, avec vous, jusqu au bout! Soyez fiers de ce beau parcours , en tout cas, nous , on l est !!!
On attend de vos nouvelles avec impatience ! Merci Endorphinmag de nous en donner des que vous les voyez!!!
Grosses bises à tous les 4 Lahiri family
Aquitaine safety
Allez le gps c est pas grave a l ancienne
carte boussole alti
vous y etes presque gerez encore
bises a tous
c est super ce que vous faite mais avec la fatigue apparemment il faut faire gaffe à la derniers balise en vit qui est dangereuse à récupérer alors prudence et amusez vous bien !!!!
Aquitaine safety
Allez les copains, on ne sait plus trop où vous en êtes mais je sens que la ligne d'arrivée approche, vous nous faites vibrer et cette course est un exploit
Continuez, avancez et passez cette ligne d'arriver vous le méritez.
AUPA !!!!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Faute d'image, on imagine bien Xav et Dom à block en mode tracteurs sur cette dernière section VTT; Ou alors Rachel qui tracte ses 3 collègues raides ! Peut importe la méthode... Allez courage, ne lâchez rien !!!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bon surtout faites super gaffe à la dernière balise d'après Mimi elle n'est pas facile (voir dangereuse ) à aller chercher, un tronc d'arbre à traverser avec votre vtt et tout ça au dessus de 20 m de vide !!!! ne prenez pas de risque inutile ça n'en vaut pas la peine vous êtes déjà des héros à nos yeux courage c'est là fin Sarah
Allez les savoyards, courage, c'est bientôt fini !! D'après Mimi, notre new world champion, prudence sur le dernier CP VTT... !! Et profitez encore de cette nature authentique et de ces moments inouïs ! Sportivement Emilien B.
Aquitaine safety
Allez enfin vous en devinez le bout!!! toutes nos forces sont avec vous!!! vous déchirez c'est génial!! plein de muxu de bidart !!! la frangine
Bravo à tous, vous êtes ENORME..... une très belle 18ème position pour ce classement provisoire.... et surtout sur le parcours long....Très belle prestation encore une fois l'expérience paye.....
Aquitaine safety
Vous y êtes à l'objectif fixé!! non pas sans peine
car ,c'est impensable,ce que avez fait les
uns et les autres La folie!!!
Bonne fin de parcours les petits.Vous la voyez
cette interminable fin!!!
Bisous des 4 Lumpert ici dans notre Béarn
Aquitaine safety
Je suis rivé à la balise qui bouge plus, je me suis dis: ah ils font dodo! Hé bé non, c'est la batterie qui est hs.Chapeau bas , vous avez géré, reste la dernière ligne droite en VTT, je t'attends Rachel à l'arrivée et promis, avec ton plat préféré, escalopes à la crème :)Big Kiss.JC
bientôt la fin bravo a vous!!!!! le yeti va pouvoir ce reposer cette hiver après ce parcours de fou!!!
Aquitaine safety
Salut les Français Pyrénéens,
Dégustez bien la fin du chemin !
Votre batterie intérieure est toujours en charge : c'est l'essentiel ! Bonne route. Brigitte
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Je vois que tout va bien et que vous avancez fort. La fin approche courage et tenez bon. Maëla
Aquitaine safety
Bon Bravo a vous 4 rien a rajouter cette fois ci je pense que vous avez eu votre dose mais je pense comme dis Myriam G qu'ils en ont rajouté un peu trop.
Quel courage! et quelle aventure humaine vous avez vécu...
Encore bravo!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez, courage les Issy, c'est bientôt fini !! Bravo pour cette course de malade, continuez de profiter des paysages et de vivre une belle aventure hors du commun. Faites gaffe sur la dernière balise VTT !! Emilien B.
Aquitaine safety
Allez,allez, nos encouragements à toute l'équipe. Vous êtes formidable, c'est bientôt la ligne d'arrivée. Il faut tenir pour bien finir. Encore Bravo à vous quatre. Les PRN de Lons
Aquitaine safety
Mais qu'est-ce que c'est qu'ces vacances de merde ?
Les billets d'avion, ils sont valables jusqu'à quelle date pour le retour ?
Bon aller, vous en avez certainement plein les chaussettes. Un bon vélo pas en dessous de 30 de moy et on en parle plus.
Courage, c'est maintenant qu'il faut serrer les dents.
Aquitaine safety
Bon on ne vous perd pas de vue, heureusement que Stéphane et endormphinmag nous tiennent au courant!!! Merci à eux! Bravo vous êtes sur la dernière ligne droite! ça doit carburer dur sur le vtt, vous connaissant, vous trouverez le Jus malgré tout ce que vous traînez de km derrière! Vous êtes des champions ici à nos yeux! Aupa!!! gogogo! vers la ligne d'arrivée!
Aquitaine safety
Coucou les héros! Ne croyaient pas que sans votre balise on ne vous suit plus, loupé on espère que vous êtes bientôt arrivés en forme, ainsi que vos pieds. Courage c'est presque fini. A bientôt
Aquitaine safety
Alors, vous aviez peur qu on ne vous suive pas jusqu au bout ??? C est pour ça que vous avez laissé votre balise GPS sur la section canoë ??? Allez, faites nous un petit signe.... Nous, on vous imagine sur vos vtt à grandes roues en train de doubler tout le monde!!! Allez les Safety, FONCEZ!!! On y croit jusqu au bout!!! Grosses bises Lahiri family
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
bonjour pas de chance avec le kayak mais bon vous vivez une très belle expérience sur se beau raid profité bien de ses dernier paysages garder le sourie. ses très fort se que vous faite courage bises de la part de tous le monde pour pat. Damian
Aquitaine safety
Dernière ligne droite , vous pouvez être fiers de vous , nous. On vous trouve formidables et très attachants .
Bravo bravo pour tous ces moments .
Vous êtes des grands sportifs exemplaires solidarité, effort, rigueur, souriant bref une belle image de belles personnes
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Beaucoup de mondes vous attend au pays
Stéph NIco Sarah Samuel Faustine vos fans
C'est extraordinaire ce que vous faites...on voit votre onglet 41 avancer à une allure folle grâce au live. tenez bon !! Bravooooooooooooooo
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
allez Issy plus qu'une petite virée en vélo et ce sera gagné !
je vous suivrai en direct demain matin pour votre arrivée grâce à Béa (merci à elle et à toute l'équipe d'EndorphinMag).
J'espère vous voir souriants faites nous une belle ITV
Bises à Christine
Asta Luego
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Salut les aventuriers, décidément vous n'avez pas de chance avec les pagaies ! Courage c'est bientôt la fin. Nous sommes très fier de vous !
Aquitaine safety
Allez ..tenez bon!!..;encore un effort...Bientôt la fin!!
Bravo à tous 4 Bon courage ...JUSQU AU BOUT!!!!....;
Aquitaine safety
Elle va être belle cette ligne d'arrivée.Vous êtes trop..
Gérez, gérez bien et bon courage.
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Incroyable vous remontez tout le monde, quelle résistance!!!
ça sent l'arrivée non... il parait que les conditions sont très difficiles pour les pieds, soyez encore forts y'en à plus pour très longtemps...on est derrière vous
Allez Lucie, allez les gars tenez bon !!
Aquitaine safety
Allez Allez Allez ! L'arrivée n'est plus trés loin à présent, continuez dans cette dynamique qui est la vôtre!
Toujours à fond derrière vous !
Go Go Go.
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
courage les Issyiens c'est bientot la fin du kayak !
On espere votre arrivée pour bientôt.
profitez du pays et des rencontres jusqu'aux derniers instants
Thule Adventure Team
Félicitations à vous. Bravo pour cette superbe performance. Bonne récupération.
Aquitaine safety
Allez,ça tire à sa fin!!
Accrochez vous encore un peu et c'est
bon pour la ligne d'arrivée!!!
On vous admire pour votre force et courage
Gros bisous des 4 Lumpert
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez Philippe & team, ne lâchez rien, vous y êtes presque !!!
Le plus dur est fait, nous sommes fiers de vous !
Quelle allure!!! Bravo à tous les 4...Dédé, on dirait que ça te réussit, le foot...va falloir faire pareil avant nos match.
Feliz de verte feliz, como pez en el agua!!!
Aquitaine safety
Restez vigilants jusqu'à l'arrivée et BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO !!!
Allez, jusqu'au bout, c'est super ... faut pas lacher, bien gérer l'effort pour pouvoir franchir bientôt cette ligne d'arrivée. On est fier de vous vraiment ... respect !
t'es le meilleur mon p'ti ;-) biz
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
allez, allez c'est bientôt la fin, on ne lâche pas, les premiers sont arrivés , on attend votre arrivée avec impatience. Gros bisous. Nat
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
you are the best, sister!grosses bises pour te soutenir! courage à toute l'équipe, vous tenez le bon bout! blandine
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
On vous envoie un peu de fraîcheur grenobloise, beaucoup d'énergie et de bonne humeur pour le moral - courage pour la fin de course !
Aquitaine safety
Un immense bravo à tous les 4, c'est dantesque !! On vous suit depuis une semaine grâce à Facebook et aux multiples résumés. Vous êtes géants !!! Un grand respect pour ce que vous arrivez à faire !! On est tous derrière vous. Régis & le VTT Labenne.
Aquitaine safety
Allez, vous etes pret du Finish comme on le voit sur la carte alors GO GO GO plus rien ne vous arrete ! tout le monde s'incline devant AQUITAINE SAFETY CAMP...grande classe... bcp me disent oh la la c est INCROYABLE, ceux qui vous suivent vous vénèrent c 'est excellent ! Vivement que vous nous racontiez vos exploits! BISES DES 4 LUMPERT
Lucie, pagaie plus vite, la D2 t'attend !!!
Enorme, vous êtes énormes! Ne lâchez rien et profitez bien de ces moments inoubliables. Concernant la ligne d'arrivée, je n'ai aucun doute, vous allez la voir très vite. Let's go Raid 74!
Aquitaine safety
Allez allez, ne lâchez rien! On est derrière vous! On vous suit! C'est superbe ce que vous faites!les Jujus
Aquitaine safety
C'est bon, bravo pour ce que vous réalisez, bientôt la ligne sera passée. Sur ce qui est montré cela semble très dur, encore bravo à vous quatre.
Thule Adventure Team
Bravo!!!magnifique...vous êtes trop forts!!!
surtout bonne récup et profitez en bien de cette victoire.
Thule Adventure Team
allez courage..je vous donne mon énergie!!
vous êtes hors norme...
Aquitaine safety
Un peu de kayak puis cette fin de raid est pour vous ! Profitez bien !
Aquitaine safety
Salut babar team
Et c est reparti à fond
Lâchez rien , tous avec vous jusqu au bout
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Famille Michel
Aquitaine safety
Bravo à tous les 4 ! Belle reprise sur l'eau ! Accrochez vous et continuez comme ça ! On est de nouveau plus que jamais derrière vous . Grosses bises. Romain, Manon, Lena, Lilou
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bon courage à vous tous, soyez fort. Je pense bien à vous,j’espère que vous terminerez bien la course. Grosses bises à tous.
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Allez un petit message pour vous encouragez à continuer la course avec le mental et à continuer à doubler des équipes. j’espère que le repos vous auras fait du bien. Papa m'as dit qu'il y avait eu une blessure, j’espère que c'est pas grave et que ça ne va pas vous empêcher de terminer la course. Grosses bises à toute l'équipe et on est tous derrière vous. Antoine
C'est bien reparti, j'espère que le paysage est beau et varié pour faire passer cette longue section sur l'eau...les trucs des enfants pour faire passer le temps, jouer à je vois je vois( quelque chose de bleu...) chanter (elle est où la pagaie x2, là bas sous le cocotier x2,mais les crocos ils l'ont mangé x2) en canon se bagarrer mais le risque de chavirage est grand et la perte de place assurée... Encore bravo à vous, bon courage à toute l'équipe et un peu plus pour Lucie!!!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Et ben voilà! on y est, un petit raft!
profitez en pour reposer les jambes.
C'est un super raid que vous faites là, bravo!
Thierry, j'espére que tes nuits de balisage au RIF t'aurons servi, Pascal, que tes ruses RIF auront permis de déjouer les ruses costa ricaines et Christophe, que tu es égal à toi même, toujours dans le partage. Bon courage a Anne Simon également.
Thule Adventure Team
Aller les petits Frenchies!
c'est fini! vous l'avez fait!
Bravo, vous l'avez fait! vous avez retrouvé votre statut de champions du monde et quels champions!
Un raid de fou...merci pour le suspens et surtout, ne négligez pas la récup', on aimerait bien vous suivre aussi en 2014!
Aquitaine safety
vraiment incroyable tout se que vous avez fait sur cette course jusqu'ici! Soyez fort et allez franchir cette finish line!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
allez allez courage!! plein d'énergie à vous! bisous
plein de courage et d'énergie à vous!! on pense à vous!
Valérie et Gilles
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez les gars (et la fille),jusqu'au bout maintenant, on vous suit , faites nous rêver.Bravo pour ce que vous faite et que la force soit avec vous
Bises et encouragements d'Absolu Raid
Thule Adventure Team
Allez, formidable ce que vous avez fait !!!
Bises d'Absolu Raid
Aquitaine safety
On vous suit toujours et là,on attend les
prochaines news On pense très fort à vous
On sait que vous souffrez,mais,que vous voulez
y arriver!!!Gros bisous de toute la famille
Allez les frenchies, c'est la dernière ligne droite ! bientôt l'arrivée, soyez forts et fiers de vous !
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Alors ils sont toujours en course ? voilà la question a laquelle j'ai du répondre ce matin au boulot.J'ai regardé
ce we les vidéos.Apparement tu n'as vraiement pas apprecier les kayaks. Ne parlons pas de la pagaie perdue...Bon
Il vous reste encore quelques jours de course.Profitez bien de la nature, du soleil, de la chaleur..
Aquitaine safety
Allez Allez Allez !!L'aventure continue pour vous et pour nous aussi du coup ! Toujours à fond derrière vous...Je vous envoie mon énergie ... régalez vous !
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
hello !
vous allez bientot attaquer le Raft, profitez en et ne regrettez rien.
Les paysages que vous allez encore rencontrés seront certainement magnifique.
Courage pour la fin, il faut garder la motivation !
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
prenez du plaisir sur cette fin de course, les paysages sont magnifiques, les gens ont l'air très sympas. Pierre je veux bien venir au Costa Rica avec toi, mais on redéfinira les conditions de vie et les moyens de transports ;-). Emmanuelle
Allez les gars et la fille encore un petit effort pour profiter du paysage.
Lucie soignes tes petits bobos, car n'oublies pas que tu as le triathlon des neiges le 5 janvier 2014 !!!
Bon sourage à tous
Belle aventure et bravo à toute l'équipe. Nul doute que ça va vous rendre encore plus fort. revenez en forme. à très bientôt Didier,on t'attend sur le terrain ! Bizz ...
Roy and crew keep going you are almost there! We are all so proud of you here in EDH ! We have been following you from the beginning.
Aquitaine safety
Salut bravo à vous pour cette aventure, soyez fort pour la finir. Beaucoup de monde est derrière vous, devant ce serait trop dur.
T'es sèrieux? Tu joues au foot? . C'est pas possible, t'es fais en quoi Baloo? Les frites du nord font des bon gamins!!! Une grosse pensée pour vous. Et beaucoup d'admiration pour Lucie. Vraiment impressionnée.
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Après un bon moment de repos c'est reparti pour la suite de la course !! Bonne chance à tout le monde et toujours un gros bisous pour ma maman !
Bon courage pour la suite et profitez bien !!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
C'est énorme vous avez l'air fatigué mais après 6 jours de course finalement pas temps que ça...on est derrière vous à vous refiler tout ce qu'on a d'énergie, de courage et de persévérance, vous aurez bien mérité qu'on vous dorlote après ça. Anne juste pour info Lucile et David terminent 1er du relais 4 mixte de la sainté-lyon, vous êtes des winners dans cette famille allez encore un petit effort
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bravo vous doublé des équipes.
J' ai vu des photos, vous avez l' air en pleine forme.
J' espère que vous prenez beaucoup de plaisir.
A bientôt
Aquitaine safety
Message pr Xav et son equipe BRAVO depuis la REUNION ou les Piernas vs suivent et vous encouragent! c'est enorme.BISES DES PIERNAS
Aquitaine safety
Je vous ai vu en photo, vous avez l'air en pleine forme, des têtes de warriors! J'espère que vous aurez des têtes de winners à l'arrivée. Félicitations et courage quel que soit le classement final.
Baba Orientaring Belgium
Ah bon c'est à vous ce dos? Bah ça va encore, même devant y a de la casse! Biz et profitez, ce truc à l'air dantesque, miam miam ;c)
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Salut les White Spirit of Issy les Moules
Ca avance ! Je vous suis sur la carte et on voit que ça bouge ! J'espère que le moral est là ! et que les bobos sont supportables !
Dans quelques heures, c'est la reprise du lundi pour nous, alors pour supporter cette mauvaise nouvelle hebdomadaire on pense fort à vous ! Bande de veinards ;-) Le cadre doit être magnifique !
Bon courage
Aquitaine safety
Salut les Safety !!!J'espère que vous pourrez vite continuer ces dernières étapes. Donnez vous à fond! Je vous suivrai tous les matins et tous les soirs en rentrant de l école. Go,go,GO !!!! Romain
Thule Adventure Team
allez mimi et jack...que la force soit avec vous pendant 15 heures !!!
logiquement le car part dans une heure...bonne route et bon retour dans la course !!
Thule Adventure Team
Allez Jacky et Mimi et toute la team Thule, forzaaaa !!!! Courage pour ces 3 dernières sections, plus que 24 h et c'est la délivrance. Vous êtes des EXTRATERRESTRES, préparés longuement et durement pour ça, vous le méritez. Donnez tout pour y rester, on vous fait confiance. Je donnerais beaucoup pr être à vos côtés et vous encourager, malheureusement, plus d'assistances, les petits ne peuvent plus être aux côtés des grands, dommage ;-) Bon courage pr cette dernière grosse ligne droite. Emilien B.
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez les Issy !!! Après cette petite pause qui a dû faire du bien au corps, à la tête et à l'estomac, c'est reparti pour une 2° partie de course, surement encore de belles sections à vivre, espérons qu'elles soient un peu plus roulantes... Courage, force et plaisir !!! Llet's gooooo :-)
Emilien B.
Aquitaine safety
Salut les copains , il semble que c est réparti , régalez vous
Tous avec vous
Ps : la prochaine fois Rachel que tu me dis que je ne sais pas ramer je te montrerai la photo du raid lol
Bon courage à tous les quatres
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Muxu famille MIchel
Aquitaine safety
Coucou,on vient de voir la photo ou vous portiez
les canoés Quel bel esprit d'équipe!!
Fiers de vous et vous allez y arriver à finir comme
vous le souhaitiez!!
Courage et grosses bises des quatre Lumpert
Aquitaine safety
Salut nos champions! On espère que vous allez bien récupérer pendant cette pause forcée . On attend avec impatience de savoir d ou vous allez repartir. De toute façon, on sera avec vous !!! Profitez de chaque instant ! Soyez forts! Grosses bises. Romain et Lilou
Aquitaine safety
Xav j'allai te proposer une petite sortie vtt a ton retour mais la vaut mieux pas pour moi... un seul mot pour vous quatre RESPECT. continuez comme ça a très vite. Le steph de relax
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
salut à tous, toujours dans la course, c'est génial par contre la photos du dos et de la main c'est horrible, les enfants ont adoré au petit déj, allez encore un peu de courage, j'espère que la main de pierre cicatrise. Gros bisous à tous les 4
Allez, vous continuez, c'est super!!
on vous suis et on vous encourage! Tenacité.
Thule Adventure Team
Allez à fond maintenant. La session VTT va vous permettre de vous refaire sur les kiwis. A fond , mais prudence cela a l'air piègeux. Allez courage !
U Can Do It #1
Aquitaine safety
Chez nous il est minuit 15 donc nous allons au lit, mais vous la nuit approche donc bientôt l'heure de l'apéro, allez Lahiriri une petite bière pour repartir en pleine forme !!
Aquitaine safety
Allez courage!c'est beau ce que vous avez fait jusque là! En tout cas une décision pour votre sécurité c'est mieux! Mainteant préparez vous à franchir la ligne d'arrivée! ca devrait être chouette!on croise les doigts, et on est toujours avec vous! les jujus!
Aquitaine safety
Reposez-vous bien et soyez fort pour la suite (si vous repartez).
Aquitaine safety
Bonjour les loulous
Ah que c'est bien de vous voir, en forme en plus ! Profitez bien pour vous reposer, mangez bien pour repartir de plus belle. Couvrez vous pour ne pas prendre froid, l'eau de l'Atlantique est plus froide que celle du Pacifique !! A plus et bon courage.
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Reposez vous bien. Profitez de cette grasse matinée dominicale pour regonfler les batteries. Il vous reste quelques kilomètres à parcourir... Courage !
Ca oriente dur mon yeti!! vous tenez bon!!!
Contente de vous avoir retrouvés, depuis 48 heures plus de trace...et de vous voir sur quelques photos. Allez courage, prenez pas trop de risques quand même. Je regarde tous les jours et c'est stressant !!bises
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
hello les warriors !
visiblement vous avez pu vous engager sur le trek (vu le GPS);
vous avez bien fait ça doit être magnifique (même si c'est facile à dire bien au chaud ...)
On est de tout coeur avec vous
Gardez une seule idée en tête: faire la full course le plus longtemps possible en toute SECURITE
Yes yes yes belle remontée, vous tenez le bon bout ! Vas y mon p.ti, faut faire parler la poudre maintenant, tu as le mental pour toi et toute ton équipe. Allez, encore, faut pas lâcher, aller ! Biz
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez les Issy-aventuriers!!!
On vous suit, on pense à vous!
Soyez forts, ne lâchez rien! Tout peut se jouer jusqu'à la fin du raid ! Go go go !!
Plein de bisous boostés!!!
Allez c'est pas le moment de lacher on s'accroche
Didier on compte sur toi. Pense qu'en rentrant il faudra que tu sautes un peu plus haut que d'habitude. Le volley t'attend.
d ici on vous suit non stop c est notre façon d être avec vous.alors j espère que cette transition lié a la meteo défavorable vous permettra de recupere un peu de la fatigue et des blessures que j espère pas trop graves. nous pensons très fort à vous et encore bravo pour tout ce parcourt d enfer déjà effectué. j espère que votre moral est toujours au top et que vous aller vivre encore de beaux événements je vous envoie du réconfort et plus particulièrement a notre guerrière la famille croissant
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Je pense à vous tous les jours!!Où sont ils,que font ils?
Je vous encourage par la pensée en me demandant quelles conditions(météo et physique)vous avez tous.
Pierre il semblerait que tu aies une blessure à la main,fait bien soigner cela c'est super important et rappelles toi sur le RIF mes talons!!!
Pat j'espère que ton dos ne te fait pas trop souffrir
Chris et Phil,ça roule pour vous?
Aller courage,pédalez,marchez,pagayez,on pense à vous
Bises Cat
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
J'ai vu Tortuguero sur la carte, je dois avoir une photo de caiman prise là-bas...
Allez on s'arrache jusqu'au bout! Qu'est-ce que ça doit être beau, je vous envie alors profitez à fond go go go!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
coucou Patrick c'est papa et maman bravo à toi et l’équipe, bon courage pour la suite, on pense a vous. Gros bisous.
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Coucou, nous sommes ici tous très fier de vous ! continuez ainsi ! Puylagarde reste connecté toute la journée pour ne rien manquer de vos exploits ! Gros Bisous à tous !
Lâchez rien ( surtt pas les lunettes !!!!)
Aquitaine safety
Sécurité et plaisir , vous avez raison
Quel pied de vous voir en vidéo. Bon appétit Xavier
Et vous vous des copains croco sympas qui plongent à côté de vous !!!!
Gardez votre sourire , votre passion pour aller au bout
Reposez vous bien pendant ce temps imposé , il vaut meiux
Toute la famille Michel
Aquitaine safety
Super contente d'avoir vu la dernière vidéo!!
Il me semble que tu avais très faim mon petit Xav
Allez,c'est bon,vous allez l'atteindre votre objectif
et on est fiers pour vous !!!
Bises à tous et une grosse pour toi des quatre Lumpert
Aquitaine safety
Les séances au Mailh Massibé et au col d'Aran portent leurs fruits ! Vous paraissez frais : Pas un pet' de jeu, C'est bon ça !!! Bon repos pour bien profiter jusqu'à la ligne d'arrivée. (Dom, dis-nous tout : tu tournes au Patxaran ??)
Aquitaine safety
vous êtes tout simplement géniaux!! en plus vous avez de bonnes t^tes!! continuez comme ça!! gros bisous à tous les 3!! vous aurez bien mérité vos mojitos!!! je vous les réserve!! bisous à la frangine!!
Aquitaine safety
Xav,j'espère que tu pourras nous rapporter quelques enregistrement de tes conversations avec les Ticos!
C'est sûr, ils se souviendront du Gringo de Gelos!
Vamos, vous êtes des cracks!!! Animo
Whaooooo quelle remontee...je suis fiere de vous ...alleezz on lache rien ...vraiment hate d entendre ti coeur ...des pensees..des bisous...pour la team ..vous etes trop fort !!! un ptit pourlechiettr pour mon ti coeur !!!
je viens de voir que vous allez prendre le bus, je suis bien soulagée de cette décision. Profitez en pour vous reposer...bises et courage!!
Aquitaine safety
Profitez de ce coup du sort de la météo qui vous empêche de partir dans ce treck pour reprendre des forces, vous reposer et repartir d'attaque sur vos vélos pour la prochaine section... Nous on continue de vous suivre, de vous encourager, on attend vos news avec impatience, et on sera plus serein de ne pas vous savoir en danger dans les montagnes! Il reste encore beaucoup de kilomètres à faire, de quoi vous éclater et vous donner à fond!
Aquitaine safety
Merci pour les news endorphinmag!!! Non seulement on comprend les raisons de cette décision mais on la valide ++++! On sera plus détendu ce week end ... Profitez de votre repos, reprenez des forces les champions, en attendant de reprendre VOTRE course. On pense beaucoup à vous. Grosse bises ! Lilou
Aquitaine safety
On monte à Mail Arrouy histoire de vous apercevoir !!!! Allez accrochez vous, Pierre est comme un fou, je ne le tiens plus, il saute partout mais pas comme un cabri !!! Quelques vieilles douleurs de Raid l'en empêchent ! Alors, gérez, gérez au mieux et finissez avec pleins de super souvenirs dans la tête et unis comme jamais ! On vous envoie tout notre courage ! Dom, t'es beau avec la barbe, Pierre est jaloux !! Biz à tous les 4. Pierre et Nini
Aquitaine safety
Allez, on ne tient plus, donnez-nous des nouvelles de Aquitaine Safety (photos, vidéos)!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Allez les riffeurs ! Go anne, je sais bien que tu ne lâcheras rien et que t'as un mental d'acier mais je te fais une bise qd même pour te filer encore plus de forces ! La retraite tu disais ;) ??? steph, Arverne for ever !
Aquitaine safety
Quel vtt de folie .Il va falloir installer des pédales sur les prochaines sections bateau!!! Continuez à ce rythme, c'est le TOP
Aquitaine safety
Bonjour L'équipe ça fait plaisir d'avoir des nouvelles! Que ca a l'air dur, bon courage a vous, On sait que vous gerez bien l'affaire et que la niaque est là, on a vu aussi que vous aviez Un nouveau cohéquipier à 4 pattes C'est génial, Jean-Luc tu pourras lui laisser ton chapeau parce qu 'il n'est pas très fashion.... Allez Allez Allez Allez!
Aquitaine safety
La où il y a une volonté, il y a un chemin! Bravo à vous pour nous montrer que l'aventure humaine et le goût de l'effort font partis des choses imprenables et vrais sur notre terre!
Aquitaine safety
Allez fin du VTT pour le moment, profitez au max de vos heures de stop obligatoire pour reprendre des forces pour la suite... L'orientation a l'air plus simple: aucune balise GPS des autres équipes n'est hors parcours... Mais les conditions, elles, n'ont pas l'air d'être bonnes du tout... Couvrez-vous bien (sinon vous allez prendre froid aurait dit une grand-mère bien intentionnée) et allez-y, gérez l'effort comme vous l'avez fait, continuez sur la même lignée, la force est en vous, et on vous attend au bout de la course!
Aquitaine safety
Aller Aller Aller... Restez motivés et concentrés! On est toujours à fond derriere vous! On recharge les bateries et on repart au taquet!
Atxik Atxik ! Beti aintzin !
Aquitaine safety
Bien les copains vous allez pouvoir vous reposer maintenant, profitez en car à priori la section suivante est éprouvante et en montagne même si ce terrain vous connaissez bien
en tout cas bravo, vous êtes toujours en full race et vous avancez, avancez toujours respect
Je vous embrasse Stéf
Quelle équipe de guerriers!!! super remontée...go go gooooo, alors Dede ya hablas español? Besooooos
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez Issy, bon courage, ABSOLU est avec vous !!!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
un petit bonjour de l Aveyron pour toute l équipe ici -4 mais journée ensoleillé ,je voie toujours sur les bike bonne progression garder des forces pour le trék qui a parement sa nonce délicat vue la météo en altitude ses fort se que vous faite ne lâcher rien jusqu'au bout aller les gladiateurs et respect a la féminine du groupe .Grosse bise a PAT de la part de tous le monde.Damian
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
c'est bien vous avez remonté qq places continuez ! Encore un bout de vélo et après reposez vous bien car le trek a l'air aussi très très sérieux !!!
Aquitaine safety
Ca a l'air rando quand même.Allez les quatres le mental vous l'avez, la force vous l'avez, la cohésion vous l'avez. alors vous ne pouvez rien lachez, gérez bien et envoyaient du bois.
Bises frère, a tes co-équipiers aussi bien sur.
Aquitaine safety
Wouah! vous avez gazé en vtt! mais ça on s'en doutait! récupérez bien, on est toujours avec vous! c'est fort ce que vous faites!!!Les jujus
Aquitaine safety
Courage, plus que quelques petits kilomètres avant l arrêt obligatoire où vous pourrez souffler un peu .... Continuez comme ça, reprenez des forces physiques avant d attaquer le trek. Les forces mentales, on sait que vous les avez! On est tellement fier de vous ! Grosses bises Lilou, romain
Aquitaine safety
Ola pour Rachel et ses coéquipiers!!! Tes élèves surfeuses féminines sont avec toi. On est fières de toi! Forza à vous tous!! Delphine, Emeline et Julie
Aquitaine safety
Après la galère du kayak vous avez encore du jus , bravo vous faites une superbe course en VTT
C'est très beau et trop bon de vous suivre , toute la famille partage ces moments avce vous , rame , pédale , stresse , pousse avec vous
Bravo lâchez rien
Rachel , Lilou nous a fait un dessin superbe , on te le garde
Xavier , jluc et domi , on est tous avec vous
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Stéph nico Sarah Samuel Faustine
Aquitaine safety
Yep les guerriers, j'ai enfin capté sur le site comment vs envoyer un message de soutien...un grand bravo pour vos exploits, vs etes vraiment à la hauteur de nos espérances. Aupa goriak, segi...Lilou vs dit ainsi en basque ALLEZ CHAMPION CONTINUEZ...dépêchez vs de rejoindre la ligne d'arrivée et rentrez ns entier. BIG MUXU à vs 4 et particulièrement à Rachel qui ns manque. Thierry, Lilou, Noa Léo et Haiku.
Dark Horse
You guys are doing great. Good decision to take the early short cut and skip a few CP's. This about 9:30 EST on Fri night, 12/6. Looks like are taking a rest/sleeping after TA5-6/CP27-28. Good luck with the rest of the race.
David's Dad
Aquitaine safety
Bravo les Safety! Vous roulez comme des fous , c est génial ! Continuez à nous faire rêver ! On a vu plusieurs photos de vous : vous avez l air d être en forme et de bien manger (surtout toi papa !!! ). Mille bisous de notre part! Romaiń, Manon, Lilou
Aquitaine safety
Salut Lahiriri et ses compagnons de galère. Courage nos héros on vous suit nuit et jour, vous avancez super bien, pédalez, courrez, volez, allez à fond et éclatez vous jusqu'au bout. Une magnifique expérience de plus. Bonne route !!!!
Aquitaine safety
Allez à fond!!! C'est génial, vous êtes en train de faire une super remontée en VTT!! On est tous derrière vous!!
Luce et David
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Rebonjour Mme Simon,
Je me suis trompée en fait c'est la surveillante qui est remplacée. A bientôt Maëla.
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
aller courage on est avec vous je voie que sa roule bien pat ton dos vas mieux j’espère et fuerza a tous les 4 vamos vamos
Aquitaine safety
Tous nos encouragements ! Ne lachez rien! Allez LuckLuc ! Gros bisous
Aquitaine safety
Allez la team! D'après la reporter sur place, vous êtes en super forme, alors nous on y croit dur comme fer, ça nous donne un super moral, et une envie de vous pousser au bout... Continuez ne lacher rien, les classements seront payants: un certain nombre d'équipes ont sauté des CP, et vont être déclassées, votre persévérance paiera! Et sinon, si vous pouviez faire que votre balise GPS nous envoie plus de points, on prend, on reste parfois de longues heures sans connaître votre avancement, tout le monde est alors sur les dents! Des bisous à tous, continuez comme ça, prenez soin de vous et foncez!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Vous êtes juste incroyables tous les 4 quelle équipe, quelle régularité, 2ème équipe française c'est génial on aimerait bien avoir quelques photos de vous sur le site endorphine (plutôt qu'Hervé... ce sont quand même vous les héros quoi!!!) Ne lachez rien surtout et toi Anne tu es juste mon modèle allez allez allez on pédale
Aquitaine safety
Toujours la même émotion de vous suivre. Continuez à nous faire vibrer, en attendant de vous revoir autour d'une table pour un CR approfondi !!! A bientôt et surtout ne LACHEZ RIEN !!! Mathieu
Aquitaine safety
Génial d’avoir de vos nouvelles, vous pouvez être fier de vous, il faut tenir bon, tout est dans la tête, ne lâchez rien, vous êtes forts et on est tous derrière vous. ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ, GO GO GO, vous allez y arriver, on n’en doute pas un instant. Ici en Normandie on ne vous lâche pas. Gros bisous bien frais à vous 4 et surtout la frangine.
Génial d’avoir de vos nouvelles, vous pouvez être fier de vous, il faut tenir bon, tout est dans la tête, ne lâchez rien, vous êtes forts et on est tous derrière vous. ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ, GO GO GO, vous allez y arriver, on n’en doute pas un instant. Ici en Normandie on ne vous lâche pas. Gros bisous bien frais à vous 4 et surtout la frangine.
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
ouf voilà des photos vous avez l'air pas mal ... gardez le moral c'est pas fini et vous avez TOUS les CP !!!
Aquitaine safety
Si les Crocos sont en formes...vous encore plusssss. Vous êtes des champions. Bravo bravo bravo. Continuez votre stratégie de course semble être au top.
Hey Rachel...les vagues de Bidart ne sont pas top tu ne rates rien!;-)
bizzz d'une petite sportive emmitouflée!
Allez hop hop je vous laisse continuer
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Allez Bobonne
on est avec vous, mais nous, on mange déjà du chocolat en buvant une mousse.
on s'en paiera une vraie tous les 3 à ton retour
Bon courage à tous
enfin on vous voie, longer la côte sa as du être long mais bon vous voici a LAT4 reprenez des forces puis la parti vtt vas vous dégourdi les jambes après des heures a être assis dans le kayak pat passe de la pommade sur ton dos aller le plus loin possible profité du paysage on est avec vous courage
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Allez, allez, faites jouer l'expérience !!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Bon nous voilà rassurés, ça a dû être très dur mais il faut rien lâcher, profitez des paysages et allez le plus loin possible!!! On est avec vous!!!
Où êtes-vous ? Plus de nouvelles !
Le GPS ne bouge plus depuis longtemps !
Vous aurez un souvenir impérissable de cette mangrove !
C'est une aventure extraordinaire dans laquelle vous êtes, soyez en fier et vivez la pleinement.
Didier, comme sur le terrain, c'est dans la tête que ça se gagne, dans l'équipe, et nous on croit en vous, soyez FOOOORRT !!!!!!!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
alors on vous avez perdu, bon on voit quelques photos ça a l'air d'aller, j'espère que le moral aussi, courage , courage....
Aquitaine safety
Avec ce décalage horaire on est un peu perdu alors rien de plus agréable que de voir vos frimousses en pleine forme...enfin c'est l'image que vous nous montrez !! Message pr XAVIER, jeanne et Nina aiment très fort PAPA et vivement qu'on se retrouve! Jeanne et Nina
Aquitaine safety
Alors les quatres on se fait plaisir, chapeau bas et
on lache rien
Bravo Lucie, je vois que tu as toujours le sourire sur les photos
Aller courage
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bonjour Mme Simon,
Mr Lallau vient de nous annoncer que vous allez être remplacer pendant 6 semaines. J'espère que vous n'êtes pas blessé. Et que vous continuez la course sans problème. Merci pour votre message.
A bientôt Maëla
Aquitaine safety
...et faites un petit sourire à la photo...!c'est kool de vous voir à l’œuvre et très impressionnant!
Aquitaine safety
C'est bon d'avoir de vos nouvelles!!! allez vous êtes forts! c'est super!! go go go! les jujus qui vous suivent de près et sans relâche!
Tenez bon, on pense fort à vous, et si il y a de coups de moins bien, don't stress c'est pour mieux repartir, ne lachez rien!!!! On envoie de gros bisous réénergisants (rien de tel pour se requinquer!) à Stéphane de la part de ses deux loulouttes d'amour
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
vendredi midi: je pense que vous avez du faire dodo. Allez courage la transition n'est plus loin. Après fini le kayak pendant un bout de temps ! Place au grand air et aux beaux paysages.
Aquitaine safety
Merci merci pour toutes ces nouvelles !!!! ça fait du bien de vous voir et de connaitre vos impressions.
Continuez comme ça, et prenez soin de vous!
biz Lilou
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
allez Pat et toute l'équipe ! le raid est encore bien long et il peut s'en passer des choses. Lâchez rien comme d'hab et surtout faites vous plaisir ! bises à tous !!
Aquitaine safety
Ha super! ça met en forme pour la journée de savoir que vous êtes toujours à fond!
Impressionnant! Continuez comme ça vous êtes géniaux!
Rachel les filles petent la forme!! tout va bien ici
gros bisous
la frangine!
Aquitaine safety
Les collegiens et lyceens de l'option orientation d'Ooron nvous adressent leurs encouragements...Bonne continuation les loulous.
Hervé Tourne
Aquitaine safety
tout le monde est content d'avoir des news!..ouf! :-) Maintenant après avoir bien dormi et récuperer j'imagine....accrochez vous et GO en avant toute! Vous allez y arriver!! BRAVO!!bisous Rachel et soigne bien tes pieds!!
Aquitaine safety
Génial !! Trop trop forts... vous êtes héroïques !
Votre course me tient en haleine, c'est top... Continuez ainsi, et me tarde de voir votre joie à l'arrivée... Tenez bon !!! Pott
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Ça fou les boules d’être de se cotes de l’écran, mais Béa assure tellement au live que sa en devient passionnant.
Courage Anne je suis sur que tu te régale alors profite a fond dans cette aventure monstrueuse, on est H24 avec toi et ton équipe bisesss
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Donnez nous de vos nouvelles, votre arrêt au stand nous laisse perplexes...
Aquitaine safety
Vous nous avez rebooste pour la journée.Vous êtes magiques!!! Vous nous faites vivre de grands moments. Apparemment cette section était un peu plus difficile qu'une balade sur la Nive. Allez ça y est vous pouvez pédaler et ça vous maîtrisez. Les autres devront s'écarter sur votre passage. Allez GO .Rendez vous à la tyrolienne. Gros potts de Pantxika, Bruno et les 4loustics
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
On est avec vous. Courage ! Emmanuelle, Pauline, Alexandre et Caroline
Aquitaine safety
Ouuf ! Gros chantier ! ça va vous faire du bien de changer d'activité. Encore bravo; Presque à fond dans les singles maintenant !
Aquitaine safety
Ah !!! Ca fait plaisir d'avoir de vos nouvelles ! C'est super ce que vous faites ! Ne lâchez rien ! Grosses bises des Landes Gratien et Nelly
Aquitaine safety
Ca y est ils ont fini cette section et je viens d'apprendre qu ils sont sur les vélos et que la tyrolienne est au bout.
Bravo bravo quel exemple de courage de solidarité de perséverance dans l'adversité
Trop fiers de vous, vive vous, ce matin toute la famille voulait des nouvelles, on vit à travers vos exploits c'est génial !!!!!
Promis Rachel , je ne me plaindrai plus le lundi matin au surf...
Bravo Babar team
AUPA AQUITAINE SAFETY Stephanie Nico Sarah Samuel Faustine
Aquitaine safety
Vous êtes des king continuez, vous êtes courageux et je n'imagine même pas ce que vous devait vivre
Continuez, vous nous fêtes rêver
Bises les amis
Allez les amis !
Dédé, je te promets de te garder des kiwis pour que tu reprenne un peu des vitamines à ton retour ! soyez fort.
Raph la Truite
Aquitaine safety
On attend de vos nouvelle avec impatiente!!
J'espère que l'on saura quelque chose ce matin
Bisous et courage les petits!!
Les quatre Lumpert
Aquitaine safety
Go, go, go! maintenant vous êtes dans votre élément. Merci pour cette mise à jour de balise juste avant de commencer la classe...
Restez concentrés. Allez les champions!Grosses bises Lilou
Allez allez !! Steph c'était la bonne solution de couper le kayak !! Il est tellement long que vous y seriez encore pour 1 jour !! Courage c'est bien parti sur le VTT !! Go go go !
Et la Fripouille a une grosse EDSCC !
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
au lever ce matin direction l'ordi... Vous avez avancé mais on est inquiet pour la porte horaire de l'AT4. J'espère que vous passerez ! Courage et en tout cas profitez au max de cette aventure hors du commun.
Bises à Christine
Courage le kinesium , ici on pense à vous ! Vous faites une aventure de malade mais c'est sa qui est bon!!!!! On vous envoie ,pleins d'encouragements et de force pour aller jusqu'au bout !!!
Endorphinmag un peu de nouvelle du Kinesium sa serait bien!!!!!!!! :-)
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bravo à vous et surtout gardez le moral. Ton énergie nous donne des ailes Anne. Nous sommes tous derrière toi. Force et détermination. Allez les Fifous, surtout ne lachez rien.
Vous...sur les chemins de l'aventure extrème....nous sur les chemins du collège.....Grosses grosses bises. Pierre-Louis et Juliette
Bravo à tous, il faut garder le moral et pour loute, si tu n'as pas trop mal aux pieds (ampoules) à toi de mettre l'ambiance pour le moral des troupes. gros bisous
allez loute je pense bien à toi! j 'espère que vous avez pas de pépin physique ou autre et que la fatigue ne t'empeche pas de prendre du plaisir. perso quand je pense à ce que tu fais ça me donne envie de dormir..ton chat va bien, il a pas chié partout.
j'ai hate que t'arrive pour que tu me racontes, j'y comprends rien du tout perso...
des bisous!
Salut le team ! Ici Joinville Le Pont
Tes doigts vont mieux Christine ?
A défaut d'encouragements (mais si il y en aura), je vous fais partager ma journée... Histoire de vous changer les idées et de vous dire qu'à moi aussi, il arrive des aventures !!
Après avoir découvert ma voiture sur 2 roues ce matin (ça ne fait pas beaucoup de roues au total....), je me suis fais emboutir la voiture de loc que je venais de récupérer à l'agence ...
Et je ne vous raconte pas la présentation médiocre que j'ai fait l'après-midi devant un bon groupe de personnes (café sucré renversé sur le clavier et panne de batterie au milieu de la présentation...)
Il y a des jours comme ça ....
Espérant que votre journée a été (ou sera) bien meilleure que la mienne ! ;-)
Bizz à tous et on pense bien à vous !!
Aquitaine safety
On serre les dents avec vous pour terminer cette section de kayak; Vivement le VTT pour récupérer un peu ! COURAGE !!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
on était un peu inquiet de plus vous voir avancer depuis ce matin (heure française) heureusement c'est reparti ! Gardez le moral rien n'est fini et il peut encore se passer beaucoup de choses. On croit en vous allez y foncez !!!
Baba Orientaring Belgium
Allé les z'amis, je vous envoie tout ce que je peux d'ondes positives. Haut les coeurs! ;c)
Aquitaine safety
Allez courage!!...tout le monde est derrière vous!....tenez bon....on y croit tous!...courage!Bisous des Pieux ....
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Courage à tous, c'est dur et çà ne vous fait pas peur car vous êtes des héros ! Bravo, continuez et rien n'est joué tant que la ligne d'arrivée n'est pas franchie.
Aquitaine safety
le canoé a laissé quelque traces au passage,quelques photos a l'appui nous montre bien la difficulté de l'épreuve. Je n'imagine même pas le niveau. Vous avez concédez 5 places cela ce récupèrent sur les nombres de kilomètres à parcourir, l'équipe est en place et va nous surprendre c'est sûr!!!
Dernier truc.. Courage!! Allez aquitaine safety
Aquitaine safety
Allez Rachel, allez les gars... Ca a l'air horrible cette section kayak, mais avec le courant ça devrait aller mieux... On est tous derrière vous, on y croit... Trouvez un croco qui pourrait vous pousser, c'est pas interdit dans le règlement???? tout le monde vous soutien, et on se fait de nouveau potes sur votre page Facebook! Bisous d'encouragement!
Aquitaine safety
Aller les copains, on est derrière vous, profiter mais prenez soin aussi de vous, la bise du béarn
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez Issy on lâche rien même si cette section de kayak dans la mangrove a l'air horrible!!! La course est encore longue et il peut se passer encore beaucoup de chose! On vous suit non stop toute la journée. Pat : je t'ai trouvé des mains toutes neuves pour ton retour car les tiennes seront à jeter je crois après tout ce kayak...
Aquitaine safety
SALUT XAVIER! courage! pense au RIEUSSEC que tu vas pouvoir déguster dans ta coupe dès ton retour à la maison....COURAGE AU TEAM
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
on pense a vous toujours dans le kayak ne lâcher rien courage bise pour pat de la part de ta sœur karine et cédric coralie et moi damian aller fuerza y mental
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez toute l'équipe !!!
Et un gros bisous pour ma maman !
Continuez comme ça et bon courage pour la suite de la course !
Vive Issy Aventure :)
Courage Cyril et Bruno les Avallonnais sont avec vous!!!!!!!
Comme tu dis Cyril un bon vieux raid de MORVANDIAUX!!!!!!!!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
C'est trop bon, j'ai l'impression de me retrouver 10 ans en arrière où Intersport était sur les X series !! Super come back du team.
Chapeau mônsieur le Patron du Raid Aventure FRANCAIS :-))
Bon courage, force et mental mais plaisir aussi !
Good luck
Emilien Baillet
Courage la maxi race ...vous tenez le bon bout !! Hate d'entendre mon ti coeur alors on cadence svp !!! Donnez nous du rêve et ne lachez rien ...Vous etes au top !!
Courage!!!! Gardez le moral...ne lachez rien!!! Dede reste positif comme on t'adoooore!!!!
Courage!!!! Gardez le moral...ne lachez rien!!! Dede reste positif comme on t'adoooore!!!!
Aquitaine safety
Super pour cette traversée! Alors, vous avez vu des crocodiles ???? On attend les photos avec impatience!
On continue à vous soutenir 24h sur 24... Ne lâchez rien! Continuez comme ça !La tyrolienne se rapproche!
grosses bises à tous les 4 Romain, Lilou
Allez Cyril! Vous êtes énormes pour le moment, comme d'hab vous allez terminer comme des flèches, je vois que vous avez depuis hier doubler énormément d'équipe, continuez ainsi sur votre lancée, go go go SXM!!!!
Aquitaine safety
Ca y est, vous l'avez eue cette balise!!! Bravo!!!
Venga, venga, animo!!!
Aquitaine safety
Aujourd'hui plus qu'hier , ils ont besoin de notre soutien, que cette balise fasse signe bordel
Allez allez, allez, vous êtes forts, vous allez y arrriver
LAchez rien
On est tous avec vous , pour vous pousser,
Courage courage courage
Famille MICHEL
Dai ragazzi, mettetecela tutta!!! Trattatemi bene Laura che come previsione tra oggi e domani inizierà a smadonnare e ad insultare il mondo ... In fondo è una brava ragazza!!! :-) E tenete bene a mente che prima di tutto deve essere un divertimento, non esagerate!!! Buon proseguimento del VIAGGIO!
Aquitaine safety
Toujours à fond pour vous suivre, vous encourager !!! Aller Aller, continuez... Courage et soldarité sont vos forçes ! Pott
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Je vous suis pas à pas depuis le départ. C'est énorme ce que vous faites. Ne lâchez rien les amis.
Thule Adventure Team
Allez les Thule !! Bon courage pour ce trek démentiel après un ptit dodo ! Le déniv vous connaissez, c'est fait pour vous, vous allez passer un peu de temps au dessus des 3000, prudence ! Et faites gaffe de prendre le bon sommet (alti max 3700 m), le plus au sud est du lac DITKEBI ;-)
Force et plaisir !
Aquitaine safety
Qué maquinas, ménagez-vous, soignez votre forme.
Le mental, on sait tous que vous l'avez!!!
Aquitaine safety
Allez allez!! je suppose que ça doit être super dur, mais vous avez le mental. Soyez forts et solidaires, on pense très fort à vous, on vous suit dès qu'on peut.
Faites attention à vous surtout, plein d'encouragements des Gantois!!
Luce et David
Allez mon p'ti, courage.
On va battre TVB1 ce soir pour toi ! ... mais n'en profite pas pour te reposer là-bas ! :-)
allez, faut continuer et bien gérer l'effort jusqu'au bout, vous êtes bien, ça va le faire ... allez, foncez !
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
courage! c'est maintenant qu'il faut s'accrocher meme si la nav est dureet que parfois le decouragement pointe son nez. On est avec vous.On espere que vous passerez la porte horaire du trek.
Silva Haglöfs
Heja Robert Heja Robert. Heja Roberts lag. Kämpa på. Heja ni är bäst. Kämpa på. Heja Haglöfs Silva. Detta var några hälsningar från klass 4a. Hoppas det går bra för er och att ni kommer helskinnade tillbaka till vintern. :)
et comment va notre reporter de choc ?? Courage à toi et un big hug à tous les français parce que ce canoë a l'air totalement dingue mais comme ils aiment ça je suis pas inquiète ! Gooooooooooo
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Allez nénètte Gogogogo !!!! Fais toi plaisir et ramène nous Pascal en forme, on veut faire le rif 2014 ! Arverne spirit ;) !
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez les ptits gars et Christine ! Cap plein Est !! Ne prenez pas le large vers le Pacifique, sinon, vous n'êtes pas rendus..., longez la côte jusque dans l'embouchure ;-)
Courage, toujours 30ème au départ de ce 2° kayak, et les autres st loin, ménagez vous !
Allez le kinesium!!!!!
Salut dédé, vous faite vraiment un truc de malade !!! mais on compte sur toi pour porter haut les couleurs savoyardes. Va y a fond, de toute toute manière tu connais pas le sous régime... Bon courage, bonne course et surtout amusez vous.
Au fait t'aurez pas vu un nounours dans la jungle du Costa Rica ???
Allez allez , courage vous faites une superbe course qui nous tient en haleine terrible
Bravo pour ce que vous réalisez, lâchez rien , éclatez vous
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Stéph nico Sarah Samuel Faustine
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Coucou,allez courage c'est pas fini, j'espère que tout le monde va bien et qu 'il n'y a pas trop de bobos, que la main de pat a cicatrisé, allez toute la famille est avec vous, ta soeur marielle, cyndie papy et mamie. Gros bisous nat
Aquitaine safety
Super...avez vous le refrain de la chanson de Laeti? allez ca devrait pagayer! C'est bon ça! 1/4 du parcours, vous pouvez etre fiers de vous c'est fabuleux mais ca à l'air plus dur que le Bimbache? Allez les paloises vous suivent et vous encouragent. bravo!
Aquitaine safety
Bravo ! c'est presque comme dans le lac de Castet... On pense à vous; Courage à vous 4 !
Allez,bravo,c'est super ce que vous faites,je vous transmet plein d'ondes positives pour que votre moral reste au beau fixe.courage à vous 4!on ne vous lâche pas on est derrière vous.
Aquitaine safety
Coucou tous les 4! J'espère que ça va en tout cas ça a l'air et vous faites un super parcours !! je pense beaucoup à vous et je vous suit tout le temps! Gros bisous et continuez comme ça !! Et papa je pense très fort à toi ça me fait plaisir de savoir que tu fais ce que t'aimes et je sais que ça vous fera de super souvenirs ! Je t'aime très fort et courage !! Emma
Allez Dédé, courage, c'est tout bon ça, c'est énorme ce que vous faites. 1/4 de fait déjà ! Vous sortez 36ème du trek mercredi matin, vous êtes constants, vous étiez 36° sur le 1° kayak. Bonne course à toute la team, et faites vous plaisir ! Emilien Baillet
Thule Adventure Team
Allez Jack and Mimi, c'est tout bon ça, droit devant!! Vous êtes ENNNOOOOORRRMES, vous avez pas mal creusé l'écart ac vos amis les kiwis, et Silva car ils auraient un peu dormi, et grâce aussi à des bons coups de navigation de Jacky !!
Have a nice day :-)
Vaya franceces...bravo!!!!! Alleeeeezzzz, ne lachez rien...continuez à croquer cette course à pleins dents...go go goooooo, arriba pececitooooo
Aquitaine safety
Go go go !!!! C'est énorme ce que vous faites on pense fort à vous qui en avez de la chance de pouvoir profiter de vacances balades à pied sorties vtt un peu de bateau. Y a quand même des chanceux. Bonne continuation on suit ça de prêt (jours et nuits) ADISHATZ
Aquitaine safety
Gros encouragements du jour! Vous ne le savez surement pas, mais à lire les news sur Endorphinmag, vous allez entamer une section hard hard hard... J'espère que le kayak est un de vos points forts! Courage, plein de pensées pour vous qui êtes en train de réaliser un truc de ouf... On vous suit en direct live via Internet, c'est génial, il ne nous manquerait plus que la caméra embarquée et on s'y croirait!
Aquitaine safety
Bon courage à tous les 4. profitez bien. David Ogeu
Aquitaine safety
Courage à tous les 4 ! La section va être longue.... Très longue ! Faites attention à vous, restez concentrés et vigilants ! On pense beaucoup à vous! Biz. Lilou
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
aller bonne progression je voie encore une grosse section de kayak aller pat protège bien ta main on est avec vous
Aquitaine safety
Coucou Lahiriri et ses 3 coéquipiers !
Continuez comme ça, courage, ici ont pense à vous et on suis tous les jours vos exploits !!! C'est super on pense bien à vous. Prenez soin de votre coéquipière et soyez galant.
Bisous les Basco-béanais.
Aquitaine safety
On pense bien à vous ! de retour de rome, Rachel je t'ai mis un cierge... Allez courage vous êtes exceptionnels !!! go go go !!!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bonjour Mme Simon,
Vous êtes en plein milieu du trekking.
J' ai vu que vous aviez gagné 4 positions de plus qu' hier !!! Bravo, continuer comme ça !!!!
A demain. Maëla
Aquitaine safety
Bravo à tous les 4, vous nous faites vibrer, c'est génial de vous suivre. Ne lâchez rien, nous sommes derrière vous. GO GO GO GO
Aquitaine safety
allez allez;. Bravo!...mais c'est pas fini!!....chantez...gueulez,...et criez...et FONCEZ!!!!!
la Normandie est derrière vous..gros bisous;...soignez bien vos pieds aussi!!Hélène
Aquitaine safety
On est tous derrière vous, les PPA vous attendent pour le debrief ;0)
Accrochez vous les petits bascobéarnais, votre solidarité va encore faire des miracles.
À très plus, bizzzz du Team PPA et de MBD
Aquitaine safety
C'est bon ça!!! oui chantonnez avec nous! Bravo à laeti qui va vous concocter une petite parodie pour votre retour!!! allez go go go, c'est beau ce que vous nous faites!!! les jujus!
allez les savoyards, faut rester sur cette dynamique, vous venez de gagner 6 places, on est derrière vous, vous pouvez le faire ... allez, allez, allez ...
Aquitaine safety
Vous êtes géniaux!!! On est tous addict!! tenez bon c'est que du bonheur de vous suivre! gros bisous de papa, lilou, noa, haiku!!! et de la frangine biensur!!! bises
Aquitaine safety
Allez hop hop hop! Vous êtes au TOP...continuez comme ça! 1 petite chanson pour le moral! Corde et portez éé,corde et portez éé doucement mais fais doucement position 1 2 position 1 2 c bon ça, c bon ça, PAGAYEZ à droite,PAGAYEZ à gauche...position 1 2 position 1 2... C bon ça, c bon ça!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
ici c'est la pause déjeuner, on en profite pour regarder votre avancée. Le trek semble terminé pour vous. On a vu des photos de Pat-Rambo avec le médecin ! Bon courage pour le portage qui suit ...
Tenez-bon !!!
Ps: heureusement Christine a retrouvé son Vanity Case !!!
Aquitaine safety
Théo ne veut plus regarder Bear Greals(Man vs Wild) à la télé.Il dit que c'est d'un ennui!! Il préfère 100 fois le live Endorphine Mag. Les Soulat aussi. Xav on compte sur toi pour le reportage vidéo.
Hohna Bearn !! et honte à Bear Greals !!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Issy team avait déjà catwoman ,maintenant rambo....
Au boulot c'est chaud en ce moment.Philippe tous tes collégues pensent à toi.
Baloo,...la jungle c'est ton environnement, alors déchires tout (sauf tes muscles) et profites.. Soyez fort. Ca doit être franchement éprouvant, mais vous nous en mettez pleins les yeux. Vous êtes impressionnant. Didier c'est ta force la bonne humeur, ne la perds pas!!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
slt aller courage et fuerza je vous suis de prés avec le gps bonne progression garder le sourire
on pense bien à vous qui êtes dans les mangroves,de loin ça a l'air sympatique....
Gros bisous d'amour à Stephane de la part de ses deux loulouttes
Allez Kinesium: COURAGE !
Ce n'est que de la boue après tout cette mangrove. Vous allez pouvoir vous dégourdir les jambes !
Aquitaine safety
Allez les amis c'est Beau ce que vous faites c'est prenant de vous suivre,à fond derrière vous,venga venga animo.Nono
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Salut j'ai réussi à trouver des photos de vous mais vous êtes tous propres dessus!!! 31 ème c'est pas mal du tout mais il va falloir salir un peu plus le maillot sur l'épreuve pédestre si vous voulez faire mieux.
Go! go! go! les dendrobates bleues blanches et rouges.
Aquitaine safety
Pour vous rassurer, les crocos et cobras ne font pas les malins chez nous, ça caille !
Tenez bons ! Honha Aquitaine Safety !!!
Allez Raid 74 :) Le suivi GPS c'est super ! Vous avancez au top !! Go go go !
Prenez soin de votre féminine quand même :)
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Aller Issy aventure courage et bonne route... Allez Pat déchire tout comme en Espagne... Julien
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
allez c'est bien on est avec vous . grosse section kayak apparement qui a laissé des traces. mercredi matin 9h, vous etes sur le trek. courage. devant c'est un chassé croisé entre Thule et Seagate (d'après le GPS) j'espere que Jacky et Mimi vont bien tenir
que la force soit avec vous
Plein d'encouragement et bravo c'est super beau ce que vous faites !!!
Bises et pensées Didier ;)
Aquitaine safety
Content et soulage d avoir des news
Trop fier de vous mille bravo
Lâchez rien restez forts et vigilants entre vous
Aupa aquitaine safety
Muxu steph nico Sarah Samuel faustine
Vos fans inconditionnels
Aquitaine safety
Allez les Safety. On est avec vous ... Merci pour vos nouvelles , ça fait du bien! On voit à l instant que vous revenez sur vos pas .. C est ça, Continuez comme ça ! Grosses bises à tous les 4 ! Romain et Lilou
Aquitaine safety
Ca nous remonte un peu le moral d'avoir vos impressions
Vous êtes très courageux
Bisous des quatre Lumpert Béarnaises Gelos et Lons
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez les Issy, déjà près de 200 Km de parcourus (1/4 de fait!)et environ 40h de course.
Vous pointez à la 31° place en sortant du kayak à 18h30, l'objectif du capitaine est ds les clous ;-) Aquitaine est derrière à 45 min, Raid 74 à 1h30 et 13 équipes sont encore sur l'eau (Infos à 3h du mat pour vous et 10h pour nous, mercredi matin)!!
Courage !! Profitez, et pensez à ce privilège (certes, avec des sacrifices) d'être là dans les moments difficiles. Forzaaaa
Aquitaine safety
Aller Aller Aller, continuez comme ça !! Quel magnifique treck ! Je vous envoie toute mon énergie ! Pott
Aquitaine safety
Sincère et joyeuse pensée pleine de force, d'énergie et de soutien. Tous les quatre vous etes magnifiques. Grosses bises à vous tous.
Aquitaine safety
Content d'avoir de vos news et MERCI Endorphinmag pour les encouragements que vous pouvez donner à nos gaillards.
Continuez et vivement le jour je pense.
Endorphin continuez à nous donner des news
Aquitaine safety
Vamos Aquitania! Animo!
On lâche rien devant notre ordi, on pense à vous tout le temps.
Aquitaine safety
Me tarde,d'avoir des nouvelles de vos bobos!!
Prenez soin de vous et serrez vous les coudes nos deux équipes Française On pense très fort à vous
Gros bisous Mamie JO
Petite pensée pour vous. La locomotive pense bien a toi Did ;)
Je suis sur le net 24/24, la course est looooonngue. Portez vous bien surtout. Didier tu arrêtes de trop parler, reste concentré! Et si en VTT ca avance pas, dis-toi que c'est tes freins et pas les cannes! Hop hop hop hop hop hop
Aquitaine safety
Salut les copains, aller c'est le moment le plus dur du raid, les 35h de course sont passées maintenant ça va aller mieux
Ecoutez vous, reposez vous s'il le faut mais avancez et occuper vous bien les uns des autres et de vos pieds
Thule Adventure Team
Come On Thule !!! Vous êtes bien partis ! On est derrière vous;-)
Aquitaine safety
Un petit coucou pour vous encourager ! Vous gérez bien, vous êtes au top !
Aquitaine safety
Bonne fête poulet,on y va tranquille, on profite du paysage ....mais pas trop!!!
ANIMO,ANIMO......à tous
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bon ben nous on va se coucher pendant que vous continuez à ramer, allez ne lachez rien et dites vous que vous nourrissez nos rêves (enfin les miens c'est sur) à demain Sarah
Aquitaine safety
Salut les 64, vous êtes magnifiques sur vos V.T.T.
Même pas fatigués : vous êtes en phase !
Toutoune, pense à rapporter de l'ajax-vitres d'Outre Atlantique. Bibi
Sac and d'en mon ti coeur !! Je pense fort a toi et a ton équipe ... Continuez comme ca ,vous etes top !!Je t'aime
Continuez à nous faire rêver...ici on skie pendant que vous êtes sous le soleil, et un peu la pluie si j'ai bien compris...y a des épisodes cévenols au Costa Rica ???
Ne lâchez rien, soyez forts, Allez les frenchies !
allez mon p'ti, fait péter la poudre !
Aquitaine safety
aller ,aller, rouler, pedaler, ramer,courer!!!!! ne laisser nule place ou les secondes passsent,et repasser... pas le linge hé hé! , a font!!! faut pas rétrograder courage,la bis ct une sabatochade ....
soyez fort non tres fort
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
21h pour nous 15h00 pour vous...
On vous suit et on vous envie! Programme télé naze, -3 degrés demain matin...
on serait mieux en train de ramer ou de pédaler...
Courage la team !!!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bonjour Mme Simon,
Moi aussi je pense beaucoup à vous.
Je viens de voir sur le GPS que vous étiez sur votre canoë. Attention l'équipe 24 est juste derrière vous.
Aquitaine safety
Bravo pour ces 2 jours, vous semblez en pleine forme, c 'est bon de lire les commentaires! pensées des 3 filles Lumpert à Xavier et a l'équipe et encore :
Aquitaine safety
Allez ! Continuez comme ça , vous allez bientôt voir le bout de cette première section de canoë! Nous avons plein d encouragements à vous transmettre (club de rugby, collègues) et en premier les NÔTRES . On pense beaucoup à vous. Restez vigilants (attention aux bébêtes! ) et profitez de chaque instant. Papa, tu nous manques!!! Grosses bises
Romain, Manon, Lena, Lilou, Maissan
Baba Orientaring Belgium
Hé Endorphinmag, n'oubiez pas de nous donner un peu de news de l'équipe 12, on est nombreux à vous suivre en Belgique!! Allè les Babacool, j'espère que vous avez la banane!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
allez les anciens !!! je rigole..encouragements pour ANNE...attention à ne pas manger les serpents en cas de ptite faim..les garçons prenez bien soins de votre fille et faites attention à vos pieds...
bises du vercors où la neige est royale
bises aussi à hervé!!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
coucou gros , j'ai vu les photos ou tu pédales ça a l'air trop facile pour toi reste fort mon père et profite du paysage bisous
Aquitaine safety
Allez les safety!!
C'est super de vous suivre, 36ème et bien placé dans le train.
Jean-Luc tu as toujours le bon sourire sur les photos, plus qu'avant le départ, c'est bon signe.
Bon courage!
Aquitaine safety
Allez allez gogogo!! c'est bien pour le moment, vous êtes au top! BONNE FETE XAVI! on vous embrasse et vous envoyons de la bonne énergie! les JUJUS
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez les Issy Aventuriers !!!
Vous étiez 25° à la fin du 1° VTT à 2h49 du matin ce mardi.
Bon courage
Aquitaine safety
Courage, on vous suit, débriefing le matin au café. MBD méthode.
Aquitaine safety
bonne fête babar!!!!
Aquitaine safety
très bonne entame continuez comme ça A fond derrière l'ecran Bob
Aquitaine safety
A la Saint Xavier, rien ne sert de chavirer...
Aquitaine safety
bonne fête Jolylumper ...on est tous avec toi mais on est mieux ou on est !!! courage a tous
Des bisous booster a mon ti coeur et son équipe ,la pluie hydrate votre peau!!! Je vous regarde de près .un bravo pour cette premiere partie ..Vous etes au top .. Gros bisous ..Je t'aime fort .
Aquitaine safety
Bonne fêtes à Xav et continuez vous arrivez bientôt au bateau
Pensez à vous occuper de vos pieds, surtout avant le treck qui suivra le bateau!!!
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
bon d'après les news il pleut mais la température est agréable (heureusement que les épisodes cévenols ne traversent pas l'atlantique!!!) avez vous aperçu baleines et dauphins? régalez vous et profitez de ces paysages grandioses
et une première nuit de passée une
Aquitaine safety
Bonne fête mon petit Xav!!
C'est tout de même un beau cadeau
que les plantations de café
Gros bisous pour toi et à vous quatre!!
Aquitaine safety
Super début de section ! Accrochez vous, le bateau arrive ... On stresse trop pour vous . Vivement ce soir qu on ait des nouvelles... La journée va être longue! On vous encourage à distance ! Allez Aquitaine Safety ! Pour Dom, Lena te garde les chocolats du calendrier de l avent! Gros bisousssss Romain, Manon, Lena, Lilou
Aquitaine safety
BBONNE FETE à notre papa XAVIER on pense fort à vous courage!
Nina Jeanne
Aquitaine safety
En plus des jambes , vous avez la tête
Bravo lâchez rien , toujours plus haut , plus fort , au bout de vos rêves
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Stéph ,nico Sarah Samuel Faustine , les bidartars
Aquitaine safety
allez c'est bien !! bonne décision! et on repart! aupa!
Ansilta Viento Andino
quiero saber como van!!!! por favor!!! vamos equipo!! fuerza!!! uds, pueden!!!! vamos argentina!!!!
Ansilta Viento Andino
quiero saber como van!!!! por favor!!!
Aquitaine safety
C'est bien, vous restez calmes et lucides. Pour cette 1ère crevaison, ne vous inquiétez pas, on se charge de Lolo T.
Alleeezzz !!!
Aquitaine safety
Courage et bienveillance à l'équipe pyrénéenne de Xavouille !
Que la force soit en vous !
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Salut les fifous(un mot que vient d'inventer Pierre-Louis pour vous).
Donnez-vous à fond et faites vous plaisir,ne lachez rien. Attention Anne, gardes en quand même un peu pour nous entraîner à la CO et au VTT....dixit Pierre-Louis.
Une énorme pensée et plein plein de courage.
Grosses bises ardéchoises. Juliette, Pierre-Louis et Cécile
Aquitaine safety
tous derrière vous!!! go go go!! muxu
Aquitaine safety
Bon maintenant c'est droit devant, fini l'attente, plus besoin de cogiter juste avancer (en cogitant un peu quand même) et surtout faites vous plaisir et profitez, profitez, nous on stressera pour vous La bise Stéf
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bonjour Mme Simon,
Bon courage, soyez prudente.
Je vais vous suivre jour après jour avec le GPS.
Je suis impatiente de voir des photos.
A bientôt Maëla
Aquitaine safety
Et c'est parti. Tout le monde pousse derrière vous
On vous souffle toute notre admiration et énergie
Énorme pensée pour toute l équipe
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Les bidartars
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Grosse pensée pour l'équipe avec une dédicace à Christine !!
Vous devez être en plein dedans, on pense fort à vous derrière nos bureaux et avec la vue sur la grisaille parisienne!!
Go go, go !!!
Aquitaine safety
Salut toute l équipe!!!! Pas trop de stress sur la ligne du départ ? Parce qu' ici à bloc !!! Le maître a dit qu' il allait vous suivre !! Je vous souhaite bonne chance si vous êtes sur la ligne il y a plus qu à envoyer !!!Allez Aquitaine Safety!!!!!!' Romain
Peaklife Sport
Salut toute l équipe!!!! Pas trop de stress sur la ligne du départ ? Parce qu' ici à bloc !!! Le maître a dit qu' il allait vous suivre !! Je vous souhaite bonne chance si vous êtes sur la ligne il y a plus qu à envoyer !!!Allez Aquitaine Safety!!!!!!'Romain
Peaklife Sport
Salut toute l équipe!!!! Pas trop de stress sur la ligne du départ ? Parce qu' ici à bloc !!! Le maître a dit qu' il allait vous suivre !! Je vous souhaite bonne chance si vous êtes sur la ligne il y a plus qu à envoyer !!!Allez Aquitaine Safety!!!!!!'Romain
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Que de temps passé dans les transports pour atteindre cette ligne de départ. Une véritable course d 'endurance.GArder ce bonheur jusqu'à la fin.REvenez tous en pleine forme.
D'énormes pensées pour mon pti coeur et ses copains ... revenez-nous en entier !!! soyez prudents , amusez vous, profitez a max . Des bisous d'encouragement ...
Allez mon p'tit, soit fort, toi et toute ton équipe, fait toi plaisir, profite bien ET revient nous en forme, on a besoin de toi. Biz
Aquitaine safety
Après la peinture...les plantations!....enfin vous y voilà!!
Eclatez vous;..courage....on est derrière et on vous envoie de l'energie...
Courrez ;..volez...pas trop haut, hein?!..:-)et à fond on vous guette à l'arrivée....
Gros bisous de Normandie
Aquitaine safety
Allez cette fois c'est parti!!! je suis de tout coeur avec vous!!! dépassez vous! et surtout éclatez vous !!!
Je vous embrasse tous et un gros bisous à Rachel!! La frangine!!
Aquitaine safety
Ca y est c'est parti les choses sérieuses vont commencer prenez du plaisir, pas de photos vous n'aurez pas le temps mais faîtes le plein de souvenirs (et que des beaux s'il vous plaît)
@+ la fierté des Béarnais !
Aquitaine safety
A DOm et ses co-équipiers,
De tout coeur avec vous dans cette belle aventure ! Je vous envoie mon énergie pour vous aider à traverser vos moments difficiles.
Il me tarde de voir vos sourires et votre joie à l'arrivée !!!
Aquitaine safety
A Dom et ses co-équipiers,
De tout coeur avec vous dans cette aventure ! Je vous donnerais bien mon énergie pour vous aider dans les moments difficiles...
Il me tarde de voir vos sourires à l'arrivée !
Bon courage Didier et à ton équipe également, te fait pas trop mal ! On a encore des matchs à jouer.
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Le départ est proche, partez molo sur la première section de VTT surtout si il fait bien chaud, le corps a besoin de s'habituer :-). On va vous suivre heure par heure alors faites nous vibrer!!! Djé
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
C'est le grand jour!!!!
On est tous derrière vous, ce que vous allez vivre et faire relève juste de l'exploit alors surtout faites vous plaisir, prenez en plein les yeux pour nous.
go go go et ne lachez rien
Aquitaine safety
Allez , le grand jour est enfin arrivé ! Profitez à fond de cette superbe aventure! Faites attention à vous ! On est plus que jamais avec vous pour vous soutenir et vous encourager et même ramer avec vous s il le faut! Grosses bises! Lahiri family
Aquitaine safety
Allez Tcho, Xav, JLuc et Rachel
On vous souhaite une bonne derniere nuit et beaucoup de plaisir pour ces quelques jours intenses et certainement magiques.
Merde des Tourne
Aquitaine safety
Allez renard!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
le départ est proche, soyez fort bon courage à tous les quatre, on pense très fort à vous. ATTENTION au bébêttes et crocos.Bisous à tous les quatre.
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Sur le site de la course, je viens de voir que votre GPS est en marche. On peut donc voir votre position...
Départ dans 12 heures. A bientôt Maëla
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
slt a tous je vous souhaite un bon raid et profiter bien du paysage faire une bonne place s'est bien mais arrivé tous au bout s'est mieux cool les tof et la vidéo garder toujours le sourire même quand s'est dur grosse pensé pour pat .
Aquitaine safety
Allez,dernier soir pour nous pour vous parler avant le Raid
Courage à vous quatre,on vous suit de près,on pense très fort à vous,soyez prudents. Tout le monde est à la même enseigne,il faut vous dire ça et c'est beau d'être arrivés là
Bisous bisous les petits Mamie JO
Baba Orientaring Belgium
Salut les voyageurs. Mis à part les serpents et les crocodiles, tout cela a l'air tres alléchant. Pierre, n'oublie pas de tirer Carine en vtt, t'as de bonnes jambes et puis 150 km plat, même paralysé je le fais...
Seb et Dan: gaffe à la balise 5!
Bonne merde, on pense beaucoup à vous
Aquitaine safety
C'est les PRN qui vous encourage dans cette épreuve oh combien exceptionnelle. Profitez bien de cet environnement et, c'est sûr, vous allez trouver toute l'énergie pour bien arriver. Allez Xav et toute ton équipe. A-M et J
Aquitaine safety
Bonjour tout le monde de Normandie !! contente que les problèmes soient résolus (vélos et sac). Vous avez meilleur mine que l'arrivée ... Rachel, je savais pas que tu aimais la bière, peut-être que ça, comme à Bali ... Il faut s'adapter, MDR... Courage pour demain et surtout faites attention à vous. Je sais que vous allez donner le max, On est tous derrière vous. Gros bisous à vous 4 et particulièrement à la p'tite sœur. Karine an Co
Alleez, go, go les frenchies,gardez vous des serpents et autres crocodiles...gloups ! on est derrière vous !
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bonjour Mme Simon,
Attention aux serpents et aux crocodiles. J' espère que vous avez bien profité de la jolie parade. La course commence dans 18h30.....
A Bientôt Maëla
Le Kinesium Villeneuve vous suit ! Courage bonne course éclatez vous et vivez cette aventure a 200%
Aquitaine safety
Dernière nuit , avant le top restez vigilants ouvrez bien vos yeux
Vive les bonbons d une marque célèbre ...
Toute la famille est avec vous du matin au soir on se relaie devant la tablette à l affut ...
Aura Aquitaine safety
Stéph Sarah Samuel Faustine nico
Baba Orientaring Belgium
On vous suit comme on peut d'ici. Prenez soin de vous...ai un petit pincement au coeur là...mais bon, il annonce du vtt plat: pfff, un peu nul ça non? ;c) Steph
Bonne fin de préparation pour votre folle équipée. Prenez-en plein les yeux (mais pas de trop près concernant les serpents, hein Jérôme ?) et plein les jambes pour aller au bout de ces 9 jours de course. COURAGE !!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
Allez les Issy Aventuriens ! Que la force soit avec vous pour cette longue course ! go go go ! Aurel
profitez de la chaleur, des paysages, et prenez soin de vous ainsi que de votre partenaire féminine.
bisous a tous on est avec vous!!!!
Issy Aventure -Withspirit.fr
allez les loulous, y a beaucoup de kayak avec vos péniches ... Va falloir avoir des bras en acier !!! Gros trek en altitude au milieu (92 km et 4000 de D+) j'espère que vous pourrez le faire en grande partie de jour ...
bonne fin de prépa
Aquitaine safety
Salut toute l'équipe j'espère que tout se passe bien. ON EST DÉJÀ SCOTCHÉ A LA TABLETTE Alors que la cource n' a pas commencé!!!!! on aimerait être avec vous .On vous souhaite bon appétit !!!Gros bisou !!!!!
Aquitaine safety
Ravie de vous voir en train de vous occuper de vos vélos, ça doit soulager d'avoir récupéré toutes les affaires manquantes! Et d'être sûr d'avoir de quoi manger pendant l'épreuve! Vu les photos d'hier, ça n'avait pas l'air de vous stresser plus que ça, ou alors vous étiez en train de noyer votre chagrin dans la bière... Alors attention aux serpents locaux, aux ravins et autres pièges, profitez et revenez-nous en ayant tout donné et terminé cette super course incroyable... Big bisous à Rachel, et plein d'encouragements pour tous les 4! Marie
La famille est en transe , soulagée d apprendre que tout est enfin arrivé
Ce soir Mac do ( sans coca Rachel ) avec Thierry et les filles
Énormes bisous à tous
Et a fond
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Aquitaine safety
Coucou tout le monde !! Je commence déjà a vous suivre et je suis contente que les problèmes des vélos et du sac soient bientôt résolus ! Courage pour le raid et surtout profitez bien des paysages, je regarderais les actualités! Gros bisous à tout le monde et gros bisous papa je pense très fort à toi et je t'aime très fort.
Aquitaine safety
Allez Jean-Luc fais parler la poudre!
On suit votre périple et on vous envoie tous nos encouragements de la part de la famille,
Profite bien de cette superbe aventure.
Au fait tu sais cuisiner le serpent depuis le Vietnam non?
Xav,Val,Carla et Anouk
Aquitaine safety
Vous nous avez menti; ce sont les Férias de San-José ??! On arrive !!!
Aquitaine safety
Bonne chance le BOF, tu es dans l'équipe gagnante.... Alors fonce comme d'hab ! Mais fais attention à toi, pas d'imprudences, pas de blessures parce qu'on a besoin de toi pour la pose des gouttières de la petite maison au retour !!! LOL surtout parce qu'on T'AIME !!!.
Nos encouragements à toute l'équipe.
Ta Famille : les K'NEVEZ
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
J'ai lu que toutes les équipes étaient bien arrivées. Le départ est donc proche.
Bon courage.
Aquitaine safety
Bonsoir, le lien endorphine depuis le site de l'école de rugby de JOSBAIG ou joue Romain le fils de dominique; ce petit message pour encourager toute l'équipe qui en aura bien besoin durant ces sept jours.On se charge de faire passer le message au plus grand nombres de personnes de notre côté.Profitez de chaque instants. N'hallucinez pas trop et bonne course aux Basco-Béarnais. Aupa Aquitaine safety a suivre....
Aquitaine safety
On est tous derriere toi Xavouille profitez bien de chaque moment biz de Saintes Didine
Allez Bruno, Cyril et vos deux coéquipiers ....Je vous suis depuis le centre de la France - Montluçon....Comme d'Hab, gérez bien votre départ et tenez bon la seconde partie pour finir à 4,beaucoup à ce moment là auront déjà jeté l'éponge.... BON COURAGE -----TENEZ BON LE CAP ------
Aquitaine safety
Coucou papa,c'est nous, on espere que vous allez bien et surtout que vous avez récupéré le sac de nourriture car c'est le plus important pour vous !!
Et le moral dit Nina ???
On vous aime très très très très FORT et on pense très très très très FORT a vous tous et a toi papa en particulier.
Courage papa,tes blagues rigolotes nous manquent déjà et toi aussi en même temps !!!
Très gros bisous des filles de Xavier et maman Anne + mamie Jo
Aquitaine safety
J espère que tout va bien se passer ... Les embrouilles commencent même avant la course...on stresse pour vous ! Gros bisous Romain
Aquitaine safety
Reposez vous bien avant la course! Il faut que vous soyez forts !!!!!! Bonne chance à tous! Manon
Aquitaine safety
Reposez vous bien avant la course! Il faut que vous soyez forts !!!!!! Bonne chance à tous! Manon
Bon et bien vous devez etre dans l'avion .... hate de vous voir arriver.Vous souhaite bon courage et profitez au max et surtout prenez soins de vous ... Milles bisous a mon ti coeur et un bisous aux autres !!!
Aquitaine safety
Aller Tata, tu vas y arriver, je vais y arriver MDR courage, j'en chie aussi
Aquitaine safety
Bon courage Rachel de tout cœur avec toi et bonne chance bisous dedee
Bon courage Rachel de tout cœur avec toi et bonne chance bisous dédée
Aquitaine safety
Salut à tous
Reposez vous bien j espère que vous allez récupérer le sac manquant
Sarah Samuel et faustine ont une grosse pensée pour leur prof de surf
Et Stéphanie et moi on vous embrasse tous
Vous êtes les plus forts jean Luc je compte sur toi pour évacuer le stress de Xavier pour les serpents
Régalez vous a fond
Aupa aquitaine safety
Aquitaine safety
Allez, profitez bien de cette fantastique expérience... et surprenez nous / vous !
Aquitaine safety
Des encouragements bretons pour vous...
Récupérez bien du voyage, avant de vous lancer dans l'aventure que nous n'allons pas manquer de suivre en live!
En espérant que les vélos et le sac de repas vont vite vous retrouver...
Marie, Séb et les filles
Aquitaine safety
Allez les gars Le Costa Rica va vous sourire à condition de bien transpirer!
Jean Luc on te fait confiance pour nettoyer la piste s'il y a des serpents ou des tapirs! Eclatez-vous bien,
Bonne bourre!
Aquitaine safety
J'espère que votre moral n'est pas trop affecté par la perte du sac!!
Allez courage nos Champions !!!
Aquitaine safety
A fond avec vous, une belle aventure se prépare! On va s'accrocher à Endorphing et vous suivre de prés :), gros Bisous Rachel. et que le Vent Normand vous pousse à la victoire !!! JC Karine Méghan Valentin Greg
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
J' ai vu qu' il y avait des difficultés avec les vols et le transfert des VTT.
J' espère que pour votre équipe tout va bien.
Aquitaine safety
a fond et lachez rien!
dom la bière n'attend pas...enfin un peu mais pas trop!
Aquitaine safety
vus faites comme d'hab vous démarrez à fonds et après vous accélérez pas de regrets profitez de tous les moments c'est unique ce challenge .
Faites vous plaisir et faites nous plaisir .
Je vais vous suivre depuis la réunion et oui les futurs retraites commencent à s'entraîner à ne rien faire .
Bises à vous tous et toi Xav tu donne l'exemple
René et Odile
Aquitaine safety
Aquitaine Safety, on est à fond et de tout coeur avec vous ! On va passer 15 jours accro à endorphinmag !
Aquitaine safety
Allez,mon petit Xav prends soin de toi,ça ne va pas être facile!!
J'ai Jeanne et Nina demain jusqu'à samedi soir et on tâchera de venir sur le Site voir les commentaires!!!
Mes amitiés à toute l'équipe et bisous pour toi
Mamie JO
Aquitaine safety
Déjà une belle photo de vous grâce à Stephane de Camp et à Beatrice, c'est bon de vous voir à l'aéroport, nous seront ravis de découvrir vos vélos demain!!
Les filles Lumpert
Aquitaine safety
Aupa Aquitaine safety
Bon courage donner tout lâcher rien
Belle équipe qui force le respect
Et c est parti pour une formidable aventure sportive et humaine
Tout mes encouragements
Aupa team Aquitaine safety camp
Aquitaine safety
ggggaaazzzzz du début jusqu'au bout,mierda a todos,xav tu seras plus detendu aprés le départ,bonne course
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bonsoir Mme Simon,
J' espère que le voyage c' est bien passé, demain Madrid.
Reposez vous bien avant le départ.
Aquitaine safety
Xav., on pense tous à vous, bonne bourre à toute l'équipe. On vous suit...!
AUPA Béarn eta Euskadi...!
Je te souhaite une bonne course Didier !
Pleins de pensées pour toi et ton équipe
Have fun ;) !
Intersport Mc Kinley Raid In France
Bonjour Mme Simon,
Je vous souhaite une très très bonne course.
Je vous suivrais tout au long du RAID.
A bientôt
Baba Orientaring Belgium
Allè la Belgique, régalez vous!!
pascal tu es formidable....régalez vous et bonne course, l’Ardèche est avec vous .